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Infographic The 45th day and the latest developments of the Battle of Al-Aqsa Storm and the conflict areas

On the 45th day of Al-Aqsa storm operation, after the complete occupation of al-Shifa hospital, the regime did not fulfill its promise to discover the underground tunnels, and the clashes around Beit Hanoun and Jabalia between the regime and the resistance groups have spread.
– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, the Director General of the Gaza Ministry of Health said that in the last 3 days About 600 people were martyred inside the Indonesian hospital.

Palestinian news sources announced that Israeli occupying forces arrested 48 Palestinians, including 13 workers, in the West Bank today.

رژیم صهیونیستی (اسرائیل) , عملیات طوفان الاقصی ,

CNN reported, citing two knowledgeable sources, that the new draft agreement for the release of Israeli prisoners in Gaza calls for a five-day pause in the war for freedom. 50 are captured by the Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas. It must be stopped immediately

CNN details of the draft agreement for the release of Zionist prisoners In Gaza

the Qassam battalions of the military branch of the Hamas movement also announced that today they destroyed 29 vehicles of the Zionist regime in the areas of Al-Tawam, Jabalia, Beit Lahia and El-Zitoun.

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Publisher Tasnim News
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