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Hamas and resistance groups: The Zionist regime is close to collapse

The Hamas movement and the committees of the Palestinian Authority issued statements on the occasion of the anniversary of the Nakbat and stated that the Zionist regime is closer to collapse and collapse than ever before.

report Mehr News Agency According to the Palestinian Shahab news agency, the Hamas movement issued a statement while commemorating the anniversary of the Nakba and declaring the existence of the Zionist regime, stating that the Al-Aqsa storm is the natural continuation of our nation’s resistance, its right to defend its lands. And it is holy.

This statement emphasized that Al-Aqsa storm operation is a strategic point that revived the cause of Palestine in its global existence and put nationalist enthusiasm in the nature of resistance and The autocracy of the Zionist enemy has been crushed.

Islamic resistance called on the Islamic Ummah and all the free people of the world to take action with all possible means to stop Israel’s aggression against the Palestinian lands, nation and sanctuaries, and stability and resistance To support the idealist nation of Palestine to achieve freedom and independence.

This statement also shows the side of the US government against the ongoing aggressions and crimes of the Zionist regime in the occupied West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem, and the double standards of Western countries in dealing with the issue of Palestine and human rights. Leghim considered it a big mistake against all charters and human values, which makes them accomplices in the crimes of the occupiers in Gaza.

Palestinian resistance committees also issued a statement stating that the Palestinian nation is still rooted and adheres to its lands and country and protects its sanctities and the Zionist regime is more It is already close to decline and collapse.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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