world economy
World price of gold Gold on the eve of $ 4,000
The price of gold per ounce today - on March 6 - rose by 4.9 percent to $ 2 and 2 cents.
World Oil Price March 6; Brent was $ 2 and 2 cents
The price of Brent North Sea oil today - on March 6 - increased by 2 cents, equivalent to $ 1.5 percent to $ 2 and 2 cents.
The global public debt was $ 6 trillion
The global state debt has risen from $ 1.5 trillion a year to $ 1.2 trillion a year.
An increase of 1.5 million barrels of daily oil demand in years 1 and 2
According to OPEC's forecasts, the IAEA and the US Energy Information Office, global demand for oil will increase by an average of 1.5 million barrels per day in years 1…
Americans do not trust the present and future of this country’s economy
Americans' overall trust in the US economy remains negative in February, with Gallup's economic confidence index being at a negative level, which is similar to the January rating.
- free zones of Iran, heaven for investment | 741 investment packages in Iran's free zones | With a capacity of over 158 billion dollars | Safe investment in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Blue economy as sustainable development in the world
The water economy offers a sustainable development model and looks at the ocean to deliver new economic opportunities as well as reduce poverty, food security, sustainable livelihoods and protect ecological…
World Gold Prices Today Ounces fell by 4.9 percent
The price of gold per ounce today fell by 4.9 percent to $ 2 and 2 cents.
World Oil Prices Today Brent was $ 2 and 2 cents
The price of Brent North Sea oil today fell to $ 2 and 2 cents to $ 2 and 2 cents.
Management of foreign exchange resources in the field of importing the missing loop of boycotting
Studies show that the free market economy also ignores the basics of this economic approach in times of crisis and circumstances and moves towards government intervention and support.
World Oil Price Today Partial drop in oil rates
The price of Brent North Sea oil today fell by 2 cents to $ 2 and 2 cents.
- free zones of Iran, heaven for investment | 741 investment packages in Iran's free zones | With a capacity of over 158 billion dollars | Safe investment in the Islamic Republic of Iran
World Gold Prices Today $ 2 per ounce and 2 cents
The price of gold per ounce today - March 6 - dropped to $ 2 and 2 cents.
The automotive industry drives the German economy to the crash route
The future Chancellor of Germany will inherit many of the problems with the automotive industry, including the high cost of energy and the labor force along with the commercial war…
World price of gold Ounce to $ 2 and 2 cents
The price of gold per ounce for immediate delivery rose 3.9 percent to $ 2 and 2 cents after the record of $ 2 and 2 cents in the early…
Oil Price 2 March; Brent was $ 75 and 82 cents
Oil prices in the Asian market on Thursday, with the rise in US oil reserves and concerns over Trump's tariffs, withdrew from yesterday's growth and declined.
US $ 6 trillion debt
The US government has nearly $ 5 trillion in debt.
- free zones of Iran, heaven for investment | 741 investment packages in Iran's free zones | With a capacity of over 158 billion dollars | Safe investment in the Islamic Republic of Iran