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Bagheri’s warning to Israel: the scale of Iran’s response will be in seconds

Political Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs emphasized in a TV program: If the Zionist regime makes a mistake again, Iran's response scale will be in seconds.
– International news

According to Tasnim News Agency, Ali Bagheri, Political Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in a special news interview program He emphasized: A strategic mistake the Zionists made in the Damascus crime is that they provided a legitimacy for a serious test of Iran’s military and defense capabilities. If they had not done this, these conditions would not have been met, and if there is any rationality in the Zionist regime, they should not repeat their mistake with another mistake. He added: if they repeat another mistake, they should expect that They will eat harder, faster and more immediately. They should know that they will not have 12 days. The answer they receive will not be measured in days and hours, but in seconds.

Bagheri said that this is the authority that Iran has reached now. When Iran decided to court the Zionists for its national interests, it had a plan for their next mischief. Therefore, their creation of space in order for their mischief to continue in other fields, they should know that when they commit such a mistake to the Iranian embassy in Damascus, which is under the jurisdiction of Iran’s territory, and receive a harsh response, if they have a bad eye for Iran’s land, the response will be more severe. They will receive.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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