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Who is at the helm of Türkiye’s foreign policy? – The final part

It seems that the role of people like the Minister of Economy of Erdogan's government has been highlighted in the fields of economy and foreign policy of Turkey and they have become the center of developments.
– International news – Tasnim News Agency, in the first part, it was mentioned that after Ahmet Davutoglu left the Turkish diplomatic system, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, regardless of the advice of experts and diplomats, changed the foreign policy in It took hold and sometimes caused significant damages with sudden and hasty decisions.

However, Mevlut Cavusoglu did not play a significant role as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and The implementation of Erdoğan’s models and demands was entrusted to these three people: Hakan Fidan, the then head of the Met Intelligence Service, Ibrahim Kalen, the then spokesman of the presidential institution and the head of the foreign policy and national security advisors group, and General Hulusi Akar, the then defense minister. This team played a prominent role in bringing Turkey closer to Russia and China and following the pattern of returning to Asia, and especially the military-security wing of the cabinet consisting of Fidan and Akar played an important role in the Karabakh war. This team, with a slight change, still plays an important role in Turkey’s foreign policy. With the difference that now Cullen has gone from the center of the stage to behind the curtain and is in charge of the intelligence service, and Fidan is constantly traveling as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. But one of the most important changes, especially in the period after the last May elections, is that Erdogan’s centrality and totalitarianism has decreased and considering that Turkey is in the straits of lack of foreign exchange resources and economic crisis, Shimshek has become an important actor. Has become. As the Minister of Finance and Finance, he has become prominent in Erdogan’s government and in the fields of economy and foreign policy and has become the center of developments.

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The examination of Mehmet Shimshek’s positions, speeches, trips and messages in the last few months has shown that he is moving in 3 important paths, all three of them , are seriously affecting the process of developments related to Turkey’s foreign policy:

A) Efforts to return American and European Union investors to Turkey and resolve misunderstandings and diplomatic tensions between Ankara-Washington and Ankara-Brussels.

b) Developing financial relations with the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf Diversification of Arab investment in Turkey.

) Extensive cooperation with the Financial Cooperation Group by emphasizing financial transparency, dealing with money laundering foreign mafia groups and adhering to the sanctions imposed by America and Europe.

It is found that these three axes of Şimşek’s economic policies cause Turkey to avoid cooperation with Russian financial institutions and also create space for the activities of the tyrants. Russia becomes inappropriate and, on the other hand, favorable conditions are provided for the entry of western investors to Turkey.

Who could take Erdogan to Cairo?

Mehmet Shimshek spent his childhood and part of his adolescence in two villages around the Kurdish cities of Mardin and Batman in Turkey. He was the son of a large and poor rural family who studied economics at Ankara University. Şimşek received a master’s degree in England and after returning to Ankara, worked as a financial consultant with several banks. did

This is the era was the reason for introducing Shimshek to American banks. He moved to New York in 1997 and soon became famous as a Wall Street stock analyst. Then he cooperated with several Russian, German and other European banks.

Team Ali Babajan and Abdullah Gul, finally convinced Mehmet Shimshak to leave his multi-million dollar earnings in the New York Stock Exchange and return to Turkey. He served as minister for 8 years. He worked as an economist and deputy prime minister, and his tenure is known as an era in which Turkey achieved unprecedented success in financial order and transparency, refraining from reckless spending by government institutions, and attracting foreign investors. /span>.

Shimshek is known as an orthodox economist. That is, an institutionalist economist who adheres to financial principles and classical order. In 2018, he, like Ali Babajan and many other Akparty veterans, was fed up with Erdogan’s actions and complained about the inappropriate and dangerous interference of the president’s son-in-law, Barat Albayrak. But his complaints were fruitless and he had to leave Turkey for America.

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Morad Yetkin, a famous Turkish analyst, about Mehmet Şimşek’s role in Turkey’s foreign policy has written: “The role of Şimşek in the country’s foreign policy is more important than what we imagine.” In your opinion, apart from Mehmet Shimsek’s effort to get out of the economic crisis and provide serious recommendations for the transformation of relations, what other power could have forced Erdogan to visit Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Sisi? Who else could have dissuaded Erdogan from making threatening statements against Greece? Sismak knows well that the continuation of Erdoğan’s threats against Greece caused damage to Turkey’s economy. Believe me, even in the development of Erdoğan’s relations with Mohammad Bin Salman and Mohammad Bin Zayed, the main designer and director, there is no one but Shimshak. The Treasury and Finance Minister is a technocrat-politician who draws his boundaries well. Of course, Kalen and Fidan also bluntly told Erdogan that with the current economic crisis, we have to change the course of our foreign policy and increase our maneuverability. Erdoğan had no choice but to get out of the economic crisis, and while he had already fired Şimşek and appointed his son-in-law Albayrak in his place, he had to ask him to return to Turkey from America and work. Shimshek even played a role in getting the post of Interior Minister Ali Yerli Kaya. He bluntly told Erdogan, if we don’t have a powerful interior minister and if he doesn’t stop the money laundering mafia from the Turkish economy, we can’t attract foreign banks here. It was Şimşek’s serious advice that prevented Turkey from entering the gray list of the Financial Action Task Force and Istanbul from becoming the world’s money laundering paradise”.

کشور ترکیه ,

Yitkin continued to write: “Now in Turkey’s foreign policy, the priority of economic interests based on compromise is much more important than conflict of tension.” This policy allowed for de-escalation with Greece, the possibility of dialogue with the United States, strengthening of relations with NATO (through Sweden’s membership) and the possibility of purchasing F-16. If the compromise with Egypt continues, it will bring new political and economic opportunities for Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean. As a result, I must emphasize again that in this space, Mehmet Şimşek is the driving force of Turkey’s new foreign policy”.

Is Baghcheli also active in foreign policy?

Dolat Baghçeli is the leader of the extreme right party of the nationalist movement, Erdogan’s main partner in the president’s coalition. He gives a special value to Turkish extreme nationalism and race-oriented and descent-oriented politics, and his presence in the mentioned coalition has made Erdogan to make supporting the Turkic-speaking countries of Central Asia an important priority and a closer relationship with the Turkmens of Syria and establish Iraq and the Turkish Cypriots. Hadi is an orientalist, but apart from some of Baghcheli’s short-lived slogans, we do not see that he seriously pursues anti-American and anti-NATO policies. Baghçeli’s mission is to inform the people of Turkey’s foreign policy for domestic consumption and propaganda, with an epic and nationalistic flavor.

In the end, it should be said, pragmatism and sudden turns, as well as changing the direction based on economic and energy priorities, have become very important in the current foreign policy of Erdogan’s government. Therefore, considering the lack of financial resources and the necessity of maintaining Turkey’s balance between the two blocs, East and West, this country is now not an adventurous and unpredictable actor, but an overactive element in search of financial stability, tendency towards expediency, avoiding actions It is sometimes adventurous and trying to develop all-round relationships.


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