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Gaza’s health system has been completely destroyed

Doctors Without Borders announced the suspension of its activities in the Gaza Strip and described the situation in Gaza as critical.

report Mehr News Agency, citing Al Jazeera, Doctors Without Borders has announced the suspension of its activities in the Gaza Strip.

In this connection, Doctors Without Borders announced that Israel’s aggression and attacks in the bombing of Rafah It forced us to stop providing life-saving services to the Indonesian hospital.

According to Médecins Sans Frontières, the health system in Gaza has been destroyed and now the healthcare system is in complete collapse and this situation will have dire consequences for those living in the Strip. They are caught.

On the other hand, “Salama Maruf”, the head of the State Information Office of the Gaza Strip, spoke of the dire need of all the residents of the Gaza Strip for humanitarian aid. Referring to the amount of destruction in this strip, the head of the State Information Office of the Gaza Strip emphasized: the invaders have destroyed more than 75 percent of the houses of the citizens in the Gaza Strip.

Maarouf continued: The movement of weapons of the occupying regime in the center of Rafah last night means this is that we are facing a disaster.

The head of the government information office of the Gaza Strip, referring to the damages caused to the hospitals and medical centers of the strip, said: “The European hospital will be completely closed today due to the lack of fuel.” The attacks of the occupiers have taken 33 hospitals of the Gaza Strip completely out of service.

Maarouf also pointed to the occurrence of famine in the Gaza Strip and added: After nearly 8 months of aggression, some areas of the Gaza Strip have reached the stage of famine.

also according to reports, Qassam drone brought Israel under its control.

In this connection, Qassam battalions announced that an Israeli drone was shot west of the camp. style=”text-align:right”>Jabalia in the north of the Gaza Strip while carrying out a spy mission was shot down and brought under its control.

A few hours ago, the Qassam battalions (the military branch of the Palestinian Islamic resistance movement Hamas) announced that It has carried out a new combined operation against the soldiers and weapons of the Zionist regime army at the end of Madara Street in the Jbaliya camp located in the north of the Gaza Strip.

According to the announcement of Qassam battalions, the fighters of these battalions in the first stage of this operation, a group of forces They targeted the Israeli army, who were entrenched inside one of the houses, with anti-personnel bullets.

Then, as soon as the Zionist soldiers moved to the lower floor of the house, these soldiers were attacked by Qassam fighters They were targeted by “Raadi” anti-personnel bullets, as a result of which a number of these Zionist soldiers were killed and a number of others were injured.

In the next stage of this operation, a little later, some fighters of Qassam towards this They went to the house and detonated an anti-personnel bomb at its entrance, which also resulted in the death and wounding of a number of Zionist soldiers.

After that, as soon as the armored forces of the Zionist regime arrived to rescue the wounded Zionist soldiers and pull out the dead Zionist soldiers, the fighters Qassam targeted a Merkavai tank of the Zionist regime with a “Yasin 105” bullet and a tank The other Merkavai was also blown up with “Shwaaz” bomb.

In addition to these battalions Qassam announced that a tank Merkavai has targeted another Israeli army in the northeast of the city of Jebalia with “Yasin 105” bullets.

Soldiers of the Zionist regime in the east of the city of Jebalia in the north of the Gaza Strip, crossing Rafah in the south of this strip and in the north of the central province of the Gaza Strip were also targeted by Qassam mortar attacks. .

The Quds Brigades (the military branch of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement) also announced that they will use the soldiers and weapons of the Zionist army in the “Netsarim” and behind the eastern cemetery of Rafah with mortars.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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