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Amir Abdollahian: The region is moving towards stability and a political solution

Hossein AmirAbdollahian, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of our country, announced in a press conference with the Lebanese media in Beirut today that the region is moving towards stability and a political solution.
– International news – Tasnim news agency, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of our country said about the results of the consultations with the Lebanese authorities: very important and constructive talks with the high-ranking officials of the friendly country of Lebanon I had. Naturally, the bilateral relations of the two countries are in their best condition. We had important discussions about ways to expand cooperation and help the progress and development of Lebanon. There is a common point of view regarding regional issues. Despite Netanyahu’s interest in the continuation of the war, perceptions indicate that the region is moving towards stability and political solutions. He added: We said from the beginning that war in Gaza will not be a solution. It is clear to everyone that the end of the war means the end of Netanyahu’s job. Our impression is that Netanyahu is trying to hold the White House hostage so that he may be in power for a few more years. It is the White House that must choose whether to remain hostage to Israel or to focus on the solution and ending the war. Amir Abdullahian said about the possibility of reaching a political solution to end the war against Gaza: It is the 27th day of aggression and genocide of the Zionist regime in Gaza and crimes in the West Bank. We have all seen that the regime did not achieve any of its announced goals during this long time. As a result, the regime’s allies believe that they should focus on a political solution. Despite the destruction and killings, the resistance and Hamas acted wisely and responsibly both in the field of resistance and in the field of political solution. The political ideas that have recently been put forward in the name of Hamas are part of the Palestinian resistance’s wise focus on focusing on a political solution and stopping the killing in Gaza. He added: The assessment is that the regime will never be able to fight on two fronts. The strength of Lebanon’s resistance is unimaginable for the Israeli regime. In the Gaza war, Hezbollah was able to support the territorial integrity and the oppressed people of Palestine and give a strong response to the aggressive thoughts of the Zionist regime in coordination between the government and the Lebanese army. We are well aware of the high strength of Lebanon’s resistance. Any move by the regime to attack Lebanon will determine the end of Netanyahu and the current situation in the region.

Amir Abdullahian: If America is looking for peace in the region, the solution is to stop the war in Gaza

He clarified: The resistance, the army and the people of Lebanon will prevent the realization of such ideas. Netanyahu is floundering and trying to get out of the Gaza swamp.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of our country said about the legal follow-up of the actions of the Zionist regime: In the past four months, Iranian and international academics and lawyers have held meetings twice. In order to deal with the legal and international aspects of the war crimes of the Zionist regime, they were held. We strongly supported the action of the South African government in filing a complaint with the International Court of Justice. Iran, along with other countries, will continue its strong efforts to try the criminals of the Israeli regime.

Amir Abdallahian continued regarding Lebanon’s security and Iran’s security, as well as Iran’s support for Hamas, saying: Lebanon’s history shows that Lebanon It is in the forefront of the axis of resistance. Therefore, Iran has always wanted nothing but good for Lebanon within the framework of the axis of resistance and friendly relations. Therefore, the world recognizes Lebanon as resistance and there is no need to declare Iran. If there was no Lebanese resistance, there would be no Lebanese today. This is not Iran but the history of Lebanon.

He added: The Al-Aqsa storm operation was a completely Palestinian decision in line with the liberating movement in line with international law. The root of what is happening in Gaza is not the 7th of October, but the occupation of the Israeli regime. In my recent meeting with the British Foreign Minister, I said that once after about 75 years, let the Palestinian people decide their own fate.

The Foreign Minister said about the developments in the Red Sea: The developments in the Red Sea have a clear roadmap and its goal. And what Yemen is pursuing is to exert pressure to stop the crimes against the residents of Gaza. Iran strongly supports shipping security and we also benefit from the sea in the way of trade. In adopting a wrong strategic approach, America and England expanded the war to the Red Sea and against Yemen. While the key to solving shipping security is to stop the Gaza crisis and stop the genocide. In a meeting with the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament: Unfortunately, there are still no signs of America’s desire to end the war

He said about the coordination between Iran and Saudi Arabia: Regarding the developments in Palestine, continuous consultations between Iran and Saudi Arabia is flowing. The meeting between the President and the Saudi Crown Prince on the sidelines of the Riyadh meeting had a special focus on the issue of Palestine. There are continuous discussions at the level of foreign ministers.
The head of the diplomatic service regarding the trip to Beirut and the meeting with Seyed Hassan Nasrallah said: Continuous consultations with the Lebanese authorities are important for Iran. Also, dialogue and consultation and getting Mr. Nasrallah’s views are always at the center of our attention regarding the complex developments in the region. We always receive accurate assessments from Mr. Nasrallah regarding the developments in the region. Today, the role of Mr. Nasrallah and Hezbollah in defending the territorial integrity of Lebanon and contributing to stability in the region is commendable.
He said about the negotiations regarding Gaza: the joint warmongering policy of America and the Israeli regime in the region, focusing on Gaza. have failed. The developments in Gaza have no solution other than the political path. Of course, Iran will strongly support any initiative regarding Gaza in which the Palestinians are at the center. In the meantime, the leaders and resistance forces have emerged from the heart of the Palestinian society and they are the most rightful. We believe that what has been put forward as ideas by Hamas contains a realistic framework and governments should support such Palestinian ideas. Asia exists, he said: What we are pursuing in geopolitics is the establishment of stability. The factor that brought the region into new conditions was the genocide and joint aggression of America and the Zionist regime against Gaza. As I said, the Zionist regime used all its options against Gaza. The main winners of this field were the resistance and the Palestinian people, and the losers are Netanyahu and the Zionist warmongers. There is a consensus among the countries of the region regarding the trial of Israeli criminals and we believe that the future of the region will be determined in such a way that peace and stability prevail over it.

He said about the presidential case in Lebanon: Lebanon will be settled by the Lebanese themselves and through consensus. We support the efforts of some foreign activists if they are of good will and in line with supporting the consensus of Lebanese leaders.

Lebanon presidential file; From Nabih Berri’s conditional call for parliament sessions to the new role of Qatar

Amir Abdullahian said regarding the targeting of the American base on the border of Jordan and Syria: America is to blame both for starting the war against Gaza and for intensifying it. It is original. We warned from the beginning that if the war is not stopped, there will be a strong possibility of expanding the scope of the war. It was not due to our intervention. Rather, it was because of our knowledge of the region. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran said regarding the strategic position of the Islamic Revolution of Iran: On the 45th anniversary of the victory of the revolution, one of our most important achievements is preserving the independence of the country’s politics and strong progress in the fields of science. Defense and medical space technology.

He added: Today, Iran is the guardian of the region’s security. We played the most active role in fighting terrorism and ensuring regional security. It is no secret that we helped the Iraqi people in the fight against terrorism. He said about the role of America in the Gaza war and the messages exchanged between Iran and America: If I want to speak optimistically, today America If they are not in a position of hostility against the region, they are in a position of confusion. In the last four months, messages have been exchanged between Iran and America in the war against Gaza. One of the axes of these messages is a request from Iran to demand from Hezbollah not to enter the war against Israel. This means that America and the regime have understood the power of Hezbollah very well.

Amir Abdullahian said regarding the actions of the Zionist regime and Iran’s response to the regime: Israel will not be able to continue the war against Gaza even for an hour without America. Was. The resistance in Palestine is working with strength and we will continue our support. The fact that the regime could not release even one of its prisoners after 127 days of the crime of destruction in Gaza shows the strength and power of the resistance. We focus on political solutions while supporting the Palestinian people. We will continue efforts to stop the genocide through regional and international consultations. At the same time, the issue that the regime focuses on is the forced migration of Gaza residents to the Sinai desert and the forced migration of West Bank residents to parts of Jordan. We will continue with the Secretary General of the United Nations, Jordan, Egypt and the countries of the region in stopping forced migration and sending humanitarian aid and stopping the genocide. Iran’s Foreign Minister said about Iran’s efforts: We are also at the level Heads’ diplomacy With the efforts of Mr. Raisi and at the level of diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we made efforts to continue supporting the Palestinian people. As a result of the efforts of Iran and other Islamic, Arab and non-Islamic countries, it can be clearly said that today the occupying regime is in its worst and darkest situation in the world. Of course, we expect Islamic countries and countries that continue to send goods and maintain relations with the regime to immediately cut off these vital arteries for the benefit of the Palestinian people and for the benefit of stopping crime. Cutting the vital arteries of the regime is an issue that has been emphasized by Imam Khamenei and free-thinking people in the world.

At the end of the meeting, he answered a question about the relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia and its result in the debates. Lebanon said: Tehran-Riyadh relations are on the right track and we see progress every day. Tehran, Riyadh and other countries are waiting for the internal agreement of Lebanon so that we can jointly support it.

Amir Abdullahian: Al-Aqsa storm turned the Palestinian issue into the main issue of the Islamic world again

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