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Increasing doubts about Germany’s security structures after the army information leak scandal

The information leak scandal of the German army due to the use of an insecure communication channel has increased doubts about the German security structures and has raised requests from various parties to strengthen these structures.
– International news

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency, the conversation leak German army officers have raised doubts about the security structures in this country regarding the process of supporting Ukraine, and requests have increased for the need to strengthen these structures.

In this Christian Democratic Party of Germany (CDP) defense politician Mian Rodrich Kiszutter warned of allies’ anger over Germany’s mistakes. “Our partners, France and Britain, now see Germany as insecure because Russia has access to things it should never know,” Kizoter told the Rheinische Post. This Christian Democratic Party politician continued: Russian President Vladimir Putin considers the entire West, including Germany, to be an enemy and a target of war. :justify”>The resurgence of discussions about the delivery of Taurus to Ukraine in the shadow of the army wiretapping scandal

According to Kizoter, therefore, Olaf Schultz, Prime Minister Germany is not allowed to create a smoke screen on the issue of sending Taurus missiles to Ukraine. He added: “We must quickly change our goal to support Ukraine: the law of the strongest should not be applied, but the force of the law should be applied.” This means that Ukraine must absolutely win this war.”

Ukraine has been asking for months for Taurus cruise missiles, which have a range of up to 500 kilometers. Despite the criticism, Schultz continues to deny the delivery of the Taros weapon system from the ranks of the coalition partners. The chancellor justifies this by saying that Germany may enter the war in Ukraine. The opposition parties of the Union reject these arguments and openly support the delivery of Taurus to Ukraine. Haye Schultz has defended the federal government’s opposition to the delivery of Taurus missiles to Ukraine. “It’s true that the chancellor has put up a stop sign. We won’t go to war ourselves. The chancellor and defense secretary,” Klingbill told Table.Media. They investigated the use of the Taros and denied sending these missiles to Ukraine. I trust the chancellor and the defense minister that they are right. He added: “The fact that French President Emmanuel Macron publicly doubts the deployment of ground forces in Ukraine.” A Kurdish woman was wrong. I would have liked Macron to make these suggestions internally and not immediately make the discussion public.

Klingbeil also mentioned German fears of a gradual entry into the war. He added: “Many people ask me at events: Can you stop us from sliding into World War III?” That is why it was important that the chancellor sent a clear signal. The West should now focus on munitions and air defense when helping Ukraine. He added, of course, with maximum power, but not so much that in the end we take an irrational step and end up in a war situation.

In Russia, a recording of a wiretapped conversation between four high-ranking German military officers about the possibility of Ukrainian armed forces using Taurus cruise missiles was released on Friday. . As a result, politicians from the Lib Dem, Union and Left parties have criticized the government’s security infrastructure. Among the items recorded in the conversation were questions about whether the Kerch bridge, which connects the Crimean peninsula to mainland Russia, could also be hit, and whether the Ukrainian armed forces could deploy the weapon system. be used on the spot without the participation of the Bundeswehr.

In the meantime, several politicians of the Social Democratic Party rejected the request to form an investigative committee to investigate this wiretapping. Ralf Stegner, the foreign policy expert of the Social Democratic Party, told Tagus Spiegel that such a committee is not appropriate. Rolf Motsenich, the leader of the Social Democratic Party faction in the German Parliament, made a similar statement and called for moderation. The Left and the Union of Christian United Parties criticized the communication channels within government officials.

Regarding phone calls intercepted by Russia, internal party expert Konstantin Kuhle The Liberal Democrat criticized that even two years after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, some government structures in Germany do not seem to be sufficiently attuned to the security situation. He called for a “total overhaul of the entire internal infrastructure for internal communication of security-related institutions in Germany.” made it an opportunity to criticize German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius and said that Pistorius was apparently informed for the first time on February 26 about the possible use of Taurus cruise missiles, but the discussion has been going on for six months. . Immediately, this question is raised about the standards, equipment and instructions of the ministry. The Union of United Christian Parties had previously called for strict security rules for internal communications.

On the other hand, Jenin Whistler, the leader of the German Left Party, called this incident another reason for the non-delivery. Cruise missile to Ukraine. “In terms of content, the discussions clearly show once again that the delivery of the Taurus cruise missiles would be very dangerous,” Whistler told SPIEGEL. Possible attacks “up to Moscow” could “create an unprecedented spiral of escalation”.

Whistler also demanded clarification of the incident. Referring to the Bundeswehr’s special fund worth 100 billion euros, the leftist leader said: “Equipping the Bundeswehr with hundreds of billions of dollars is dangerous when it cannot even hold a video conference safely.

Alexander Dubrint, the politician of the Social Christian opposition party, also called for the formation of an investigative committee after the wiretapping incident was revealed over the weekend. On the other hand, Ralf Stegner, the foreign politician of the Social Democratic Party, rejected this request. He told Tagus Spiegel on Sunday that such a committee would not be appropriate. This politician of the Social Democratic Party said: But of course, it should be clarified how this propaganda success can be achieved for Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia. He criticized Bundeswehr officers for carelessly talking about the possibility of Taurus being deployed via an unprotected communication channel. He presented the possibility of forming an investigative committee on Sunday. He said: “The question arises whether this process justifies a committee of inquiry with all its internal political implications and all that is publicly discussed afterwards?” text-align:justify”>The request of the German Minister of Economy to strengthen innovations in security and military capability

In this situation, Robert Haubeck, Minister of Economy The German federal government has also supported the strengthening of military research in Germany. The German official told Handelsblatt: “We have to get better in terms of security and military capability. And getting better also means boosting innovation.

He said: On the other hand, Germany has done little in the field of security for a long time in the mistaken hope that eternal peace has reached this continent. Basically, we have also shrunk in terms of innovation and research. Germany “ideally Al should have had defensive weapons like high-tech interceptor drones years ago.”

According to the German Minister of Economy, new materials and new technologies arrive very late to the German army. He emphasized: “I say this very publicly: we cannot continue like this.” become a reality in Ukraine. That’s why we are advised to strengthen our security and defense capabilities. Cyber ​​security, artificial intelligence and digital surveillance systems are part of this. Habakkuk about the American agency DARPA representing the ministry Defense promotes technological innovation, he said: “Here we have to see what we can learn from it.”

Swiss newspaper Tagus Anseiger also wrote in an article: It seems that the revelation of wiretapping of the German army will make some of the nightmares of the government of this country come true.

It is stated in this article: It all started when Russia It released a 38-minute interview on Friday in which you can hear German Air Force Chief Ingo Gerhardz talking to Brigadier General Frank Graf and two other high-ranking officers about the Taurus missiles.

In any case, publishing these internal and confidential conversations will be a serious shame for the German government and the army of this country. On Saturday, Schultz called the spying case “a very serious matter” that will now be investigated in detail.

Experts see the incident as evidence that Apparently, the Bundeswehr still communicates very naively even in wartime. Accordingly, anti-espionage defenses appear impotent and all government communications should be subject to scrutiny. Among their allies, the Americans, the French and the British, the Germans used to be seen as talkative people who were unable to keep secret information and secrets in military matters.

Politicians The defense of the union (CDU/CSU) and the greens and liberals are now accusing Olaf Schultz of lying that he does not want to hand over Taurus to Ukraine on false grounds.

Berlin is concerned about the disclosure of new information by Russia

There is concern in German government circles that the Russian secret services may have recorded more material than can be It used it to portray Germany as a direct “war party” – an idea that frightened many Germans. Experts warn that Russian propaganda has long made Germany its main target. On Sunday, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius spoke of “information warfare” and former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev spoke of Germany’s “stubborn enemy”.

Left party co-chair Whistler told the Berliner Zeitung that the top management of the German military cannot even hold a protected video conference, which is ridiculous and at the same time very dangerous. And while the defense budget has been growing for years and a special fund worth hundreds of billions has been made available. Pistorius needs to clarify. “The audio recordings are troubling and show once again how dangerous it is to send Taurus cruise missiles,” Whistler said. According to him, instead of providing missiles that can fly to Moscow, Germany should take responsibility and launch a diplomatic attack to end this war.”

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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