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Putin abandons his succession plan?

Those close to the Russian president convinced him that his withdrawal from the candidacy would destabilize the country and could lead to a power struggle between different political factions.

– International News

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, in recent days, the western press It is persistently written that Vladimir Putin has decided to run for the next term of the Russian presidency.

Putin himself said at the Eastern Economic Forum held in September that he would not participate in the elections before the end. 2023 will not make a decision.

The eighth Russian presidential election must be held on the second Sunday of the month in which the previous election was held, i.e. on March 17, 2024 (March 27, 1402). . The exact date of the election will be determined by the Council of the Russian Federation next month, when political parties will hold their pre-election congresses and nominate their candidates.

Although Ramzan Kadyrov, The president of Chechnya called for the cancellation of the elections, but it is certain that the elections will not be postponed until an emergency situation occurs.

Russia’s Central Election Commission announced that the technical and organizational preparations for the elections The presidency started a few months ago.

Pro-power experts often point out that since the president is a lawyer, it is very important for him to legitimize his authority.

Putin stated in his speech to the Federal Assembly in February 2023 that the Russian presidential election will be held on time according to the rules.

Putin for the first time He became president in 2000 and remained in office for four terms (with a break between 2008-2012). Putin, who turns 71 on October 7, has been in power longer than any Russian ruler since Joseph Stalin, even surpassing Leonid Brezhnev’s record of 18 years.

3 Last year, Russia’s constitution was changed, removing obstacles to Putin’s new presidential term.

Several factors explain why Putin decided to run for president again. But the main argument is that if Putin was going to hand over power to someone, the propaganda about the successor should have already started.

Everyone remembers that in 2008 (when Putin’s second term ended) the issue of the successor was resolved and Dmitry Medvedev’s campaign began. There are no such candidate ads now. It is even expected that there will be conditional candidates from at least three parties in the upcoming elections.

Therefore, there may be alternative candidates for Putin from the Communist Party and the Liberal Democratic Party, and even the belief It is assumed that “Grigory Yavlinsky” will be its candidate. It is also said that journalists Dmitri Muratov and Alexei Vendiktov may run, which is highly unlikely.

Putin’s popularity inside Russia is higher than that of many Western leaders, a It is reality. The president’s inner circle is trying to convince Putin that his withdrawal from the candidacy will cause instability in the country and could lead to a power struggle between different political groups.

Transfer of power or transformation Softness is not possible in the current war situation, Putin must go to the elections. The highest risk is the fear of separatism and ethnic conflicts that may flare up again after Putin’s departure. Especially in the conditions of continuous war with NATO and America in Ukraine and economic sanctions. In other words, the reality is that there is no real challenger to Putin, so if he were to contest the election, he would surely win.

Putin is said to be building his election campaign around He will build “anti-Western” propaganda and may even declare victory in the war with Ukraine before the elections. It is clear that the ideological and economic war with the West should be the main campaign ground in the 2024 elections.

For Putin, the victory in the fifth presidential election is not the only important thing. It is important for him to win with a large and secure majority so that none of his many enemies can question his victory.

It is clear that Vladimir Putin loves history and symbolic gestures. Therefore, one of the possible dates to announce his candidacy for the new presidential term was November 13, National Unity Day.

But it was not expected and now there are reports that Putin may decide to announce himself during the “Russia” international exhibition and forum.

It is reported that Putin could announce his candidacy for the new term of the presidency on this platform (in the context of the event that all regions Russia is present in it) to announce. This exhibition will be held from November 4, 2023 to April 12, 2024, coinciding with the presidential campaign.

Based on the order of the head of the Russian government, this exhibition aims to show the most important achievements of Russia in various economic fields.

In fact, this is an exhibition of Putin’s achievements and it is better to announce a candidacy on this stage.

Today it became clear that for the first time Once after the war, Putin will hold a traditional press conference for reporters and direct call format on December 14. Now attention is focused again on that calendar. Putin is in no rush, but developments suggest there will be no surprise decisions.

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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