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French ambassadors protest against Macron’s support for the Zionists

The French newspaper reported that a group of French ambassadors in Islamic countries wrote a letter opposing and criticizing Emmanuel Macron’s support for the Zionist regime.

According to the report of Fars News Agency, the French publication “Lofigaro” reported that a group of 10 French ambassadors in the Muslim countries of West Asia wrote a letter to the biased position of “Emmanuel Macron”, the president of this country. They protested in support of the Zionist regime.

In this letter, these 10 French ambassadors criticized what they called “Macron’s withdrawal from France’s traditional balanced position towards the Israel-Palestine war”.

These ambassadors considered the deviation of the Macron government from the traditional diplomatic positions of France in the modern era towards the Arab world as an unprecedented event. “, this letter was sent directly to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and subsequently to the Elysee Palace, and conveyed the message of a diplomatic revolt.

According to Figaro, it was stated in this letter: “People We feel that we are betraying ourselves. They believe that our discourse based on humanism contradicts our approach.”

In recent days, the French president has tried to convey the message of an “unwavering support” for the occupation of the Zionist regime. Send it.

Macron recently claimed during his trip to the occupied territories that he supports the “multinational coalition fighting the ISIS terrorist group, targeting Hamas as well”.

He claimed to reiterate his statements about “the right of the Jewish state to defend itself” without mentioning any of the war crimes of the Zionist regime.

Macron The reason for his stance in support of the Zionist regime was criticized by his country’s diplomats who are worried about damaging the image of France in Arab and Islamic countries. The forces of resistance against the Zionist regime witnessed large demonstrations in support of the Palestinians and condemning the crimes of this regime. It has taken to ban pro-Palestinian movements.

End of message


publisher Fars news agency
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