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Belgium welcomes the recognition of the independent state of Palestine

Belgium announced its readiness to recognize the independent state of Palestine.

Although the European Union and the United States always emphasize the solution of the two governments to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, in practice they have not taken any action to put pressure on Tel Aviv in order to accept the Palestinians’ request, and the Zionist regime is an accomplice in the genocide in Gaza is considered. However, the recent war has raised dissenting voices in the West.

According to Al Jazeera, Belgium announced its readiness to recognize the independent state of Palestine.

Accordingly, Haja Lehabib, the Belgian Foreign Minister, said: Brussels will recognize the independent state of Palestine whenever the time comes.

Speaking on the sidelines of the NATO meeting, he noted: We are worried about the international reactions to the Gaza war. Last month (March), the UN Security Council passed a resolution calling for the immediate establishment of a ceasefire in this strait, but it was ignored in practice.

The solution of the two governments to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is based on the UN resolution, during which 78% of the Palestinian homeland will come under the sovereignty of Tel Aviv, and the Palestinians will transfer only 22% of their land in Gaza and the West Bank to the capital of Jerusalem. will have the East.

However, the Zionist authorities have repeatedly stated that they are not willing to give this 22 percent to the Palestinians. Now 700,000 Zionists are settled in West Bank settlements (equivalent to 10% of Israel’s population) and Tel Aviv has invested billions of dollars in this area.

Club of Young Journalists International Europe and America


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