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The occupying forces attacked al-Shifa Medical Complex again and arrested the medical staff and hospital officials

Media sources reported about the invasion of the occupying forces again into Al-Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza and announced that the Zionists arrested many refugees and officials and medical staff of the hospital and the communications of this hospital were cut off.

– International News

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, in a situation At the same time as all the hospitals and medical centers in Gaza were bombed, on Wednesday morning, the soldiers of the occupying regime invaded the hospital and attacked the doctors, refugees and patients while besieging the Bozor Al-Shifa medical complex. The occupying forces informed Al-Shifa Hospital.

The attack of the occupying forces on Al-Shifa Hospital

Al-Mayadeen reporter in the Gaza Strip reported on Thursday that the tanks of the Zionist enemy army attacked Al-Shifa Medical Complex from the south again and destroyed large areas of its infrastructure with bulldozers.

According to this report, the soldiers of the occupying regime destroyed large areas of the place overlooking the obstetrics and gynecology department of Al-Shifa Hospital. Also, the tanks of the Zionist army surrounded the hospital and continue to shoot blindly against the civilians. p style=”text-align:justify”>Al-Mayadeen reporter also announced that the enemy forces arrested 2 of the most important members of the medical staff of Al-Shifa Complex and turned this hospital into a military barracks. The Zionists also arrested a large number of officials and those present in the hospital, including 2 technical engineers of this hospital.

There is no news, he emphasized that the power outage threatens the lives of many injured people. The attack on the Al-Shifa Medical Complex can be said, the attack on the hospitals is a real crime against humanity and a clear violation of international laws, and the international community must act faster to save the injured, the medical teams, and the refugees in this hospital.

He emphasized that the occupiers and the international community are responsible for the lives of the patients, medical staff and refugees in Al-Shifa Medical Complex, and we warn about the Zionists’ action to carry out a large massacre inside this hospital. This attack is part of the crimes committed by the occupiers against Al-Shifa medical complex. The forces of the Zionist army have surrounded this hospital for several days and bombed more than 5 of its buildings. Al-Shifa Hospital are present, but there is currently no information about their fate. The occupiers have launched a massive massacre against hospitals and medical teams and ambulances since October 7, during which more than 700 medical and medical staff members were martyred in Gaza.

Medical sources of al-Shifa hospital also announced that the situation in this hospital is very catastrophic and is getting worse. The occupiers blew up the hospital and 2 warehouses of medicine and medical equipment in the surgery and delivery department buildings, and the sound of explosions and bullets does not stop and no one is able to move inside this hospital.

These sources said, the occupying forces arrested many displaced people and the families of the martyrs and injured in the hospital and took most of them handcuffed and blindfolded to unknown destinations. Also, due to the disconnection of hospital communication, no one knows the fate of these people.

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On the other hand, Iyad Al-Jabri, Medical Director of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital announced that the situation in this hospital is catastrophic. Other hospitals also have supercritical conditions. About 460 patients and wounded are being treated in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, which is more than 3 times the capacity of this hospital. It is very difficult to supply fuel for this hospital and the situation will become even more catastrophic. It is severe, we are not. The fuel is running out, which means a great health disaster and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital will soon be out of business.

During the past days and while the systematic bombing of all Hospitals and medical centers, ambulances, etc. continue to be severely damaged by the invaders in Gaza. Al-Shifa medical complex, which is considered the largest medical complex in Gaza and provided the most services to the sick and injured, and there are about 7 thousand displaced persons in it, Shirdi is under the barbaric attacks of the Zionist army, and on Wednesday night, soldiers of the occupying regime attacked the hospital while surrounding it with tanks and bulldozers.

The occupiers’ excuse for justifying their crimes in hospitals, including Al-Shifa Hospital, is “the presence of resistance tunnels in the hospital and the military use of this hospital by the resistance forces.” A claim that even international organizations reject, and the Palestinian resistance and the Gaza government have repeatedly requested international investigations of the hospitals to expose the lies of the occupiers, but the Zionists do not allow international teams to enter the hospital.

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