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Developments in Ukraine The White House is concerned about the possibility of Russian control over the city of Avdiyoka

America's new attempt to demonize Russia, Biden's order to contact Moscow, the condemnation of the Ukrainian army's renewed attack on the city of Belgorod, the decisions of the NATO defense ministers' meeting about continuing to support Kiev and acknowledging Russia's military superiority are some of the most important events surrounding the war.
– International news – Tasnim News Agency, “John Kirby”, the coordinator of strategic communications in the National Security Council of the White House, expressed concern in a press conference last night. that the situation of the armed forces of Ukraine in the city of Avdeevka in the west of Donetsk region has become very sensitive and this city may soon be under the control of the Russian army.

He said: “We are receiving reports from Ukraine which shows the deterioration of the situation in this area. The situation is very sensitive. The Russians are advancing towards Ukrainian positions every day, and the city of Avdiyka is on the verge of falling and being controlled by Russia.” Kirby emphasized that the dire situation of the Ukrainian armed forces is mainly due to the lack of necessary ammunition.

Ukraine soldiers also do not consider Avdiyoka’s surrender unlikely. In this regard, on Thursday, the “Washington Post” newspaper, citing its sources, reported that the Ukrainian armed forces began to leave the areas under their control in Avdiyka and admit the possibility of surrendering this city.

This publication He wrote: “Ukrainian soldiers say that they have to surrender the city and this issue is only a matter of time. They admitted that the withdrawal of troops from this city has already started.”

In an interview with this newspaper, a Ukrainian drone operator said that due to the successful push of Russian troops in the area of ​​​​the city’s chemical plant. The withdrawal of Ukrainian forces is dangerous. According to the head of the operational and strategic group of the Ukrainian army, in case of losing control over the main route of weapons supply, the order to withdraw from the city of Avdiyka will be issued.

In early February, it was reported that the Russian armed forces had taken control of the Avdiyoka industrial area and were making a steady advance due to the fortifications, mainly at night, using tank power, artillery and aircraft. Unmanned kamikaze takes place.

Next, you can follow the developments related to the seven hundred and twenty-fourth day of the Ukrainian war:


According to Carlson, US financial aid to Kiev only delays peace

Tucker Carlson, a famous American journalist, believes that US financial aid to Ukraine leads to It will delay the inevitable peace in this country and kill more Ukrainian soldiers.

This morning, Friday, he wrote on his page on the social network X (formerly Twitter): “Senator Lindsey Graham’s latest plan has convinced Republicans that it is better to borrow $60 billion from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the United States government does not give him this amount. Some agree with this action, but this is also a kind of fraud.” Carlson added: “Ukraine will never repay its debts and we have The money won’t come in. It’s just a more unsavory way to justify sending arms indiscriminately into the region, delaying the inevitable peace deal, and forcibly killing more Ukrainian soldiers, some of whom are almost the same age. Lindsey Graham and the very old who have been forcibly sent to the war front.”

In the opinion of this journalist, it would be easier if Senator Graham himself joined the Ukrainians on the battlefield.

US House of Representatives adjourned without agreement on aid to Ukraine

US House of Representatives did not vote on providing additional aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, closed for rest until the end of February. The relevant information has been determined from the working schedule of the US House of Representatives.

Representatives are scheduled to return to work on February 28.

Previously, Mike Johnson, Speaker of the US House of Representatives The Republican Party announced that it does not intend to vote on the bill regarding the continuation of financial aid to Ukraine. Thus, Johnson actually rejected the request of Mitch McConnell, the Republican minority leader of the Senate, for a vote to continue the aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

Kirby: Biden ordered because of the security threat. Communicate with Russia

John Kirby, the coordinator of strategic communications at the National Security Council of the White House, told reporters last night that President Joe Biden has ordered Washington officials to communicate with Moscow in the case of the alleged production of anti-satellite weapons in Russia (anti-satellite weapons) to enter into a direct conversation.

Kirby said: “President Biden has taken a number of initial steps, including regular briefings for members of Congress. Direct diplomatic engagement with Russia and with our allies and partners, as well as with other countries in the world whose sphere of interest is affected by this, has given orders. Muttahida, announced on Thursday, is linked to alleged anti-satellite weapons allegedly developed by Russia. The White House official added: “I can confirm that this applies to anti-satellite weapons that Russia is developing.”

Kirby added that there is no immediate threat to US security. And he reminded that the White House does not mean the existence of weapons that are used against people or for physical destruction on the planet. He emphasized that the United States closely monitors Russia’s actions and treats this issue very seriously. At the same time, according to him, there is no agreement on new contact between Moscow and Washington officials. There is no such thing as the alleged production of anti-satellite weapons made in Russia.

The US State Department warns foreign allies about the danger of the proximity of Russia and North Korea

Camille Dawson, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, announced last night in a speech at the Washington Institute of Peace that the United States is trying to keep its allies in the current danger of getting too close to Russia and North Korea. put

The diplomat said: “North Korea continues to produce and test a large number of illegal missiles and has developed its program to produce weapons of mass destruction. In such a situation, we also see a very worrying development.” We have serious relations between Moscow and Pyongyang.”

Dawson also emphasized that the United States has communicated its views on this relationship to its allies using “all channels of communication” and will continue to do so. .

American Senator: Putin has won a geostrategic victory over the United States

American Senator Tommy Taberville expressed his opinion in an interview that the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has achieved a geostrategic victory over the United States.

The senator said: “The United States will not be able to defeat Russia, so it is necessary to start the negotiation process as soon as possible to resolve the conflict in Ukraine. He noted that the American people are no longer able to finance the military conflict in Ukraine, and in the current situation, the United States needs diplomats who can broker a peace agreement. And not to prolong the war.

This senator expressed his opinion that Donald Trump has the necessary political will to bring the two sides to the negotiating table within a few days by making contact with Moscow and Kiev and the process of peace negotiations. start in Ukraine.

Putin: Russia has never made a difference between Russians and Ukrainians

President of Russia Vladimir Putin yesterday during his visit from a factory in the city of “Nizhny Tagil” announced that the government of the Russian Federation has never made any difference between Russian and Ukrainian citizens and believed that they are a single nation. Putin emphasized: But unfortunately, people who have anti-Russian tendencies They are strong, they came to power in Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union. He added: Such rulers came to power with the help of the votes of the southwestern regions of Ukraine and because of the support received from the western countries and gradually destroyed the relations between Kiev and Moscow. Russian diplomat: weapons Shipments to Kiev fall into the hands of terrorists Maria Zablotskaya, the deputy permanent representative of Russia to the United Nations, announced last night that the weapons sent to Kiev were looted by Western countries and ended up in the hands of terrorist groups. Terrorists fall all over the world.

This Russian diplomat said at the Thursday meeting of the Security Council: Now it cannot be denied that a significant part of the weapons supplied (to Ukraine) was looted and ended up in the hands of terrorist groups. and transnational criminal organizations are located in Europe, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East.”

He reminded that Ukraine is a big “black hole of corruption” into which weapons and financial aid from the West are poured. .

The West severely violates human rights under the pretext of fighting terrorism

Maria Zablotskaya also expressed regret in her speech at the Security Council meeting. Western countries violate human rights during their military operations in the Middle East under the pretext of fighting terrorism.

Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations added: “When hearing the repeated statements of famous Western officials about the importance of protecting human rights in the implementation of anti-terrorism measures and the need to comply with international laws, it is very important that the violation Let’s not forget the obvious violation of human rights while carrying out Western military operations under the pretext of counter-terrorism in countries like Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Syria.

Stephane Dujarric, the official spokesman of the UN Secretary General, in his press conference last night, in response to a question about Thursday’s renewed attack by Ukrainian armed forces on the Russian city of Belgorod, emphasized that any attack on people Civilian and civilian infrastructure is unacceptable and must be stopped. He said: “We have also seen the report on missile attacks on the Russian city of Belgorod, and we repeat once again that attacks on civilian areas and civil infrastructure are prohibited and completely unacceptable according to international humanitarian law. and it must be stopped immediately.”

On the afternoon of last February, armed forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out a rocket attack on a shopping center in a central street of Belgorod. According to the latest information from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, seven people were killed as a result of this attack and 18 others were injured, including four young children.

The Russian Ministry of Defense also reported in this regard that the air defense systems destroyed 14 Ukrainian missiles fired from the Vampire RM-70 missile system in the sky of the region.

Last night, Gennady Gatliov, the permanent representative of Russia at the United Nations office in Geneva, also emphasized that Volker Turk, the head of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, should look at the published images of the consequences of the Ukrainian army’s attacks on the center of Belgorod and hypocritical silence in the face of these crimes. Kyiv authorities should stop.

The European Union does not intend to renew the gas transit agreement from Russia through Ukraine

European Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson announced. that the European Union countries are not interested in prolonging the agreement related to the transportation of Russian gas to Europe through the territory of Ukraine, which will expire at the end of 2024. He stated this last night during a speech to the representatives of the European Parliament and said: “We are not interested in extending the tripartite agreement on gas transit with Russia, which expires at the end of this year.”

Previously, in late January, the Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that if Kiev refuses to continue the transit of Russian gas through its territory, the logistics supply chains through Ukraine will change. According to him, there are alternative routes for this purpose.

Hungary joined the NATO group for demining in Ukraine

The Hungarian Ministry of Defense announced that this The country has joined 20 NATO countries that have signed an agreement on the creation of a coalition on mine neutralization activities in Ukraine. The meeting of defense ministers of the NATO countries in this regard was held on Thursday in Brussels.

Previous From this, the Japanese government also announced that it plans to help Ukraine in demining and cyber security. Late last year, the Republic of Lithuania proposed a joint program to help demining Ukraine. Ukraine has become one of the most dangerous countries in the world in terms of unexploded mines.

Russia’s request to the Atomic Energy Agency to clarify its position on Ukraine’s attacks on the Zaporizhzhya power plant

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced yesterday in a statement on its website that in connection with Ukraine’s continued provocations around the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, Moscow expects the authorities of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to use Kiev as the only source. introduce a security threat to this facility.

The statement said: Ukrainian armed forces continue dangerous provocations against the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant and the nearby town of Energodar, where the plant’s employees and their family members live. Thus, on February 14, the Ukrainian side attacked the city using four drones, one of which hit an office building, and the other three were destroyed by the city’s defense systems in the sky.

The Russian Foreign Ministry emphasized that with this attack, Ukraine has once again taken advantage of the complete negligence of the Atomic Energy Agency in performing its duty to ensure the safety of the Zaporizhia power plant. Earlier, last week, Rafael Grossi, director of the IAEA agency, visited the Zaporozhye power plant. After this visit, he told reporters that apparently the agency’s experts have not collected enough information to provide accurate information about who is targeting this power plant. Buys Kaan from Turkey

Ukraine’s ambassador in Ankara, Vasiliy Bodnar, announced last night in an interview with CNN Türk that the country plans to buy the fifth generation Kaan fighter from Turkey.

He said: We not only bought them, but we will use them. We also know how to use them. “

The ambassador added: Ukrainian companies are involved in the production process of the Kaan aircraft engine. According to him, Ukraine had reached an agreement with the Turkish side regarding the purchase of this fighter before the start of the military conflict with Russia.


NATO Secretary General did not consider it unlikely that the events of Ukraine will be repeated in Taiwan

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced yesterday in a press conference at the end of the meeting of the heads of defense ministries of the allied countries. He said that the United States should decide as soon as possible to allocate an aid package to Ukraine, because what is happening there can be repeated in Taiwan soon, and this will directly threaten the interests of the United States.

He stressed: “This issue (continuing support for Ukraine) is very important for our security and for the security of the United States.”

NATO’s decision to create a training center for Ukraine in Poland

Jens Stoltenberg also announced that NATO decided to create It has a military training center on Polish soil, where Ukrainian soldiers are trained and educated together with allied soldiers. The Secretary General of NATO reminded that at the meeting of defense ministers, it was decided to create a new joint center for NATO and Ukraine to analyze the situation and military training in Poland. He will study and train with his colleagues in NATO. Also, in this center, the soldiers of the Ukrainian army will be able to share their experience gained during the events in their country.

Stoltenberg mentioned that this center will be established in the city of Bydgoszcz. Of course, NATO countries have not yet decided on its technical details. According to him, practical decisions in this regard will be made later in a year.

The promise of supplying one million NATO drones to Ukraine

Jens Stoltenberg The Secretary General of NATO announced on Thursday after the meeting of the defense ministers of the alliance countries in Brussels that a group of NATO member countries are planning to supply one million unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to Ukraine.

He said: A group of allied countries jointly understands the importance of supplying Ukraine with one million drones. Twenty allies have also agreed to contribute to this coalition. The member of the North Atlantic Alliance asked to provide the ammunition needed by the Ukrainian army as soon as possible. Stoltenberg commented that such action is necessary in a military conflict.

Germany promised 100 million euros in aid to Ukraine

The German government has promised that short-term aid in the amount of Willing to give more than 100 million euros to Ukraine. Such a decision was taken after the 19th meeting of the Ukrainian contact group at the level of defense ministers, in which German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius announced the visit of one of the senior generals of the country’s army to Kiev. This trip took place last week. After negotiating with Alexander Sirsky, the new commander of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, this military official promised him that the German side would provide not only financial support, but also new equipment. Kiev will put Among them, there are advanced armored vehicles, bombs for small drones, 77 multi-purpose trucks, medical equipment and a set of spare parts for various defense systems.

According to the Minister of Defense, these weapons or Already delivered or soon to be delivered to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Developments Ukraine Washington’s concern about the lack of weapons in Kiev / Biden’s assurance of the approval of a new aid package
Developments in Ukraine| Biden’s attempt to gain support from Kiev/ Europe’s concern about the cutoff of US Developments in Ukraine| Only 38% of people believe that the policy of the Kyiv authorities is correct

More than half of Japanese people are against helping Ukraine

In a new survey that conducted in Japan, 58% of the people of this country voted against aid to Ukraine. According to this study, most Japanese do not support Tokyo’s financial aid to Ukraine.

The post published on the official website of Sputnik Japan about the allocation Funding for Ukraine received almost 8 million views. In the survey published in this regard, more than half of the respondents – 58 percent – voted against the measure, and only 4 percent were in favor of the aid.

Previously, at the end of January, it became known that the Japanese government sent 390 million dollars to the Ukrainian state budget. In turn, Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa said that Japan has sent $37 million to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization fund for the provision of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

England together with Latvia formed a coalition to supply Ukrainian drones

British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps announced that London as part of the coalition with the Republic of Latvia , will supply thousands of drones to Ukraine.

The British Ministry of Defense revealed this on its website on Thursday. The Ministry’s statement reminded that Britain and Latvia will lead an international coalition that should give Ukraine all the necessary facilities to defend itself and win a military conflict with Russia. The British Ministry of Defense added. that they will produce drones as part of an already announced military aid package to Ukraine.

The total amount of financial assistance in this field for 2024 should be 2.5 billion pounds ($3.19 billion). . Of this amount, 200 million pounds will be spent on the production of drones. According to Shops, the move would make the UK the largest supplier of drones to the Ukrainian military.

Recognition of Russia’s ability to destroy all military factories in Ukraine

The retired colonel of the United States Army, Daniel Davis, announced in an interview yesterday that the Russian army has the ability to destroy the entire military industrial complex of Ukraine. According to him, Russia has the strategic ability to launch missiles all over the country and destroy all large weapons factories in Ukraine, which it regularly does.

According to this American military expert, Russia has the capacity The production of military weapons is very serious and it can provide a large number of weapons to its army. The retired colonel added: “For this reason, it does not make sense to allocate a new aid package to Ukraine, because the Ukrainian army has already lost in the conflict with Russia.” Davis added: “Russia has a lot of drones of all kinds. has produced They have a lot of them. They have many types of missiles and cannonballs, and they are superior to the Ukrainian army in every way.” End of message/


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