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Amir Abdollahian in Geneva and trying to stop the genocide in Gaza

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran continued the efforts to stop the crimes of the Zionists in Gaza and the need to accelerate the sending of humanitarian aid to the people of this region, during his stay in Geneva, he held consultations.

According to the report of Fars News Agency correspondent in Geneva, in continuation of the consultations and efforts of the Islamic Republic of Iran to stop the genocide in Gaza and accelerate the sending of humanitarian aid to the people of this region and lifting the blockade of Gaza, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian At the head of a delegation, he traveled to Geneva in order to consult with a number of officials of the United Nations and the International Red Cross about the current situation in Palestine. Diplomatic in connection with the Palestinian issue, especially the pursuit of sending humanitarian aid to the oppressed people of Gaza at international levels and consultation with these authorities. On Tuesday evening and before this trip, Amir Abdullahian and Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani, the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Qatar, discussed the continuation of the genocide in Gaza and the very critical humanitarian situation in a telephone conversation, and stressed the need to immediately stop the war crimes against Gaza and They emphasized immediate relief to the Palestinian people.

The first meeting in this trip, where Reza Najafi, Vice President of Legal and International Affairs, Nasser Kanani, Spokesperson, Marzieh Afkham, Director General of Women and Human Rights Affairs, and Esmail Baqaei Hamane, Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, accompanied Amir Abdollahian. before noon on Wednesday, November 24, and by attending the UN Headquarters in Geneva and meeting with “Martin Griffiths”, the UN Deputy Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs. In this meeting, which took place on the 40th day of the Al-Aqsa storm operation and the Zionists’ response to this operation by attacking Gaza and intensifying the siege of this region, Amir Abdullahian, referring to the deplorable human developments in Gaza as a result of the Zionist regime’s attacks, said that unfortunately the scope of the Zionist regime’s attacks It is spreading to Gaza and it is necessary to take immediate and effective measures to stop the attacks of the Zionist regime.


*There is no chance for the victory of the Zionist regime

The need to immediately send humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza was one of the other issues raised by Amir Abdullahian in this meeting, and he called the Zionist attacks on the citizens of Gaza revengeful and said that there is no chance for this regime to win. It does not exist in the war and only increases the costs of the American government as its biggest supporter and responsible for the continuation of the war. The request for a strong and urgent management of the United Nations in order to completely remove the blockade of the Rafah border and send humanitarian aid to Gaza was one of the other issues. which Amir Abdollahian mentioned.

Griffiths also called the issue of prisoners important and emphasized the need to find a solution for this issue, and he called it important to provide the basic needs of the people in Gaza, especially the issue of fuel. Griffiths also expressed his concern about the terrible condition of Shafa Hospital and described it as a tragedy. Expressing concern about the increase in the scope of the war in Gaza, he appreciated Iran’s efforts to prevent the expansion of the scope of the war in the region and the need to strengthen efforts to stop the war and end it. According to the information office of the Hamas government in Gaza, since the beginning of this war, 11,500 people have been martyred, of which 4,710 are children and 3,160 are women, and 3,640 have been killed so far. 1770 of them are children. During this period, 29,800 people have been injured, 70% of whom are women and children. /strong>

The head of the diplomatic service then came to the reporters and said about this trip: Today we are in Geneva and we are following the issue of sending humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. We have meetings in this regard with the officials of the United Nations and the World Red Cross.
He called the humanitarian situation in Gaza very unfortunate and said: “Unfortunately, in a situation where the Americans use all kinds of weapons, including phosphorous and prohibited weapons, on a daily basis. via Cyprus or directly from all their bases throughout the region to Tel Aviv, and these bombs are dropped on the oppressed and resistant people of Gaza, but for sending humanitarian aid, the United States has mostly taken the figure that we are looking to send humanitarian aid , but in practice nothing important happens.


Amir Abdullahian added: We heard quotes from the US foreign minister who said that we are looking for 500 aid trucks to enter Gaza every day, but with the follow-ups that have been carried out Every day, 25 or at most 40 trucks enter Gaza, three quarters of which are water and do not contain medicine, food and the basic needs of the people of Gaza. The foreign minister expressed hope that with the consultations In this trip and the good look of the UN Secretary General and his colleagues, it is possible to speed up the massive sending of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

*Eli Cohen also in Geneva

At the same time as Amir Abdollahian was in Geneva, “Eli Cohen”, the foreign minister of the Zionist regime, also came to Geneva, a trip that was Amir Abdollahian was also mentioned and said in this regard: Simultaneously with the visit of the foreign minister, the fake Israeli regime rushed to Geneva and brought some of the widows of the Israeli prisoners to Geneva to show them oppressors. Meanwhile, there are more than 6,000 Palestinian prisoners, including many women and children, in the prisons of the occupation regime. Three weeks ago, in the meeting we had with the political leader of Hamas in Doha, Mr. Haniyeh announced his agreement for the immediate release of the civilians who are with Hamas, but in the discussions and exchange of messages and efforts to stop the war in the region, the Israeli side So far, it has not accepted the conditions that would speed up the release of these prisoners and civilians who are in Gaza. On the contrary, this regime is trying to continue the war, killing and genocide in Gaza under this pretext.

Also, in continuation of his program and meetings in Geneva, the Minister of Foreign Affairs discussed and gave a speech with a number of UN officials, heads of humanitarian institutions, religious institutions, university professors and some ambassadors residing in Geneva about the current situation in Palestine. He answered their questions in this meeting. In this meeting, he called the Palestinian resistance a liberating and legitimate movement, not a terrorist group, and added: “There is no logic or basis for assigning the right of legitimate defense to the occupying regime.” Amir Abdollahian also stated: My presence in Geneva and in this meeting at the center of humanitarian dialogues and intensive consultations that I will have with some international organizations based in Geneva is in line with the fulfillment of the duty that, in addition to being the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, on behalf of the Iranian nation Based on the responsibility assigned by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, I take it upon myself.

The head of the diplomatic service said: The legal and moral standing and validity of international humanitarian law has been subjected to a very serious test. Let us not allow an occupying and apartheid entity to challenge and ridicule the dignity and credibility of international systems in the field of humanitarian rights.

* Meeting with the High Commissioner for Human Rights

The second meeting of the head of the diplomatic service was held in the afternoon. A meeting with Volker Turk, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, who had written a letter to Amir Abdollahian at the beginning of the Gaza war, and in this letter demanded the necessary measures to immediately stop the attacks of the Zionist regime on Gaza and to hold the rulers of this regime accountable to The reason was the crime against humanity and war crime. Of course, after that Ali Bagheri, the Political Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, during his trip to Geneva on Wednesday, November 10, while meeting with Volker Turk, asked him to immediately stop the killing of innocent Palestinian people and prevent further violations of human rights. Gaza should travel.


Amir Abdallahian, in a meeting with the High Commissioner for Human Rights, while appreciating his recent trip to the Rafah region and border, the purpose of his trip to Geneva and conducting consultations during this trip was to examine ways to end the human tragedy in Gaza. He read and said: Now, in addition to attacking residential areas in Gaza, attacking hospitals is also a priority of the Zionist regime, and the UN Security Council, due to the influence of some members in support of the Zionist regime, could not fulfill its role in stopping the war and ending it. act on this tragedy.

Amir Abdollahian also suggested that the Human Rights Council hold an extraordinary meeting to discuss and exchange opinions among UN member states to help find a solution. He also suggested that the Human Rights Council form a team of experts to document what the Zionist regime has done and is doing in Gaza.

The High Commissioner of Human Rights, while expressing his satisfaction with this meeting and referring to his recent trip to the Rafah region and border, called the humanitarian conditions in Gaza and even the West Bank very worrying and added : We must make maximum efforts to find a solution for this complex and deplorable situation and prevent the war from spreading and the situation from becoming more complicated. Spoliarik Iger” was done by the head of the International Red Cross. Of course, before this, at the beginning of the recent developments in Gaza, on October 18, he had a telephone conversation with Miriana Spoliarik Iger, head of the International Red Cross.


Amir Abdullahian considered the International Red Cross to be a part of the solution in conflicts and added: The International Red Cross with its capacities can provide aid to Gaza in the field of prisoners and also other humanitarian issues in Gaza. play an effective role. The head of the International Committee of the Red Cross also thanked Iran for trusting the committee and helping to fulfill its missions.

Considering the complexity of the situation in Gaza, he demanded the help of Iran and other countries to successfully carry out the humanitarian tasks of the Red Cross and added: “Understanding the sensitivity of the situation, we will do our best.” We will work to reduce human suffering.

Amir Abdollahian’s last program on Wednesday in Geneva was a meeting with “Gir Pederson”, the UN Secretary General’s special representative for Syrian affairs. Geir Pederson attended the Iranian delegation to the United Nations in Geneva on Wednesday night, and during this meeting, the latest political developments in Syria and ways to help solve the country’s problems were discussed.

Amir Abdullahian emphasized the continuation of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s assistance to the mission of the special representative of the Secretary General to help solve the problems of Syria and the need to support the Syrian government in the continuation of the fight against terrorism.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that the situation in Syria has become complicated due to the interventions of the United States and dozens of terrorist groups under the influence of these interventions continue to threaten the security of Syria. and also Griffiths to lift the economic sanctions against Syria. He explained the political process of this country and the constitutional committee and added that he will try to reduce tensions in Syria and expressed hope that the current developments in Palestine will not have a negative impact on the situation in Syria.

Amir Abdollahian previously and in line with the consultations to stop the crimes of the Zionists, had a telephone conversation with some colleagues and influential officials and wrote letters to some colleagues and officials, including the Secretary General of the United Nations (2 letters), and also made trips to the region. . Travel to Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Qatar, Saudi Arabia (in order to participate in the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Jeddah) and New York (participating in the meeting of the United Nations General Assembly) and the second round of trips to the region and presence in Qatar and Turkey. In addition, Ayatollah Seyed Ebrahim Raisi had a phone conversation with the leaders and some of his colleagues during this period, and during his trip to Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, he also discussed the issue of Gaza, and on November 20, he participated in the meeting of Arab and Islamic leaders in Riyadh and put forward 10 important proposals. .

As Nasser Kanani, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has mentioned before, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has taken a series of measures at the national, regional, Islamic, and Arabic levels. and international has started and continues these efforts.

Kanaani added: four main priorities were at the top of Iran’s priorities, first of all stopping the war and ending the military actions of the Zionist regime, The blockade and sending humanitarian aid to the people under the siege of Gaza and countering the coercive measures of this regime to relocate the Palestinian nation from the north of Gaza or outside of Gaza. We will seriously carry out and continue these efforts in the diplomatic field.

end of message/


publisher Fars news agency
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