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Hamas condoled the martyrdom of Walid Daqe

Hamas issued a statement condoling the martyrdom of Walid Daqe and once again renewed its covenant with the Palestinian prisoners until their release from the prisons of the Zionist regime.

report Mehr News Agency quoted the Palestine Information Center, the Islamic resistance movement Hamas in a statement about the martyrdom of Walid Daqah in the prison of the regime He condoled the Zionist occupation.

This movement, while condoling the martyrdom of the prisoner of Daqa, once again with the Palestinian prisoners until their release from The prisons of the Zionist regime renewed their covenant.

Zaher Jabarin The head of Hamas’ Martyrs, Prisoners and Wounded office emphasized in a statement in this bare: The martyrdom of the captive commander Walid Daqah (62 years old) from Western Baghe in the occupied territories of 1948, who was in captivity for 38 years and suffered from cancer, and finally as a result The policy of deliberate medical neglect was martyred in the prison of the occupying and criminal regime.

This statement continues: We are in the midst of the blessed battle of Al-Aqsa storm and in the shadow of the sacrifices of the great Palestinian nation in Gaza in line with the defense of Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque and loyalty To the captives and the ascension of the Prophet (PBUH), once again with the captives until their release from prisons We renew our covenant with the enemy to turn a blind eye to its occupiers and criminal leaders.

Jabarin emphasized that the crimes of Ben Guyer for the rights of Palestinian prisoners, the last example of which was the martyrdom of Asir Walid Deqa, an unsuccessful attempt to defeat the efforts of the mediators and throw stones in their way. is.

This evening, in a statement, the Palestine Prisoners and Freedmen Committee announced the martyrdom of a sick Palestinian prisoner who was imprisoned in the prisons of the Zionist regime.

This committee announced that “Walid Al-Daqah” was a Palestinian prisoner due to his deteriorating physical condition. And the disease, he died in the Zionist hospital “Assaf Herviyeh“.

Palestinian Prisoners and Freedmen Committee stated: Martyr Asir Walid Daqa was arrested at the age of 24 He was martyred in enemy prisons at the age of 62. During the years of his detention, this prisoner faced consecutive medical crimes by the enemy.

The lawyer of Martyr Walid Daqeh also announced in an interview with Al-Jazeera: This prisoner is due to negligence Planned medicine was martyred in Israeli prisons. Israel prevented the family of this prisoner from meeting him since October 7th of last year, and his family has no information about what happened to this prisoner.

Walid Daqeh was a Palestinian thinker, 62 years old, and a resident of the occupied territories of 1948, who since In 1986, he was captured by the Zionist regime. He was diagnosed with leukemia in 2015 and in 2022 he was diagnosed with the rare cancer myelofibrosis. In March of last year, as a result of the lack of medical care in the prisons of the Zionist regime, the condition of this Palestinian prisoner worsened.

Last year Amnesty International asked the Zionist regime to give birth to Daqeh without delay. release the 62-year-old Palestinian prisoner suffering from cancer who was imprisoned by this regime.

Before that, the court of the Zionist regime released the captive martyr Walid Daqe before the end of the term He had opposed his conviction.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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