Riyadh and Doha’s reaction to the brutal attacks of the Zionist regime to Gaza

The ministry emphasized in its statement that protecting Palestinian civilians against the cruel Zionist war machine is essential.
Saudi Arabia also emphasized the importance of the need for the international community’s urgent action to fulfill its responsibilities and intervene to stop these crimes.
Saudi Foreign Ministry emphasized that ending the overwhelming suffering of the Palestinian people should be a priority.
, on the other hand, the Qatari Foreign Ministry also strongly condemned the Zionist regime’s action.
the ministry considered this a clear challenge against international wills of peace and warned that the occupiers’ offensive policies would eventually lead to the flame of the area and threaten its security.
Qatar’s Foreign Ministry emphasized the urgent importance of resuming dialogue for the implementation of the ceasefire process and noted that the catastrophic human situation in Gaza has reached its unprecedented stage in history that requires international action.
The ministry once again emphasized Qatar’s sustainable stance on the issue of Palestine and its nation’s right to form its country based on boundaries.