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Washington’s justification for supporting the genocide in Gaza

A reporter present at the US State Department meeting, referring to the country’s claims against Russia in the Ukraine war, challenged the deputy spokesperson of this ministry for supporting the genocide in Gaza.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, “Vedant Patel”, the Deputy Spokesperson of the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in response to a reporter’s question that “the US government accuses Russia of genocide, but besides Israel will stand”, he claimed that comparing these two conflicts is completely inappropriate.

He claimed in the November 7th press conference to justify the crimes of the Zionist regime: the conditions at all and In general, it is not the same, and making such a comparison is frankly inappropriate.



Earlier, a Turkish news agency with Publishing a video on his Telegram channel, he compared the martyrs and wounded of the Zionist war against the Gaza Strip in one month with the dead and wounded of the Russian war against Ukraine in 20 months and wrote that the number of dead in the Gaza war in just one month is more than the number of dead in Ukraine. There has been a war in this country for 20 months.



From the beginning of the aggression of the Zionist regime to 10,569 people, including 4,237 children, 2,823 women and girls, and 631 elderly people were martyred in the Gaza Strip until today, the 33rd day of the attacks. In addition, reports of more than 3,000 missing and 26,000 injured Palestinian citizens have been recorded. They are against the people of Gaza. Although many United Nations aid and health organizations have warned about the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza, the United States and Western countries, with their full support for the crimes of the Zionist regime, claim that a ceasefire in Gaza will only benefit Hamas.

G7 foreign ministers, including US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, said in a statement on Wednesday that they support a humanitarian pause in the conflict in Gaza, but refused to call for a ceasefire.

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publisher Fars news agency
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