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Developments in Ukraine Severe shortage of ammunition of the armed forces of Ukraine / Trump agrees with Putin’s opinion about Biden

The lack of sufficient budget of the Ukrainian government, the intention of the Group of 7 to sanction countries supporting Russia, the impossibility of Kiev to implement a counterattack before 2025, the first installment of the new EU financial aid to Ukraine and the confidence of most Russians in the success of the army are some of the most important events surrounding the war.
– International news

according to the international group Tasnim news agency, Dimitri Koleba In an interview with CNN last night, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine complained about the fact that the country’s armed forces are facing a severe shortage of ammunition and artillery shells to deal with the huge military power of the Russian army.

Koleba said: “We are facing a severe shortage of artillery shells and other types of weapons, and it is imperative that the necessary ammunition reaches them as soon as possible.”

Koleba did not clearly tell the reporter whether Ukraine was still withdrawing from its positions, but noted the fact that if the Ukrainian armed forces received the necessary ammunition for the artillery, the city of Avdiyoka they had not lost” which came under the complete control of Russian forces on February 17.

Last day, Kirill Budanov, head of the main intelligence department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, also commented on the situation Difficulty of the armed forces of Ukraine noted on the battlefield. According to this military official, the Ukrainian army does not have enough ammunition and bullets, and the volume of supplies from the western partners does not meet the needs. At the same time, Budanov was optimistic about the fate of the $60 billion military aid package from the United States, which has been awaiting approval for several months.

Two days ago Also, Oleksandr Sirsky, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, admitted that the country’s military has been seriously damaged by the continued offensive operations of the Russian army in all directions.

At the end of January, Ukrainian Defense Minister Rostam Umerov said that the Russian army has three times more ammunition than Ukraine, and that the shortage is felt more acutely every day. Umerov called on the European allies to “work harder to fulfill their obligations in the field of supplying one million cannonballs” so that the army can at least be equal to Russia in terms of artillery firepower.

Next, you can follow the developments related to the seven hundred and thirty-second day of the Ukrainian war:


Trump agrees with Putin that Biden is more useful for Russia

Donald Trump, candidate The US presidential office agreed with Russian President Vladimir Putin that the most useful head of the White House for Russia is still Joe Biden.

According to the Independent, Trump This morning, Sunday, during a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference, he said: “A few days ago, Putin announced that he would prefer to see Biden as president, and I completely agree with him in this regard.”

He explained that he was not surprised by Putin’s words that Biden is predictable. The former American president recalled that during Biden’s presidency, the United States “has become an object of ridicule for the whole world”.

Putin said a few days ago that It does not interfere with the tense election campaign in the United States, and this is not right, but overall, for Moscow, it is preferable for Biden to remain in the presidential post compared to Donald Trump, the former leader of the United States. According to him, Biden is a veteran politician, an experienced and predictable person.

Putin in response to the insult of his American counterpart: As I said before, Biden is better for Russia

America’s inclination To see Russia as a partner of the West

Victoria Nuland, the US Assistant Secretary of State for Political Affairs announced this morning that the current political situation in Russia is exactly what It’s not what the United States likes to see.

In an interview with CNN, he said: “Frankly, this is not the Russia we wanted. “We wanted to see a partner that would be oriented towards the West and become European,” the diplomat added. The country has chosen.

Noland also claimed that the United States wants to bring Russia to the negotiating table as soon as possible to resolve the conflict in Ukraine, and that is why the number It has imposed many economic restrictions and other sanctions against Moscow. He did not mention that these measures have no effect on Russia.

Noland: American aid to Ukraine is beneficial to the US economy

In this interview, the US Deputy Secretary of State expressed confidence that most of the financial aid allocated to Ukraine will actually be returned to the US economy.

Victoria Noland said: “We have to remember that the majority of the money allocated goes directly into the American economy and for the production of weapons, including the creation of well-paying jobs.

At the same time, US officials claim that funds to support Ukraine ran out at the end of last year, and the House of Representatives still has no plans to pass a bill to provide new weapons and ammunition to Kiev.

Warning of the Minister of Finance of Ukraine about the significant lack of funds without Western aid

Sergei Marchenko, the head of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, announced that the government of this country is currently facing a significant budget deficit due to the delay in the transfer of financial aid from Western countries. According to him, however, Kyiv expects to partially cover the budget deficit at the expense of the European Union and the World Bank.

The Minister of Finance added: “We are Currently, we feel the lack of funds very much, although this issue has not yet been felt by the citizens of Ukraine. We are finding financial resources to cover these needs.”

He noted that in March, Kyiv should first provide an amount equal to 4.5 billion euros and then, if Achieving an agreement will receive $1.5 billion from the World Bank. According to Marchenko, this amount will make it possible to close the budget deficit of the Ukrainian government until the first six months of this year. Kiev, but Washington has not yet approved a new aid package for this country. Slow

The leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) countries have promised to take action against the countries supporting Russia in the military conflict with Ukraine. This issue was stated on Saturday in a statement released by this group after the online meeting of its leaders chaired by Italian Prime Minister Giorgio Meloni.

In this statement Excerpts from which were published by the Italian agency ANSA read: “We will impose additional sanctions against certain companies and individuals in third countries that help Russia obtain weapons or weapons materials.”

It is also mentioned that the G7 countries want to limit Moscow’s income from the sale of their energy resources as much as possible by tightening the price ceiling for oil exports from Russia. In addition, the member states of the Group of 7 intend to “force Russia to compensate for the damages caused to Ukraine as a result of the military conflict in this country.”

In this statement As long as Moscow does not compensate for the damages, the G7 member states will not release the Russian assets that remain frozen in their jurisdiction.

The American newspaper “New York Times” in a report quoted NATO officials as saying that the forces The armed forces of Ukraine can only try to carry out a new counter-attack in 2025.

Anonymous sources of the newspaper who attended the press conference of Christopher Cowley, the commander in chief of NATO forces in Europe Brussels officials have warned Kiev that it must spend all of 2024 rebuilding and strengthening its defenses, and that any new counterattack operations must be postponed until at least 2025, they said.

This newspaper also noted that NATO member states “learned a hard lesson” with the failure of Ukraine’s counteroffensive in 2023. Europe and the United States spent a lot of resources to help arm Kiev and thought that the Ukrainian armed forces would be able to push back the Russian army to nullify all its successes during the military conflict, but this did not happen.

It is stated in this article, and now the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance have become more cautious in their predictions considering this failure.

On Friday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy claimed in an interview with Fox News that the country is preparing a new counterattack and this operation will be a surprise for Russia.

The first installment of 4.5 billion euros from the European Union will go to Ukraine in March

Ursula von der Leyen, The head of the European Commission announced yesterday in Kiev that the European Union will transfer 4.5 billion euros to Ukraine in March as the first part of the 50 billion euro aid package.

Furthermore, the authorities discussed problems related to the export of Ukrainian agricultural goods to Europe and joint actions in the field of exchange defense.

On February 1st, all 27 leaders of EU member states agreed at a meeting in Brussels to provide an additional 50 billion euros as part of a support package for Ukraine. Union budget be allocated. Alexandre de Croix, the Prime Minister of Belgium, who heads the Council of the European Union, mentioned that this aid package will be spent on weapons and teachers’ salaries.

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65% of Russians believe in the success of the army in the war with Ukraine >

65 percent of Russian citizens have expressed confidence in the successful process of “special military operations” of the Russian army in Ukraine. This issue is clear from the results of the survey of the Center for the Study of Russian National Public Opinion, which was published on the website of this center on Saturday.

Two-thirds of Russians are now convinced. that the Russian military’s military operations are relatively successful (65 percent), an increase of 6 percent since the last survey in February 2023.

The research also showed that The number of Russians who support President Vladimir Putin’s decision to launch special operations has increased. Thus, immediately after the announcement of the start of the operation, 65 percent of the respondents supported this decision, and in 2023, this number increased to 68 percent, and this support remains at this level.

When Russian citizens were asked about the goals of the special operations, 43 percent of the participants said that the goal was to “defend the country, disarm Ukraine and prevent the establishment of NATO military bases on its territory.” Is”. Another 20% said the goal was to protect civilians in the two people’s republics of Donetsk, Luhansk and Kherson and Zaporozhye regions.

Furthermore, sociologists found that 72 The percentage of surveyed Russian citizens believe that every single person should contribute to the successful completion of the Russian special operations in Ukraine, and 64% are sure that in the current situation they should live according to the principle of “everything for the front and everything for victory”.

This poll was conducted in the second half of February and on the occasion of the second anniversary of the beginning of Russia’s military attack on Ukraine.

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