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Note Al-Aqsa storm made Israel better known to America and Europe

At the same time that Israel's allies and lovers in Europe and America are shouting that the formation of the Palestinian state can better ensure Israel's security, Israel is shouting louder that it is not ready to accept anything called Palestine at all.

Fars News Agency International Group – Note; building an artificial island in the Mediterranean for the people of Gaza; Is it a strange idea? But it is real and it has angered the leaders of Europe very much.

The story is that, from the very beginning of the war against Gaza, America and Europe believed that the declared goals of the Israeli leaders for this war It is not realistic. The United States believed and still believes that the idea of ​​destroying Hamas in Gaza is not possible, and it can only be weakened by Hamas, then it decided for the political-security fate of the Gaza Strip and its two million population, with the help of (Arab and Western) allies.

Nearly 110 days have passed since the war and none of the two main goals of Israel (destroying Hamas and freeing the prisoners) has been achieved. At the same time, in Israel, for the day after the war, ideas are also raised; The idea of ​​who is in control of Gaza and its population, how to control it so that there is no danger to Israel. One of the ideas (some of which are very racist) is to evict the two million residents of the Gaza Strip out of the Gaza Strip. First, they said, settle part in Jordan and part in the Sinai desert of Egypt. Egypt and Jordan strongly opposed this idea. At the same time, the voices of the Europeans also raised their voices as to why such racist words are spoken at all. Because the forced migration of people is a clear war crime.

The Israelis even raised America’s voice. In news conferences, journalists question these issues and these positions of Israel, which are against international laws. Therefore, the spokespersons of the White House or the US State Department are repeatedly forced to emphasize that Israel should not talk about evicting the people of Gaza or even occupying Gaza, in order to show that the US does not support war crimes or racist positions.

These oppositions with Israel have increased so much that the European Union recently announced that it has decided to review a plan based on which some Israeli settlers in the West Bank would be sanctioned for violence against Palestinians. But this plan has not been voted due to the opposition of two European Union member countries. In addition, Israel’s opposition to the two-state solution has also angered the Europeans. “rtejustify”>On Monday, Brussels hosted the meeting of the European Union Foreign Ministers with the Israeli Foreign Minister. After the meeting, the anger of the European ministers grew even more, because they said that whatever they talked about the necessity of forming a Palestinian state, Israel’s Foreign Minister Katz did not pay any attention to it. They said that Monday’s meeting was a “deaf” meeting because the Israeli delegation did not listen to the words of the European ministers at all.

In this meeting, a surprising surprise was added to the anger of the European Union. . Because while the European foreign ministers tried to explain to the Israeli foreign minister that agreeing to the two-state idea is in the interest of Israel’s security, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz proposed a strange idea. He proposed to build an artificial island in the Mediterranean (west of the Gaza Strip) and move the residents of the Gaza Strip there! Finally, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel, in an official statement, rejected the words of the minister and said that this is not Israel’s official position. The ministry discredited the words of the minister!

However, Netanyahu emphasized several times this week that he does not accept anything called the idea of ​​forming a Palestinian state, and even to promote himself, with Iftikhar announced that the one who prevented the two-state idea in recent years was himself, not anyone else. Some American politicians should understand the truth of the positions of the Israeli regime better than in the past, or in other words, know Israel better and know what racist thoughts they are facing in the 21st century. The regime that wants to impose a country on West Asia based on ethnicity (which has been imposed for 75 years) is not only not satisfied with this, but also intends to send the rest of the Palestinian people to other countries or build an island and put them in the middle. to transport by sea.

Opposition to Israel is not only at the political and official level. Many cities in Europe, America and some other parts of the world have witnessed continuous demonstrations against Israel during the last three months on two weekends (Saturdays and Sundays). At the academic level, Harvard University announced Israel as the cause of the war in an official statement last October. In its kind, it was a rare phenomenon. In America, some sociologists talk about the emergence of “Generation Z”, “millennial generation” or a new group of young people who no longer accept the common stereotypes of the past few decades about Israel or anti-Semitism and do not even sympathize with Israel. has worried Jonathan Graubart, a professor of political science at the University of San Diego in California, said, “Now there is a big space to criticize Israel, even a big space to express opposition to Zionism,” the American publication Nation reported. When we were young, these words were rejected at the social level”.

Until last year, the anti-Iranian media in America and Europe talked about the Z generation protest in Iran, but Exactly one year later, the same phenomenon has worried the leaders and friends of Israel in America and Europe. The anti-Iranian security services are now busy with something that until last year they tried to stir up the situation inside Iran, but the same young generation has now become their concern.

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