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Zionist officials and experts: It is impossible to achieve Israel’s goals in Gaza/Hamas cannot be destroyed

Former and current security-military officials of the Zionist regime, referring to the inability of the army of this regime to identify the tunnels of the Palestinian resistance in Gaza, declared that Hamas was indestructible and that it was impossible to achieve Israel's goals in Gaza.

– International News

According to the international group Tasnim News Agency, while the Zionist regime after more than 40 days passed The war in Gaza has not achieved anything except the massacre of civilians and the killing of women and children in Gaza, and it has not even gained a single military advantage. Zionist experts and current and former security officials of the occupying regime agree that Israel will achieve its two main stated goals in this war. War means the destruction of Hamas and the release of Israeli prisoners is impossible. Razi Barkai, a Zionist military expert and a former official of the regime’s army, announced that it is not possible to carry out the mission of destroying Hamas and freeing Israeli prisoners at the same time. >

“Tsavi Yehzekili”, an analyst of Arab affairs on the 13th channel of the Zionist regime, also announced that Hamas is not in trouble and you cannot find the senior leaders of this movement anywhere, not even under Al-Shifa Hospital.

Gyura Island, a reserve general in the Zionist Army and the former head of the operations department of this army, said that Hamas as an organization cannot be destroyed; Not only because its leaders and commanders are standing, but also because the goal of Hamas is to be steadfast and continue. He added that Hamas adheres to its steadfastness and this It has been concluded that Israel will be forced to stop its attacks at a certain stage due to international pressure or other reasons. This means that this war will continue. Gadi Shamni, one of the other reserve generals in the Zionist army and the former head of the operation room of the army, who knows Gaza well and, according to him, the meaning of war He knows this area well, he announced that we are far from the day when we will be able to surround the tunnels of Hamas.

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General “Ido Mizrahi” officer of the engineering department of the Zionist regime stated in this context, Hamas It knows very well that it has to preserve its essential equipment and in recent days we have witnessed dozens of operations by Hamas elements that have caused many casualties to the Israeli army forces. Also, media sources of the Zionist regime quoted military officials and The former and current security forces of the occupying regime announced that there is a lot of pressure from the families of Israeli prisoners against the cabinet and the army, which puts the authorities in a situation where they have to accept a ceasefire as a prelude to a prisoner exchange deal with Hamas.

“Nahum Barnia” Zionist writer and expert in Yedioth Aharanot newspaper also announced that victory for Israel in the current war in Gaza means returning all prisoners, the complete destruction of Hamas, the removal of Hezbollah from the border area on the northern front of Israel (occupied Palestine). Immediate reconstruction of settlements and security of abandoned settlements. But the truth is that there is no prospect of realizing any of these goals. At the same time, there is a growing concern among Israelis regarding the fate of the prisoners who are in the hands of the Palestinian resistance; In addition, a number of them were killed in the Israeli bombings against Gaza. The fact is that Israel will be forced to accept a ceasefire within one or two weeks at most.

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