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Sheikh Naeem Qassem: Iran’s position in supporting Palestine is honorable/ we can declare the victory of the resistance right now

Sheikh Naeem Qassem pointed out that the results of the Al-Aqsa storm have shown themselves very soon and we can declare the victory of the resistance even now. Iran's plan to deal with arrogance in the region is a lifesaver for everyone and Iran's position in supporting Palestine is honorable.
– International news

According to the international group Tasnim News Agency, Sheikh “Naim Qassem”, Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon, during a speech Regarding the rapid changes in the region after the Battle of al-Aqsa Storm, he announced that we can declare the victory of the resistance right now, and with the passage of time, it will be added to Israel’s failures. Everyone is in the region

Sheikh Naeem Qassem further pointed to the important role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the fight against arrogance and announced that today Iran, as an independent country, is free from the resistance of the nations of the region to reach It supports freedom and independence, and when Iran is on this path, how can we not be with it?

This Hezbollah official emphasized that Iran has extended its hand to cooperate with all countries in the region. This country also extended its hand to all liberation movements in the region so that we all unite to fight against arrogance and achieve freedom based on the main symbol of the compass of the free world, which is Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque. This is the plan presented by Iran, and this plan can save everyone in the region.

He pointed out that Iran is the main supporter of the oppressed Palestinian nation and the resistance in the region, stating that the resistance in Palestine rose today. And he raised the Al-Aqsa storm against the Zionist enemy, and this battle will have great results in the future stage, God willing. One of the most obvious results of the Al-Aqsa storm is the exposure of the weakness and incapacity of the occupying regime. This battle showed that if the West does not provide unlimited and continuous support to the Zionist regime, this regime will be completely destroyed and we need time to show the results of the Al-Aqsa storm battle with the liberation of the whole of Palestine from the occupiers, God willing.

Iran’s position in supporting Palestine is honorable

Sheikh Naeem Qassem added that the Islamic Republic of Iran has made sacrifices regarding the issue of Palestine and the issue of resistance and other issues in the region as well as all the free people of the world. He does a lot and never looks for points. Iran seeks that all the nations of the region can shape their future without the intervention of foreigners. We also have the right to stand by Iran and we emphasize that the Islamic Republic of Iran has never interfered in the internal affairs of any party. Iranians have always supported the Palestinian people and the resistance in the region, but they have never asked for anything or received anything in return. The Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah further stated that the belief of the Islamic Republic of Iran is that these people (Palestinian people) have the right They are liberating their land and building their future, and this nation should also be supported. This is a belief that we do not see in any of the big countries; That too at a time when oppression has engulfed the world. We are always ready to achieve our rights and defend future generations, and anyone who objects to Iran’s support for Palestine and the axis of resistance should know that this position of Iran in the era of arrogance and oppression of big countries is very honorable.

Sheikh Naim Qassem: Until the war in Gaza is stopped, the southern Lebanese front will not rest

Sheikh Naeem Qassem: Israel will be slapped hard if it thinks of large-scale aggression against Lebanon

Sheikh Naim Qassem: Until the aggression against Gaza stops, the Lebanese Front will remain open against Israel
Sheikh Naeem Qassem clarified, many blame us for supporting Gaza, but we tell them in response that supporting Gaza against Zionist criminals is a duty Every Arab and Muslim is and you have a duty to support Gaza. We ask these parties why you don’t do anything to support Gaza and don’t stand by it? Why don’t you cut your ties with the occupying regime? We are the ones who should ask you why you do not support Palestine, and neither you nor others have the right to ask us why we support Palestine. This is our right and anyone who believes in God Almighty will take a step in this way.

Right now we can announce the victory of the resistance

Our heartfelt belief is that the resistance and the heroic nation of Palestine will win. Today, about 4 months have passed since the war in Gaza, and we can announce the victory of the resistance right now, and as time passes, Israel’s defeats increase and the signs of the Palestinians’ victory become more obvious. Because the Palestinian people bravely and steadfastly stood up to the enemy and none of the crimes and brutalities of the enemy could break their will. It does not exist

Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah also yesterday in an interview with AlAkhbar newspaper. He pointed out and emphasized the repeated requests of Western delegations regarding the calming down of the southern Lebanese front, our answer to all these requests, both hidden and open, has been clear: first stop the war in Gaza, and then stop the war on the southern Lebanese front by itself. will be Because the Lebanese front has opened to support Gaza. Therefore, we do not discuss with anyone the steps to reach a ceasefire in Gaza; Because this is a completely Palestinian issue and we are not a part of it. Also, there is nothing that obliges us to stop our operations against the Zionist enemy before the aggression of this regime against Gaza is stopped. In this meeting, the German side announced its opinion about the aggression against Gaza and its reflection on Lebanon, and we also expressed our opinion, and this meeting was limited to exchanging opinions. Regarding the requests of the Zionists regarding the southern Lebanese front, we must also say that Israel can say whatever it wants, but our position is united and decisive, and we emphasize that we will not enter into any discussion about the southern Lebanese front before the complete cessation of aggression against Gaza.

The more the enemy’s aggression spreads, the more painful our response will be

Sheikh Naeem Qasim clarified, we are doing what is in the interest of our country and in response to Regarding the threats of the enemy, we have clearly said from the beginning that none of these threats can deter us from supporting Gaza and will not weaken our position. We are ready to respond to any aggression, and as the aggression of the Zionist enemy becomes more widespread, our response will be correspondingly bigger and more painful. In general, the certain point is that the threat of war and its expansion has no effect on our position in defense of Lebanon and the Palestinian people.

Israel’s life will not be long

He continued, Al-Aqsa storm was a completely Palestinian decision and we never wanted to know about it, but despite this, there will be no change in our position in supporting this operation. The region in the future will be completely different from what it was before October 7, 2023 (the start of the Al-Aqsa storm battle) and we are facing an occupying regime whose weaknesses have been revealed and everyone has understood that this regime will not last without the support of the West and the United States. And this proves that Israel’s life will not be long.

Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah emphasized, also the battle of al-Aqsa storm proved the unity and sincerity of the resistance axis of the Palestinian cause. Regarding the results of this battle at the regional level, we must also say that America’s position in the region will become very weak and the effect of its soft war will also be greatly reduced. Also, we will soon witness the emergence of movements, associations and groups that want the Arab and Islamic countries to reconsider their position on the Palestinian issue and the future of the region. In general, the Al-Aqsa storm battle played a big role in the return of the Palestinian issue to the top of the priorities and was an important step towards the liberation of this land.

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