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The Iranian ambassador criticized the silence of the European Union regarding the massacre of the Palestinian people

The ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Belgium, while criticizing the positions of Europe and the United States regarding the situation in Gaza, said: The European Union always presents itself as the defender of human rights, but now it is silent about the massacre of Palestinians.

According to the foreign policy group of Fars news agency, Gholamhossein Dehghani, the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Belgium today (Monday) on November 22, during a press conference with the ambassadors of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Brussels, criticized the stance of The Europeans responded to the attacks of the Zionist regime on Gaza.

He said: In the last 30 days, we have witnessed the application of double standards by the European Union, America and many European countries. Although the people of Europe are shouting in the streets from America to Europe to Australia and demanding a cease-fire, unfortunately, Western decision-makers do not listen and do not care about the people’s wishes.

Iran’s ambassador, while strongly criticizing America’s positions regarding the crimes of the Zionist regime in Gaza, said: America has acted so biased that even some of its regional allies do not consider this country worthy of mediation. .

Dehghani emphasized that the European Union always presents itself as the defender of human rights, but now it is silent about the massacre of Palestinians and by not condemning the crimes of the Zionist regime, it is actually supporting the crimes of this regime. acts

He demanded to change the position of the European Union and take practical measures to stop the attacks of the Zionist regime.

Dehghani also referred to the recent statement of the Organization of Cooperation In condemning the attacks of the Zionist regime, Islami emphasized that despite the clear and clear position of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, practical measures are needed in the current crisis to force the criminal regime to stop the bloodshed.

He added: until the Zionist regime does not feel real pressure from the international community and until it does not find itself accountable for its crimes and enjoys the privilege of impunity for its actions, It will not stop this genocide.

Referring to the recent statement of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Iranian ambassador called for an immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza and emphasized: the member countries of this organization and other countries They should use the available tools to put pressure on the Zionist regime to stop committing crimes.

end of message/


publisher Fars news agency
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