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Kanani: The attack on the hospitals showed the brutality of the Israeli regime

In response to the targeting of hospitals by Zionist criminals, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated: The attack on Jordanian and Indonesian hospitals showed another manifestation of the regime’s aggression and brutality.

– International News

according to the foreign policy group Tasnim news, Nasser Kanani, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country, wrote on his personal page about the attacks of the Zionist regime on hospitals in Gaza: After the failure of the Israeli regime authorities to prove their false claims about the Shefa hospital, the army of this regime resumed its attacks on other hospitals in Gaza. took

He added: The attack on Jordanian and Indonesian hospitals showed another manifestation of the regime’s aggression and brutality.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated: Attacking hospitals is in conflict with all standards of human rights, international law and Geneva Conventions and makes the criminal nature of this regime more obvious to the world.

On the 43rd day of their military invasion of the Gaza Strip after the Al-Aqsa storm operation, the fighters of the Israeli regime targeted Al-Wafa Hospital in the center of Gaza. As a result of this attack, the head of this hospital was martyred and several They were injured.

Israeli regime fighters bombarded areas in the north of Gaza, and in response to these attacks, Saraya al-Quds targeted the positions of the Zionist army inside and outside Gaza.

Palestine’s Safa news agency reported that Dr. Medhat Muhaisen, the head of Al-Wafa Hospital for the Elderly, was martyred as a result of the bombardment of the said hospital in the city of Al-Zahra, located in the center of the Gaza Strip, and a number of other Doctors and refugees have also been injured.

The spokesperson of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Gaza announced in an interview with Al-Jazeera that so far more than 200 medical and treatment staff have been killed in the attacks. The Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip was martyred and more than 450 others were injured.

Forty-third day of “Aqsa storm” | Martyrdom of Al-Wafa Hospital head / downing of the Zionist drone by Hezbollah / bombing of Khan Younes with 26 martyrs
Repetition of the occupiers’ false claim about al-Shifa Hospital and Hamas’s reaction to Netanyahu’s lies

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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