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Developments in Ukraine American senator’s warning about dragging NATO into war/Kiev’s refusal to raise the white flag

Macron's upcoming trip to Kiev, Italy's opposition to interfering in Ukraine, Trump's unwillingness to continue providing financial and military support to Kiev, American Democrats' efforts to pass the aid bill to Ukraine, and the Vatican's explanation of the Pope's words about peace are some of the important events surrounding the war.
– International News

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, Senator ” Mike Lee of Utah states that the United States should withdraw from NATO if the alliance sends troops to Ukraine. “We have to draw a red line with NATO: either Ukraine or the United States,” he said. If the allies send troops to Ukraine, we will have to leave NATO completely.” lead to a potential nuclear conflict over Ukraine. Senator Lee stressed that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization should not even consider Ukraine’s candidacy, because the country does not have the necessary conditions to join the military bloc.

At the same time, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski admitted yesterday that a number of NATO member countries have already sent military forces to Ukraine. He said: “NATO soldiers are currently operating on the territory of Ukraine.” At the same time, the Polish Foreign Minister did not reveal which countries have sent their soldiers there. .

In this regard, Igor Nikolin, a military expert and former member of the UN Disarmament Commission, recalled that NATO soldiers were present in Ukraine from the very day the military conflict began, and this The issue is not a new and surprising news. He added: In fact, all the subversive and aggressive activities of the Ukrainian side always take place under the supervision of the British and American military.

The expert also noted that Western partners do not trust Ukrainians with their equipment. So, in particular, foreign specialists are in control of the Patriot air defense systems supplied to the Ukrainian military. Now, however, it seems that the United States has decided to withdraw from the conflict in Ukraine because the conflict is no longer interesting to them. . By receiving their benefits, they plan to place the responsibility of what is happening in Ukraine on the shoulders of their European partners. Follow the 47th day of the war in Ukraine:


Vladimir Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, criticized Pope Francis’ request to negotiate with Russia and he called it a “virtual mediation”.

Zelensky thanked the Ukrainian priests who support the army with “prayer and talk” in a message on his Telegram channel last night. And added: “That’s what the church is – with the people. Not to mediate virtually at a distance of 2.5 thousand kilometers – a very far place.”

On the same day, Dmitry Kolba, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of this country, also responded to the request. In order to raise the white flag from Kiev and agree to negotiate to end the war, Pope Francis said: Ukraine will not raise the white flag and the yellow and blue flag of Ukraine will always remain raised.

Vatican clarification on Pope’s words about Ukraine’s “white flag”

Matteo Bruni, head of the press office of the Vatican Palace yesterday, Sunday In a televised interview, he recalled that Pope Francis’ statement about “raising the white flag” of Ukraine was only a metaphor for the world’s desire for a just peace in this country.

According to He, the Pope used the phrase “white flag” to show the symbol of the truce that is achieved in peace negotiations, and negotiation never means surrender. He concluded that the Pope hopes that the Ukrainian conflict will be resolved through diplomatic methods. will

Guido Crosto, the head of the Italian Ministry of Defense, emphasized in an interview with “La Stampa” newspaper that France and Poland cannot speak on behalf of NATO and The intervention of this coalition in the conflict will generally “clear the solution of diplomacy”. This theory commented and said: France and Poland cannot speak on behalf of the NATO alliance, which has not officially and voluntarily intervened in the conflict since the beginning. Sending troops to Kiev means a step towards unilateral escalation that will destroy the path of diplomacy.

He stressed the need to think about how to help Ukraine to “Restoration of freedom, sovereignty and security” through diplomatic channels.

Zelensky: French President will come to Ukraine soon

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced on his Telegram channel last night that Emmanuel Macron, his French counterpart, plans to visit Kiev in the near future. According to him, the presidents of the two countries talked to each other on the phone on Sunday and reviewed the current situation. We exchanged views at the international support conference for Ukraine that was recently held in Paris. He appreciated the firm statements in support of Ukraine.

Agence France-Presse also reported that Emmanuel Macron will visit Kiev in the coming weeks, referring to the Elysee Palace statement. According to AFP, this decision was made after Macron had a telephone conversation with Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Sunday. In this conversation, the leaders of the two countries emphasized their commitment to strengthen cooperation in various fields, including cyber security, mine clearance and weapons production.

The French President in February, he had announced his intention to visit Ukraine, but then this trip was not carried out due to “security considerations”.

Orban: Trump He will not pay Ukraine if he wins the election

Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary last night in a TV interview about the outcome of his trip to the United States. announced that former US President Donald Trump told him that if he wins the next presidential election, he will no longer finance military operations in Ukraine.

According to the Hungarian Prime Minister, even now and while Trump is not in office, his Republican Party is a deterrent mechanism for Democrats who seek to invest the maximum possible resources to strengthen the armed forces of Ukraine. Orban added that Europe should be able to defend itself and the US will not guarantee its security instead of the Europeans.

Trump’s plan to end the conflict Ukraine has

Ending the military conflict in Ukraine. Viktor Orban said: “He has very detailed plans to end this war, but I’m not allowed to talk about the nature of those plans.”

Details emphasized that Trump’s plan to end the Ukraine conflict “in many respects is consistent with Hungary’s plans.” In addition, everyone knows that when Trump was the president of the United States, there was no military conflict in the world, neither in Ukraine nor in the Middle East.

The difference between Hungary and the United States in dealing with the Ukraine conflict

Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary, who visited the United States at the end of last week, explained that The differences between the authorities in Budapest and the current administration of the United States are caused by their different approaches in dealing with the military conflict in Ukraine.

And Hungary is already very dark, even though we are allies, I tried to mend these relations. For this reason, I went to America to revive the political friendship between the United States and Hungary.

Orban pointed out that this approach does not apply to the current administration of Joe Biden, and reminded: “There is currently a pro-war administration in Washington. The Democrats support the president and are committed to funding and militarizing the war in Ukraine. But we are a pacifist country, so we will not be grist to their mill.”

John Kerry: Ukrainian soldiers are dying for American values

John Kerry, the former representative of the US president on climate issues, expressed his opinion that the United States will contribute to the escalation of the crisis and the increase in the loss of life in this conflict without allocating new aid to Kiev.

Kerry said in an interview with MSNBC: “Every American should be outraged that by not providing new aid to Kiev, the United States is contributing to the crisis and the death of people fighting for American values. Ukrainian soldiers are fighting for our values ​​and it is necessary to support them. I am very sad and angry that the young soldiers in Ukraine who are fighting for these principles do not have enough ammunition and cannot do what needs to be done today. Every American should be outraged at the idea that we are complicit in this crisis. And maybe this will lead to the death of a person who is ready to fight for our values ​​and will not receive the necessary support from us. The spokesperson of this official reported that John Kerry resigned from the position of the representative of the US president on climate affairs on March 6. : There is no alternative to the aid bill to Kiev

Hakim Jeffries, the leader of the Democratic minority in the US House of Representatives (from the state of New York) in an interview with CBS announced that Democrats do not see an alternative to the bill passed by the Senate to allocate double funds for aid to Ukraine.

He emphasized: “Certainly when a comprehensive security “The bipartisan bill that passed the Senate doesn’t need to be replaced. And all we need is an up-or-down vote in the House. And House Speaker Mike Johnson needs to put this bill up for a vote.” /p>

The reason it’s not happening, he argued, is because there is a pro-Russian faction in the Republican Party: led by [former President] Donald Trump and [ Journalist] Tucker Carlson that they are blocking this bill and it’s a shame.”

Elon Musk’s criticism of violent mobilization in Ukraine

The American billionaire Elon Musk was very angry about the video published about the brutality of the Ukrainian police in the forced recruitment to fill the ranks of the country’s army, and by posting a comment about it on the network Socialite X (formerly Twitter) wrote: “In the past year, many people died without any progress on the battlefield. How many more people have to die to end this war?”

He wrote this under a post by businessman “David Sacks” that showed a video of the violent confrontation of the Ukrainian police in It published the arrest of 34 men of military service age who tried to flee illegally to Romania by bus to escape the Basij law. The people in this film were forced to lie on the ground and then were severely beaten.

A few days ago, the scene of a Ukrainian youth being forcibly taken in one of the streets of Odessa to send him to the battle front was published on social networks.

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The Ministry of Energy of Ukraine: the existing gas pipelines can be used to export hydrogen

German Galushenko, Minister of Energy of Ukraine, announced in an interview with the Austrian publication “Kurier” that the country plans to use the current gas pipeline infrastructure to export hydrogen. to Europe.

He said: Europe’s strategy has considered the import of more than 10 million tons of hydrogen per year until 2030, and we were able to easily achieve 3.5 to produce 5 million tons. Galushenko emphasized that the use of gas pipelines for the export of hydrogen remains the most important issue in the future. buys its needs from Russia and the energy is supplied through the Ukrainian gas transportation system. , said that the European Union is negotiating to abandon the transit of Russian gas through the territory of Ukraine. According to him, the countries that will be affected by the refusal of transit through Ukraine are discussing the alternative supply of natural gas, including the use of liquid gas. According to him, in the first place, we are talking about the countries of Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Italy.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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