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Nikki Haley’s promise to cut UN funding for “not supporting Israel”

One of the candidates of the Republican Party in the US presidential election promised to cut the UN budget “as much as possible” if he enters the White House.

According to the Fars News Agency International Group, Nikki Haley, one of the candidates of the Republican Party for the US presidential election, who was formerly the representative of the United States in the United Nations, promised that if he enters the White House, the budget of the United Nations will be reduced “to every As much as possible.

In an interview with Fox News, Nikki Haley said: “This is the right thing to say.”

The former American official then said in response to the question whether the United States will withdraw from the United Nations in the event of his presidency: “The only thing is to We will cut the UN budget as much as possible.” “Sean, the only reason we shouldn’t leave the United Nations is because we’re one of the five countries that have a veto,” added the former U.S. representative. By using this veto, we have been able to prevent them from being carried out by China, Russia, and Iran. They are important, but we don’t need to spend as much money as we do, and we don’t need to be a member of any other UN organization. >

Nikki Haley, who previously described the UN Human Rights Council as a “disaster”, said in this interview that if he becomes president, he will remove the US from this council.

The former US President Donald Trump’s administration removed his country from the United Nations Human Rights Council in 2018, but the current President Joe Biden returned the US to it again in 2021.

Nicky Haley said in another part of his statement that the World Health Organization was also bought by China and its expenses are paid by the Chinese.

Nicky Haley is a staunch supporter of the Zionist regime. And in his speeches at the United Nations, he repeatedly changed the topics of the meetings that were related to this regime to Iran and Hezbollah. After more than seven decades of occupation of Palestine and nearly two decades of siege of Gaza and imprisonment and torture of thousands of Palestinians, the operation known as “Al-Aqsa Storm” began.

This operation is one of the deadliest attacks against This was the regime. Hamas fighters penetrated into the occupied territories at several points of the border fences, attacked villages and besides killing a large number of Israelis, captured a number of them.

Zionist regime In response to this operation, it launched heavy attacks against Gaza and placed this area under complete siege. The attacks of the Zionist regime have led to the martyrdom of more than 11 thousand people.

Observers say that Israel’s actions, including cutting off electricity, limiting aid to Gaza, and carrying out attacks against Palestinian refugees in Gaza, are examples of war crimes under international law.

The soldiers of the Israeli regime entered al-Shifa hospital in northern Gaza yesterday in another action that drew strong criticism from international organizations.

According to the World Health Organization, the hospital and two thirds Its basic health centers are not working. According to Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the situation in Gaza is indescribable. Hospital corridors are full of wounded, sick and dying people; Cold storages are full; surgery without anesthesia; Tens of thousands of displaced people have taken refuge in hospitals; Families who are gathered in overcrowded schools and are desperate for food and water.

The head of this international organization, stressing the need for an immediate ceasefire, has announced that on average every 10 minutes, a A child is killed in Gaza.


publisher Fars news agency
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