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Conversation Former Gaza Health Minister: More than half of the hospitals in the Gaza Strip have been completely destroyed

In a conversation with Tasnim, Bassem Naim, the former health minister of the Gaza government, while explaining the latest humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip after the Zionist regime's attacks on America and the country's support for Tel Aviv at the international level, as a document of Washington's complicity in crimes against He remembered the Palestinians.
– International News

According to the international group of Tasnim news agency, Bassem Naim, the former minister of health of Gaza, in a special conversation with Tasnim news agency answered the questions of Tasnim reporter about the latest developments in Gaza after Israel’s aggression. Beit Hanoun was born in the Gaza Strip. This Palestinian doctor previously held the responsibility of the Ministry of Health, Youth and Sports in the first and second governments of Ismail Haniyeh respectively. He also became a member of the foreign relations office of the Hamas movement in 2012.
Dr. Naeem, who has been in charge of medicine at Shafai Hospital in the Gaza Strip for many years, in 2010 and during the siege of Gaza, his wife died due to illness. lost to cancer The text of this conversation will be presented to the audience.

Question Dear Mr. Dr. Bassem Naim, the former minister of health of the government of Gaza, thank you for accepting the invitation of Tasnim News Agency. If possible, have an explanation about the latest developments of the war and the human and spiritual condition of the people of Gaza after the October 7 attack. October continues so far. In Gaza, on the one hand, we witness the stability and resistance of our compatriots who are not willing to leave their land under any circumstances and support the resistance forces until they achieve complete victory. On the other hand, we are witnessing the scene of heroic struggles, brave and alert resistance forces, and every day we see the successes and achievements of the resistance on satellite networks and media. broadcasts and claims that the resistance forces are small and cannot be compared with Israel’s capabilities. However, as a result of the attacks of the resistance forces, a large number of enemy soldiers have been injured and the resistance has inflicted many blows on the enemy.

The next scene is the dire and catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. The hardships that people endure. The enemy is conducting operations against the Palestinian people. It has created a military war using drones and tanks and…against the people and has committed all the cases that are considered crimes against humanity. Among these crimes are the siege, starving the people of Gaza, power outages, communication bans, and drug shortages, which are aimed at closing hospitals, mosques, schools, and churches.

The enemy with this Actions cannot make people regret living and staying in Gaza. We are in contact with those in Gaza. I myself contacted the people and the fact is that the majority are living in famine and hunger. There are many families who have not eaten anything for two or three days, they have neither bread nor food.

In addition to these infectious diseases among people in schools, hospitals, etc. It has spread. There are a large number of wounded and dead in the hospitals, which are beyond the capacity of the hospitals in the south of Gaza, because the hospitals in the north of the country were completely out of service. Hospitals in southern Gaza are not able to accept this volume of wounded and sick people, as a result of this process, many people die and this humanitarian disaster cannot be controlled.

Many Arab-Islamic organizations And human rights are trying to prove that there is no justification for Israel’s anti-human actions. Even “Francesca Albanese”, human rights reporter in the Palestinian territories, said that Israel’s mass killing in the Gaza Strip is done with the approval and permission of the world.

Question: What statistics do you currently have on the number of victims, including patients, children and the elderly, due to fuel and electricity cuts and preventing medicine from reaching Gaza hospitals? ? How many victims have been so far?

More than 20,500 people have been martyred so far. We are also talking about 55,000 wounded, about 5,000 or 6,000 of whom are in serious condition and need immediate treatment. Two thirds of these martyrs and injured are women and children. The occupiers have completely destroyed more than 65,000 buildings or residential houses, and more than 290,000 to 300,000 buildings have also been partially damaged. The enemy has destroyed about 107 mosques. Three churches were partially destroyed.

A number of schools and other institutions were also destroyed. The enemy has arrested more than 500 Palestinians since October 7th, and has detained about 1,000 of these people in Gaza and inside hospitals, shelters, and schools. This is in a situation where no statement or news has been published in this regard. Even some human rights organizations and international institutions have said that those who were kidnapped and arrested from Gaza; They have been executed in public.

The occupying Israeli regime also resolutely refuses to hand over those it has arrested because it seems that it has executed and made them martyrs.


Question: About the number of hospitals that were severely destroyed or partially damaged , have you received statistics?

Of course, we have little information about this. However, there are approximately 60 public and private hospitals in Gaza. There are 35 hospitals in the north of Gaza, all of which have been out of service either due to the enemy’s direct bombardment with war drones or due to the lack of access to medicine, food, lack of fuel, power outages, etc.

In the north of Gaza, hospitals are closed and no hospital is currently operating, despite the serious and infectious diseases that have killed people. In the south of Gaza, there are several public and private hospitals that are still operating. But these hospitals are currently under a lot of pressure. Firstly, because the hospital environment has become contaminated and unsuitable, and secondly, due to the large number of injured and hospitalized patients, some hospitals have become shelters for Palestinian refugees, so that dozens of refugees have settled inside the hospital yard or area. /p>

Another problem is that water and food do not reach these hospitals. The power is out and communication equipment is not available. Therefore, even the hospitals in southern Gaza have requested help from the spokesperson of the Ministry of Health to prevent the complete collapse of the health system of the hospitals and to intervene immediately.

Question: Since Israel attacked northern Gaza, it has also targeted Gaza hospitals, including Shefa Hospital. on the pretext that Hamas is carrying out military and weapons activities in this hospital. So he entered the hospital with his tanks, cut off the electricity and water, and forced premature babies out of the hospital, causing death, destruction and horrific crimes. Don’t you think that today, after it became clear that no military activities were carried out in the hospitals, contrary to Israel’s claims, you should file a complaint with international organizations and the World Health Organization to punish Israel for this crime? Or do you think that international organizations or the World Health Organization should at least punish Israel for these lies?


The Zionist regime has been committing war crimes day and night for 75 years. Strategically, Israel has besieged the Gaza Strip for the past 17 years, and the siege is actually a war crime and a collective crime. Any type of attack by the Zionist regime, whether by destruction or by aerial bombardment, including the bombing of schools, universities, hospitals, mosques, churches, and the destruction of people’s homes, all of these actions are war crimes committed by Israel. The Zionists want to continue their crime and ask the international community to support them.

We are witnessing how the world works in our favor. About 135 countries have voted to stop Israeli aggression. But America abstained and wants to undermine this international consensus, and when the legal authorities voted to file a lawsuit against Israel and its leaders in the International Court of Justice, it vetoed it.

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The International Court of Justice has forgotten dozens of documents that it has had for years regarding the siege and war crimes in Gaza in 2008, 2012 and 2014 and does not show any reaction. As we said, Israel’s crimes are completely clear and proven. The problem is that some Western countries support and help Israel.

At this point, America has exceeded the level of international support and has become a direct partner of Israel. The officers of the American army are sitting in the council of war around the clock. The President of the United States, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State, the National Security Advisor, their drones, security and intelligence agencies have all formed a war council together. This shows that America is a partner in Israel’s crimes against the people of Gaza. Therefore, as long as Israel has such supporters, these aggressions will not end. On the contrary, Israel will destroy Gaza and seek the support of the world.

We know that if we make a mistake, it will be revealed quickly, but by committing all these crimes, Israel will destroy Gaza. razed to the ground, yet with the support of countries, he continues his crimes and asks the international community to support him.

Yes, we stand by our rights and submit all our documents to the international court We will refer and the day will come when we will make America’s war crimes known to the world.

end of message/


Publisher Tasnim News
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