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Declaration of Aliyev’s solidarity with the Palestinian people

Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, wrote a letter to the head of the Palestinian Authority on Wednesday (today) and announced that Baku has always shown its solidarity with Palestine.

According to the report of the international group of Fars news agency, in a situation where the visits of officials from Baku and Tel Aviv to the capitals of both sides have intensified in recent years, the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan has emphasized the solidarity of this country with the Palestinian people in a letter.

State media of the Republic of Azerbaijan such as “Trend” news agency They informed about the letter of the president of this country addressed to Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the self-governing organization. In this letter, which was sent on the occasion of “Palestine National Day”, Ilham Aliyev emphasized the solidarity of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the Palestinian issue and also spoke briefly about the Gaza war.

In this letter, he stated: “On behalf of myself and the people of (the Republic of) Azerbaijan, on the occasion of the National Day of the State of Palestine, I sincerely congratulate you and wish the best to you and through you to all your people.”

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, whose country’s move last year to formalize relations with the Zionist regime faced protests from the Palestinian resistance forces, wrote in a letter: “Last year’s move to establish Azerbaijan’s diplomatic mission in Palestine is a positive step for the development of relations It was bilateral. The establishment of a school on our behalf in Palestine is also on the agenda”.

Elham Aliyev then made a passing reference to the Zionist regime’s war against the people of Gaza, and without condemning this regime, for the end This war expressed hope.

On Wednesday evening (last night), the government information office in Gaza announced that 11,240 people were martyred during the thirty-eight days of the Zionist war against the Palestinians, of which 4,630 were children. And 3,130 people are also women.

The president of the Republic of Azerbaijan stated in his letter: “We hope that the tension in Gaza will decrease as soon as possible.” Azerbaijan has always shown its solidarity regarding the issue of Palestine and supported the two-state solution based on the resolutions and decisions of the United Nations. Our country will continue to support the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).” During the past year, Palestine has repeatedly criticized Baku’s positions towards Tel Aviv.

Aliyev stated in his final address to Mahmoud Abbas: “I believe that friendly relations and cooperation are based on good traditions.” Our countries will continue to be successful. On this festive day, I wish you health, happiness, success in your endeavors, and peace and prosperity for our Palestinian brothers”.

end of message/


publisher Fars news agency
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