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attack on the Iranian consulate; A clear violation of the 1961 and 1963 Vienna Conventions

The aerial attack of the Zionist regime on the consulate of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus is a clear violation of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.

Mehr News Agency, International Group: The fake Zionist regime that has been supported by the West for 76 years He has committed the biggest crimes and violated international agreements, and by attacking the diplomatic centers of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Syria, he made his black case stronger.

On Monday evening (April 13), the consulate of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus was attacked by warplanes of the Zionist regime and the consulate building was completely destroyed; An aggressive attack that led to the martyrdom of several officials and military advisers of our country.

حمله به کنسولگری ایران؛ نقض آشکار کنوانسیون‌های ۱۹۶۱ و ۱۹۶۳ وین

Escape to America in the company of the Zionist regime

This terror and great crime by the Zionists caused the summoning of the Swiss ambassador in Tehran, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of our country, Amir Abdullahian, wrote about the details on the X social network: Following the Israeli regime’s terrorist attack on the diplomatic building of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s consulate in Damascus and the martyrdom of several of our country’s official military advisors, the official of the Swiss embassy (the embassy’s charge d’affaires in the absence of the ambassador) as the protector of American interests in Iran, at 00:45 this morning (Tuesday) ) was called to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the Director General of America.

He added that “in this summons, the dimensions of the terrorist attack and the crime of the Israeli regime were emphasized and the responsibility of the American government was emphasized.”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran has identified America as responsible for this crime, while the White House has always refused to accept this strategic error in its statements.

The spokesperson of the American National Security Council told the American website “Axius” in order to avoid the burden of this dangerous responsibility: “The United States has no involvement in the [Israeli] attack.” ] and we didn’t know about it in advance.”

According to this official of the American National Security Council, the White House was not involved in the Zionist regime’s attack on the building of the consular section of the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, and Tel Aviv was only involved in the opening minutes of this operation. informed them aggressively and without providing details.

The crimes of the Zionist regime, from sabotage and terrorist operations in Iran to the current genocide in Gaza, have caused the army of this fake regime to be known as the proxy army of America in the region. . Therefore, Iranian and regional officials believe that the White House should respond to any unconventional and belligerent behavior by the Zionist regime.

In this connection, Admiral Ali Shamkhani, the political advisor of the leadership of the Islamic Revolution, had similar positions to Amir Abdullahian and wrote on his user account on the X social network: “The Zionist regime By attacking the Iranian consulate in Damascus, the American proxy army in the region has committed a stupidity that it must pay for. Whether or not Washington is aware of Israel’s intention to carry out this action has no effect on America’s direct responsibility for this crime and its consequences.”

حمله به کنسولگری ایران؛ نقض آشکار کنوانسیون‌های ۱۹۶۱ و ۱۹۶۳ وین

The attack on the Iranian consulate from the perspective of international law

Attack on diplomatic and consular centers, including embassies and consulates, is a clear example of violating international protocols and violating the immunity of these places, which cannot be tolerated by any country or organization. There is no acceptance.

In fact, attacking consulates and embassies can lead to the creation and escalation of tension in international relations and endanger global peace and security. Considering these cases, the attack on these diplomatic places is considered as an illegal and unacceptable act and is always condemned by the international community. Therefore, dozens of organizations and countries in the world have condemned this attack by the Zionist regime by publishing announcements and statements.

حمله به کنسولگری ایران؛ نقض آشکار کنوانسیون‌های ۱۹۶۱ و ۱۹۶۳ وین

As ​​explicitly condemned in the 1961 Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, such violations are condemned. .

The 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations clearly describes respect for embassies, consulates, diplomats and employees of diplomatic and consular missions. Also, the 1963 Vienna Convention is about consular relations and its staff.

For example, in connection with the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, the 1963 Convention sets out the immunity recognized in international law for diplomatic agents and related establishments as follows: immunity from invasion of diplomatic places; Immunity of archives and diplomatic archives; Freedom of movement and communication.

Under “Article 31” under the title “Immunity of Consular Places from Assault” which deals with the subject of attack The Zionist regime is in contact with the Iranian consulate in Syria, it is said:

1 – Consular places have immunity up to the limits stipulated in this article.

2 – Receiving officials may not enter that part of the consular premises used exclusively for the conduct of consular posts unless With the consent of the head of the consular post or a person designated by him or the head of the diplomatic mission of the sending state. However, in the event of a fire or other unfortunate events that require immediate protective measures, the consent of the head of the consular post can be assumed to have been obtained.

3 – Under the provisions of paragraph 2 of this article, the receiving government has a special duty to take all the necessary measures in order to ensure that the consular places violated and If no damage is done and its peace and affairs are not disturbed, adopt it.

4 – Consular premises and their furniture, as well as the property of the consular post and its vehicles from any sources for the purpose of national defense or public benefit will be immune. Whenever expropriation is necessary for these purposes, all possible measures will be taken to avoid creating obstacles in the way of performing consular duties, and immediate, appropriate and sufficient compensation will be paid to the sending government.

Looking at the aforementioned provisions, one can understand the increasing importance of diplomatic places, so that consulates and embassies are considered the same as the territory of the sending country, and an attack on it is an attack on It is that country.

The importance of the financial and life security of diplomats is so great that the countries of the world did not consider the provisions of the 1961 Vienna Convention, which focused only on “permanent diplomatic missions”, to be sufficient. Considering the growing importance of special political missions, during the United Nations General Assembly on December 8, 1969, they ratified the “Special Missions Convention” which Iran also ratified six years later, on June 15, 1975 (June 5, 1975). became a member of this convention.

The assassination of martyr Haj Qassem Soleimani in December 2018 was also a clear violation of this convention by America. This assassination was carried out by the American army forces while he entered the country as a “special mission”, an official guest of the Iraqi government through the official and international airport of Baghdad and was supposed to meet with the Iraqi prime minister as a special representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran. .

America, which at that time had violated the “Special Missions Convention” and ignored Iraq’s sovereignty, is now trying to withdraw itself from violating Syria’s sovereignty and the conventions of 1961 and 1963, Vienna was created by the Zionist regime. Repeated violations of the sovereignty of countries and international law by the United States and Washington’s unquestioning support for the crimes of the Zionist regime have caused them to be side by side on the false front of history.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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