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Ambassador of Yemen: Our main goal is to eradicate the cancerous tumor that is Israel from the body of the Arab and Islamic nation

The ambassador of Yemen in Iran said in an interview, referring to the country's actions against the Zionist regime: Our main goal in Yemen and in the axis of resistance is to eradicate this cancerous tumor, i.e. Israel, from the body of the Arab and Islamic nation.
– International news

According to the report of the international group Tasnim News Agency, “Mohammed Ibrahim al-Dilami, the Yemeni ambassador to Iran, stated in this interview that the aim of Yemen’s actions against the Zionist regime is to eradicate the cancerous tumor that is Israel from the body of the Arab and Islamic nation.

The full text of this interview with the Islamic Republic of Iran News Agency is as follows:

Question: About 4 months have passed since the war in Gaza, and Yemenis, like some countries, find themselves involved in this war. Western experts and media present the Yemeni army as powerful and capable. For example, “Thomas Faiz”, an American journalist, says: what the Yemenis are doing will be recorded as a historical and transformative turning point in the modern era. He says, we are talking about a poor country that has fought and won against America, one of the most powerful armies in the world. In addition, the Yemeni people widely welcomed the support of their country’s army to the Palestinian people. What is the motivation of the people and the Yemeni army to do such a thing, which certainly imposes a lot of costs on them?

Yemen ambassador: We are a Muslim nation and we see oppression against Palestinians to a great extent. Considering our moral, human and religious responsibility, we cannot be indifferent in this matter and do not show any reaction. The actions of the people and the Yemeni army are a natural reflection to support the oppressed and prevent oppression. This is the position of every person who has a high sense of responsibility. It is not appropriate for the Arab and Muslim people to be indifferent and take no action in this regard.

Our role in this matter is not limited to military or security operations; The people of Yemen organize millions of demonstrations every week due to their sense of duty. The Yemeni government passed the law of embargo and ban on the entry of American and Israeli goods into the country’s markets through the House of Representatives. The Yemeni people also donate whatever they can by collecting financial aid for the Palestinians.

Question: A few months ago, a picture of the seizure of the second ship of the Zionist regime by Ansarullah in the Red Sea was published and quickly spread on social networks. This picture showed that the Yemeni forces are smoking hookah on the ship’s deck after taking possession of it. This image shows well the lack of fear of the Yemeni forces from their enemy. What is the reason for the exemplary courage of Yemenis?

Ambassador of Yemen: This was an operation carried out by the people and the Yemeni army. Regarding the images that were broadcasted in relation to the ship, it can be said that as Imam Khamenei said, those who fear God, do not fear anyone other than God.

Question: Yemen’s naval capability is one of the points that has been discussed a lot in the past few months; “Al-Akhbar” newspaper has written in a report quoting informed military sources that in response to the request of the then government of Yemen in 2014 to equip the country’s navy in an efficient manner, Chinese experts said that it is impossible to implement this request. How did the Yemeni army achieve this capability?

Yemen ambassador: The Yemeni army is more than a hundred years old; The navy of this country was one of the strongest naval forces in the region during the 20th century and in the 70s and 80s. During that period, the Yemeni army was supported by Soviet technology and weapons. The military force of this country is trained and efficient and is related to the army of different countries in the region and the world.

The Yemeni army is very powerful and the navy of this country has high capabilities; The Yemeni people and armed forces faced Saudi-American aggression for more than eight years and have gained a lot of experience. In addition, Yemen is primarily a maritime country, and the length of its coast reaches more than two thousand five hundred kilometers, which makes it strong in terms of naval power.

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Question: Westerners are trying hard to understand the actions of Ansarullah and the Yemeni resistance, both during the war with Saudi Arabia and now. to introduce direct orders from Iran. What is your opinion about Iran-Yemen relations and why do Westerners try to involve Iran in these actions? It is also said that it is Iran that gives Yemenis missiles and other weapons such as drones. Considering the current naval blockade, how true can this be? If these weapons do not come from Iran, how will Ansarullah meet its needs and is there any notable military capability that it wants to unveil soon?

Ambassador of Yemen: Western propaganda machines continuously raise this absurd and worthless matter. They always accuse other parties in every issue; The West accused the resistance in the story of the Al-Aqsa storm operation, which was carried out by the Palestinian people, as if the Palestinians have no problems and are not oppressed. We believe that these accusations are false and ridiculous and are made with the aim of covering up the crimes committed by the Zionists in Palestine. Of course, Iran denied these accusations several times through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Question: The Americans claim to create an international coalition against the Yemeni resistance, please explain about this.

Ambassador of Yemen: The coalition formed by the American and British governments is a suspicious coalition. This coalition was formed primarily to protect Israel and prevent the Yemeni armed forces from carrying out their duties in the Red Sea. None of the countries located on the coast of the Red Sea, such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Djibouti and Eritrea, which are concerned about the security of this sea, have participated in such a dubious alliance. I believe that the non-participation of these countries in the coalition, which aims to militarize the Red Sea and protect Israel, is due to knowing the intentions of the Americans.

We are in the position The government of Yemen invited all the countries bordering the Red Sea to hold a conference and committees to guarantee the security and navigation of this important sea for them. The participation or non-participation of European countries or other countries in this coalition is not important to us, and what is important to us is confronting this aggression.

Question: European countries did not show much desire to participate in this coalition, what is the reason?

Ambassador of Yemen: The militarization of the Red Sea by America and England is not in the interest of European countries. Many countries do not agree with the American narrative. Also, many shipping companies active in the export of goods in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea know that only Israeli ships or ships going to occupied Palestine are targeted. Therefore, they do not believe the claims of the United States and England and do not attach importance to it; Because other ships that have nothing to do with Israel pass through the Red Sea without any problems.

Question : The naval operation of the Yemeni resistance has had a great impact on Israel’s economy; How long do you think they can endure these conditions?

Ambassador of Yemen >: We believe that the Zionist regime cannot bear more damages; The losses in the economic, military and moral levels have weakened this regime all over the world. However, Yemen has duties and our responsibility is to continue to carry out our duties in support of the Palestinian people until the end of the aggression and lifting of the blockade imposed on the Palestinian people.

We will increase the anti-Israel operations in Yemen even more so that the pressure to stop the Zionist aggression machine will be more effective.

Question: The Minister of Transport of the Zionist regime has written on Twitter that the plan to create a hub for the transfer of goods from India to the occupied territories through the UAE is underway and its purpose is to circumvent the attacks of the Yemeni army forces in It is the Red Sea. It is also said that the goods needed by Israel are supposed to be transported by land by some Arab countries. Is this claim true?

Ambassador of Yemen : Such measures taken by the Zionist regime are ineffective and cannot hide the inability of this regime to allow ships related to Israel to enter Palestine.

The second issue is that we believe that the Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia and the UAE, should not and should not do such an ugly and shameful thing. The two Arab countries, the UAE and Saudi Arabia, should not sit quietly and not respond to such claims by the Zionists. They should have a position on this matter. We warn all the countries of the world about the relationship with the Zionist regime and remind them that this regime is an aggressive and oppressive regime that targets all Arab and Islamic nations.

Question: So is this news true?

Ambassador of Yemen: I am not saying that this statement is true or not, what I am saying is that it is the responsibility of the UAE and It is Saudi Arabia and they must say whether this statement is true or not.

Question: If this claim is true, do you have a plan to prevent it?

Yemen Ambassador: We will do our best and do everything we can, but it should be kept in mind that this responsibility is not only on the shoulders of Yemenis, but it is the duty of all Muslims and all Arabs.

Question: It is said that American air strikes are carried out on uninhabited areas and It is more of a show. Is this claim true? Why does America not seriously enter the war with Yemen?

Yemen Ambassador: This claim is not true, America is serious in its aggression against Yemen and is determined to go all the way in this aggression, America is not a dove of peace and with thin feelings, America is a clear enemy, evil and criminal. We are in a state of full-scale war with America, but it should be kept in mind that God Almighty says: These hypocritical people fear you more than God, because they are people who have no understanding. They are supporters of criminal people and do not fear God, but in their hearts they are afraid of believers and Mujahidin. God is with us and it is enough that God is a lawyer and a worker. It is enough that he is our helper and our God is sufficient, he is the best helper and supporter.

Question : About a month ago, the American magazine “Politico” quoted US intelligence sources as saying that Yemen intends to increase the scope of its attacks. Considering the recent “promised conquest and holy jihad” exercise, which was designed to capture Israeli settlements, how feasible is this claim?

Ambassador of Yemen: Our main goal in Yemen and in the axis of resistance is to eradicate this cancerous tumor that is Israel from the body of the Arab and Islamic nation.

Question: Brigadier Yahya Saree, the spokesman of the Yemeni armed forces, announced that the American attacks were unanswered. does not stay What are Yemen’s options to respond to America?

Yemen ambassador: Due to the recent aggression of the United States and England to Yemen, we are in continuous conflict with them. Now it is not correct to talk about the response to these aggressions, while the operations that we are currently conducting with all our might against the goals and interests of the United States and England in the Red Sea and the Arab Sea are part of these responses. Now we are engaging them all-out and targeting every target in our crosshairs.



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