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Kanaani’s press conference: The resistance groups’ reaction will end only with an immediate stop to the killings and the lifting of the blockade of Gaza / Ryabkov visited Tehran about BRICS

Referring to the crimes committed by the Zionist regime in Gaza and America's support, the spokesperson of our country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: America must understand that the reaction of the resistance groups will end only by immediately stopping the killings and lifting the blockade and allowing emergency aid to be sent.
– International news

According to the foreign policy reporter of Tasnim News Agency, Nasser Kanani, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, this morning. On Monday, November 29, he answered the questions of journalists at his press conference. While referring to Children’s Day, Kanani said: I pay my respects to the five thousand martyred Palestinian children who were besieged for a long time and the hospital’s water and electricity were cut off, and many babies, including premature ones, as a result of the lack of oxygen and the lack of necessary facilities They were martyred, I also wish health to the thousands of wounded Palestinians, many of whom are children. He added: I also offer my condolences to the children who lost their fathers and mothers. These days are bitter days for Palestinian children. Our hearts are pained and saddened by the deplorable situation that Palestinian children are experiencing. /strong>

Regarding the list of Zionist goods and their embargo, the spokesman said: Basically, the entry of goods produced by Zionist companies or with Zionist-affiliated shares into Iran is prohibited according to the laws, and the people of Iran agree with Understanding the actions and aggressions of the regime, they have no desire to use these goods and will definitely avoid them. Kanani continued: Some countries import anonymous and nameless goods with various commercial and unprincipled methods, and basically this If the matter is not known in Iran, according to the law, the diplomatic agency is obliged to investigate these goods and companies that may be imported into Iranian markets. Based on this, the diplomatic service has conducted its own investigations. The list of such goods and companies has been given to the relevant executive body.

The reaction of the resistance groups will end only with an immediate stop to the killing and the lifting of the blockade of Gaza. Yafet

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said regarding Netanyahu’s statements regarding the attribution of the Israeli ship by Yemen to Iran: these accusations are invalid. We have stated many times that the resistance groups in the region are their representatives and make decisions and act based on the interests of their nations. Such statements are in the context of projection and to escape from difficult situations. Kanaani continued: This regime cannot accept a strategic defeat suffered by a ruling group in Gaza and is trying to accuse Iran. find a justification for his gross failure. We have repeatedly announced that the continuation and escalation of conflicts is the result of the all-out support of the US for the criminal actions of the Zionist regime, and it is a continuation of the non-stop attacks against Gaza and the widespread massacres that the regime has committed under the shadow of the US support. He considered the comprehensive support of the American government to the war crimes of the regime to face serious reactions in the region and said: especially the opposition of the United States to any resolution in the Security Council that calls for a ceasefire. These are among the actions that have made the situation in Gaza painful. These cause the reaction of the resistance forces in the region. The spokesman stated that they warned that they will not be closed if they do not end the war attacks of the resistance groups, and stated: They gave such a warning many times. . In addition to this, the widespread wave of opposition to the war in Gaza shows that the nations of the world are also dissatisfied with what is being done and want an end to these crimes. America must understand that the reaction of the resistance groups will end only by immediately stopping the killing and lifting the blockade and allowing the sending of immediate aid.

Resistance groups make their own decisions and take action

Kanaani also said about the attacks on American positions in the region: the resistance groups in the region are not under the command of Iran . They represent their nations. Instead of accusing Iran, the American government should investigate why it is hated by the nations and why these nations chant slogans against America and the Zionist regime in the streets for many days.

He continued: Resistance members make their own decisions and take action. Unlike America, which orders and forbids its allies, Iran does not have representative forces in the region. These are part of the reactions that are shown to the regime’s crimes.

Kanaani said regarding Iran’s actions to introduce the Zionist regime to international courts: The Zionist regime has committed numerous war crimes in the past forty days. Genocide, violation of human rights, forced displacement of a part of the Palestinian people and committing mass crimes against people and citizens without any distinction between soldiers and civilians, disregarding proportionality in the principle of response, all indicate the commission of war crimes by the Israeli regime in various ways. It is different.

The spokesman added: The International Criminal Court does not have jurisdiction in dealing with these crimes. Cases have been open in the court since several years ago. Fortunately, in recent days, a number of governments filed a complaint against the Zionist authorities in the Court. Announcing Iran’s support for the idea of ​​countries suing the International Criminal Court, he said: We have raised this demand many times. . What is expected from the court is to fulfill its duty. The records of the court’s performance so far have not shown successful and favorable performance, but now the International Criminal Court is facing a serious test according to the requests. The scene is clear. From the point of view of all international law experts and governments, the Zionist regime has committed a war crime, and there are enough proofs. Kanani added: Both Iran, within the framework of its own proposal and the resolutions of the summit, set up a committee for Compilation of these documents was determined to be submitted to international courts. We hope that this court will prove that it acts impartially. During his trip to Geneva, our foreign minister mentioned this issue with the UN officials. /span>

He said about the alleged report of the Agency regarding the amount of Iran’s enriched reserves and the nuclear threat of the Zionist regime: Iran’s peaceful activities are based on cooperation with the Agency and under the framework of safeguards and NPT And this cooperation continues. These collaborations are ongoing. Discussions like this are made with other motivations and we do not consider constructive positions.

The spokesman continued: At the same time, international forums are responsible for the illegal nuclear capabilities of the Zionist regime. Especially, this regime has shown that it does not respect the red line in committing crimes. The threat of the cabinet minister of this regime against the people of Gaza left no doubt that this regime has nuclear weapons and does not set any limits for itself. The Zionist regime has used prohibited and unconventional weapons in recent days. We hope the international community will pay attention.

We do not value the statements published by the US Congress

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the statements of the American representative regarding the blocking of Iranian money in Qatar said: The American Congress has shown that it is more than a representative of the American people, it is the protector of the interests of the Zionist regime and sacrificed the interests of the United States. We do not value such statements.

America should pay attention to its own responsibility for peace instead of asking others

Regarding Biden’s demands from the President of China, he said: I am not aware of what the President of the United States has requested for Iran, but if we assume that instead of asking others, the United States should pay attention to its responsibility in relation to international peace and Refrain from standing by the Zionist regime.

Ryabkov visited Tehran about BRICS

Regarding Ryabkov’s presence in Iran and the talks on the lifting of sanctions, Kanani said: Considering Iran’s membership in the BRICS group and the beginning of the rotating presidency of the Russian Federation at the beginning of the new year, his visit to Tehran was made and within the framework of the consultations There is a period between the two countries, and among other things, discussions were held within the framework of cooperation in the BRICS group. Some other topics were discussed. Also, developments in Palestine and Gaza were discussed. The issue of dealing with sanctions was also examined considering that two countries are subject to sanctions.

He said regarding the speech of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution yesterday regarding the disconnection of some countries with the Zionist regime and the activities of Iran: Iran is within the framework of its approach in supporting the nation. Palestine and to stop the war crime against Palestine, it has held continuous consultations with Islamic countries. The issue of sanctioning the regime is the desire of the Palestinian people and is being pursued by us. This is the right expectation of the Palestinian people from the Islamic governments to use all possible means against the regime’s killing machine. The spokesman stated that meetings were held by Islamic countries, but it was not enough, and stated: “Unfortunately, the organization Nations have also failed to fulfill their mission. Islamic governments have special duties to support the Palestinian nation. They can use national capacities against the regime. Oil embargo is one of the tools. To cut off their relations with the Zionist regime. These are Islamic and human duties. We are doing our best.

The cooperation between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency should be bilateral

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said regarding the Agency’s statement regarding the lack of progress in the relations between Iran and the Agency: cooperation is a two-way path. We are committed to continuing cooperation with the agency. Iran has never failed to fulfill its responsibilities and the agency is also responsible for fulfilling its duties. The communication between Iran and the Agency is continuous.




We are in continuous and daily contact with the Egyptian Red Crescent

He said about the statements of the Minister of Health regarding the non-cooperation of Egypt in sending aid: We, like many countries in the world, sent our aid to the oppressed people of Gaza with prior coordination with the Egyptian government. As a result of the non-cooperation of the Zionist regime with the Egyptian government and international organizations, many aids could not be sent.

Kanaani stated that this issue has always been followed up in Iran-Egypt talks. : Perhaps the exchange of messages between Iran and the Egyptian Red Crescent continues on a daily basis. As a result of the questionable immunity that some parties, including the United States, created for the regime, the Zionist regime does not fulfill its responsibilities and stops aid. The amount of aid passed is like a drop in the ocean. Only 25 to 40 trucks are allowed to pass daily, which is very insignificant. /span>

In response to Tasnim’s question regarding Amir Abdullahian’s statements about the new situation in the region, he said: What they mentioned refers to the current situation in Gaza. That the resistance groups in the region will not be closed to the continuation of war crimes against the Palestinian nation. The resistance groups consider the regime as a threat against the entire people of the region. The Zionist regime is an occupying regime, not only against Palestine, but part of Lebanon and Syria is under occupation. We see it on the field scene and if the crimes continue, we will witness a new page in the region, and naturally, the regime cannot be on the safe side, and the crimes of the Zionist regime will not go unanswered.

Americans talk bigger than their mouths

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said about the claim of the Americans regarding the relations between Iran and Azerbaijan: Americans are bigger than their mouths They speak for themselves. America has no right to interfere in Iran’s friendly relations with its neighbors. The Americans should stop interfering in regional affairs.

The expectation of the Palestinian people from China in the Security Council

Kanaani also said about the expectations from China regarding the developments in Palestine: China is an important country as a permanent member of the Security Council. I don’t want to talk about waiting for Iran. The Palestinian people expect China to support them against the aggression of the regime. Unfortunately, the US, using its veto power, prevented the adoption of a resolution that would cause a ceasefire. It is expected that the members of the Security Council will fulfill their duties.

The Zionist regime has been successful in crime but has not registered any military victory

He explained whether the Zionist regime was successful in what he said: The fact that the Israeli regime is able to achieve what it announced has shown that it can bloodletting and massacring innocent people, it has shown that it can attack hospitals, it has shown that it can bomb schools, it has shown that it can besiege hospitals and prevent the delivery of water and medicine, it has shown that it can put the people of Gaza under siege, but he could not prove that he would win with the resistance!

The speaker continued: The Zionist regime has not learned from its failures. Now, according to reports, the people of the occupied territories say that Netanyahu is neither a man of war nor peace. What happened is the result of this person’s will. Yes, it has been successful in crime, but it has not registered any military victory so far.

The conversation between the foreign ministers of Iran and France was about Palestine

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said regarding the meeting between the foreign ministers of Iran and France: Naturally, we will not exchange messages in the conversation. The conversation was about the developments in Palestine and some bilateral issues. These issues were discussed in the same framework. Naturally, the views of the two countries differ in some areas. We consider this conversation a success.

Kanaani added: We sat down and talked about Palestine. It is natural that our views do not coincide with France. But we have common issues, the discussion of stopping the war is a matter of chance. But who is responsible, of course, is primarily directed at the Zionist regime and secondly at the countries that support the regime’s crimes. The responsibility of the countries is clear and the nations also know who is responsible. Pay attention to the march of their nation.

The Palestinian nation has not received the expected outcome of the meeting of heads of Islamic countries Regarding the outcome of the meeting of heads of Islamic countries in Riyadh, he said: The fact that this meeting was held at the level of heads shows that Islamic countries are paying attention to the Palestinian issue and that they agreed to try to end the Zionist war against Gaza. stop and reopen the crossing to send aid. A committee should also be formed to follow up. But has the outcome of this meeting been tangible? Naturally, the Palestinian nation has not received the expected outcome.

The speaker continued: The expectation is that within the framework of the agreements, all their efforts will be made in relation to the urgent needs of Palestine, that is, the end to commit crimes and send humanitarian aid immediately. /strong>

Kanaani said about the Iran-Turkey consultations regarding the developments in Palestine: This is one of the topics we discuss with Turkey. Regarding the need to stop the crimes of the regime and the issue of prisoners, we have common views and both countries have good capacities.

He said about the latest developments in the sanctions lifting negotiations: We do not have new developments, but the path is open. Interruptions in the exchange of messages and mediated conversations can be the result of the situation. The path is not closed, it is open, and talks with mediators can also be done. It is not new and they had periodic exemptions before. Business cooperation between Iran and Iraq is ongoing in various fields.




The interaction between the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Parliament is done well

Kanaani said about the interaction between the Parliament and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the issue of the impeachment of the Minister of Foreign Affairs: the Presidium of the Parliament has not approved the registration of such an impeachment and the interaction between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Islamic Council is done There is a common interest between the foreign ministries and the parliament regarding the developments in Palestine. Meetings are held by parliamentary factions with the minister. Yesterday, the minister was also a guest of the parliament and there were good consultations regarding the current developments in the region. The cooperation between the parliament and the diplomatic system is complementary and synergistic. Regarding the consultation of the parliament with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the developments in Palestine, he said: We welcome the role of the parliament in the framework of parliamentary diplomacy. The parliament has always taken great care to use the parliamentary capacity. >

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said about the opening of new fronts in the region and resistance efforts: I am not speaking on behalf of anyone. Although Hamas’ operation was carried out independently and within the framework of their right to legitimate defense. We do not speak for the resistance. Resistance showed that it does what is needed. That the war will spread, we are now witnessing an increase in the war in the region.

Kanaani continued: It can be predicted that if the crimes continue, the dimensions of the war will also expand in the region. Those who sow the wind will reap the storm. They should think about the consequences of their behavior.

The history of Palestine did not start from October 7, but from the establishment of the illegitimate Zionist regime He added: What Palestine did was a legitimate and inherent right to defend itself. Those who refer to the seventh of October should know that the complex history of Palestine did not begin on the seventh of October. It goes back to the date of the establishment of an illegitimate regime that was built on the land of a nation.

We are not facing a sports boycott

The spokesperson also said regarding Iran’s sports embargo by America: We are not facing a sports embargo. During the past years, the pride of Iranian athletes and even our Paralympic sports teams has been among the nation’s pride. We do not accept anything called a sports embargo and our sports teams have good relations with the countries of the world, Alhamdulillah. But unfortunately, some people interfere with politics in sports, such as issuing visas late, which shows that they are afraid of the presence of our athletes in the field.

We don’t neglect the support of Iranian citizens anywhere in the world

Kanaani said regarding the consular support of the citizens taken hostage in Somalia: We as a diplomatic agency in connection with the support of Iranian citizens in We do not neglect anywhere in the world. Wherever possible, we will not withhold this consular support. It is the president’s personal emphasis and I must point out that one of the internal departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that Mr. Minister is interested in visiting is the consular department. This shows the attention of the diplomatic service to consular services. We will not withhold this from our citizens.

end of message/


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