Fault of distrust between the US and Europe; Why does Trump humiliate allies?
, International Group : One of the issues that attracts him as his presidential period, who is interested in insulting him from the leaders. They do. This is the issue of Trump’s constant approach in the first term of presidency and during his meetings with most of the world leaders.
Trump’s history of humiliating world leaders
Trump has taken an insult to world leaders since the beginning of his first presidency. According to the New York Times in year 2, Trump has only insulted 2 people and places on Twitter from May 1-8. Trump has targeted domestic and foreign officials for insulting and humiliating. Trump nominated General James Matthews, who was US Secretary of Defense in the 2-1 years, the world’s most valuable general. Also, when a number of Republicans criticized Trump during impeachment investigations, he called them a vicious.
Trump in April has blamed Putin for supporting Bashar al-Assad for the death of women and children. He also called Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua the trickery of tyranny. At the June 7 summit, Trump called Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau very honest and weak. At the same meeting, he threw a candy to Angela Merkel, then -German leader, and said, “Don’t say I will never give you anything.” In an interview with the Sun newspaper, Trump also said that Prime Minister Theresa Mi See was destroyed. The US president also tweeted after Macron’s proposal to form a single European army: “Emanuel suffers from very low popularity in France.”
This approach has also sparked the reaction of politicians in other countries in many cases. Australian ambassador to the United States Kevin Rad said of Trump in 2008: “He is the most devastating president in history to plunge America and democracy.” “She is a sociologist who hates a woman and sympathizes with the neo -nazis and is a profound threat to the international order,” said British Foreign Minister David Lami. Former Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Slbsborn said about Trump after the January 9 uprising in the United States. Croatian President Zoran Milanovic also said in year 6: “Trump has ruined everything.
Increasing the humiliation approach in the present period
However, in the last few weeks when Trump’s second term, his insult to world leaders has become more intense. “Lack of recent Trump’s recent cohesion and negative emotions are things that I think are remarkable,” Robert Culand of Kansas University of Kansas studies political rhetoric over the past few weeks. There is almost no discussion of politics now. The insults have been replaced by somehow. ”
In a few weeks of his presidency, Trump has repeatedly insulted people and officials and other countries in the few weeks of his presidency. He insulted the former US president in a speech while Biden was sitting shortly. He also called Latin American immigrants life and fugitives from mental hospitals and said in an interview: “Many criminals have infiltrated our country and we must return them to their countries.”
In addition, Canadian and Mexican officials also cited his approach to their countries as stupid and offensive in response to Trump’s tariffs. Trump’s most offensive aspect of a dispute with Ukrainian President Zelnski has ever appeared in the White House. Trump appeared in an offensive tone and accused Zelnski of ungrateful and said, “You have to be more appreciated! “Either you agree with the peace agreement, or we are aside.” He called for more appreciation and acceptance of the cease -fire agreement by emphasizing that Ukraine would not be able to survive Putin without US support.
reasons for Trump’s approach
narcissistic character
One reason for this approach is Trump’s personality. Research psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton, referring to Trump’s narcissism, believes that for him the only reference point is himself. His treatment of another family to his tenants, political rivals, the victims of the Los Angeles fire, and the displaced people of Gaza, not only indicate a lack of empathy, but also indicate emotional blindness. The important point that this psychiatrist has been reminded is that Trump enjoys humiliating others; Because this keeps him in the center of the scene.
First US return
The US continues to partner with the international system with the aim of achieving direct and national interests, not supporting Washington’s allies, in Trump’s era. The origin of Trump’s foreign policy is to pursue US economic superiority policy. The issue of Ukraine has shown well that if Trump feels more economic interests, he is willing to ignore Russia’s violation of international regulations. The minor approach and even insulting the leaders of the state because it is a superpower from the President’s point of view, allowing Trump not to be of little importance to the long -term geopolitical developments and the continuation of the relationship with the main partners.
result; Increased fault between America and allies
The result of this approach is the increase of the fault of mistrust between the United States and allies, especially the Europeans. Trump’s offensive, unpredictable and unpredictable personality has made the most uncertain and doubt foreign leaders about American policies and goals. In his article in Farren Polisia on February 3, Stephen Walt described Trump’s remarks about Canada, the Panama Channel and Greenland as an important factor in US superiority to neighboring and united countries. Meanwhile, Trump’s approach is now conveying the message to allies that the next country may be threatened by Trump.
He, referring to joint actions and meetings between the heads of Mexico, Panama, Canada and the European Union, warned of their joint response to Trump’s tariff policy, which will bring Trump’s approach closer to China. He also stressed that this behavior in the long run increased worldwide resistance to the United States. In his view, the United States should not seek any opportunity to humiliate weaker countries or their leaders. Other countries must be convinced that Washington will fulfill its promises.
Sajjad Moradi Clard; International Relations Researcher