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The dispute between the US and Israel over the timing of the end of the war in Gaza

America wants to end the war in Gaza in a few weeks, while the Zionists insist on the necessity of continuing the war for several months.

According to the Fars News Agency International Group, a Zionist media reported a dispute between American and Israeli officials over the time frame for the Zionist Army to achieve its military goals in Gaza.

Haaretz newspaper reported that while the Israeli army says it will take several months to achieve its military goal of destroying Hamas, the statements of American officials indicate that Israel can count on a few weeks at most. /p>

While the operation of the Israeli regime in Gaza entered its 35th day this morning, Haaretz wrote that this war has lasted one day longer than the Lebanon war in 2006. The burden of the situation is more difficult for Israel.

This analysis states: “Israel entered this war with terrible flaws due to intelligence failure and lack of preparation on October 7. When the forces of the Israeli army regrouped and started to fight, nearly 1,200 Israeli soldiers had been killed and 240 of them had been kidnapped by Hamas.”

His ground forces to the Gaza strip waited for 3 weeks. According to Haaretz, this decision was due to the many restrictions that the Israeli army was facing. Starting on the evening of Friday, November 10, it has been exactly two weeks since the Israeli forces began ground operations in Gaza. He repeated and asked the residents of northern Gaza to go south as soon as possible. From the moment he asked the air force to provide close support to the ground forces, the regime’s airstrikes inside Gaza became even more intense than before. The next step was very slow, but Israel’s armored and artillery forces resorted to heavy fire as soon as they encountered the slightest sign of resistance. And avoiding direct military conflicts with Israeli forces is the same.

Senior officials in the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Zionist Army told Haaretz that the area where the Israeli army is currently conducting operations is the most densely populated area in It is Gaza. The problems for operations in this area are complicated by two factors: first, the existence of Hamas tunnel network underground and the presence of very tall buildings, many of which have been destroyed by Israeli attacks.

The United Nations estimates that nearly half of the buildings in northern Gaza have been damaged or razed to the ground. It is possible that one of the parties loses its ability to function either because of surrender or because of the collapse of its systems.

This newspaper wrote: “Hamas is far from that point. This group is carrying out its duties in the north of the Gaza Strip and although it has been badly damaged, there is no surrender in sight. On the other hand, talks have resumed on an agreement for the release of the prisoners.”

Qatari and Egyptian sources are in talks to reach a limited agreement that Hamas will release 15 prisoners. release in exchange for a short-term ceasefire. The Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar reported that Hamas demands a four-day ceasefire and the release of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the release of the prisoners. The United States wants a two-day ceasefire, and Israel is only willing to accept a one-day ceasefire.

According to Haaretz, Israel’s first goal in this war is to destroy Hamas’s military capabilities and governance infrastructure. In addition, the Israeli army has been asked to increase the sense of personal security and internal resistance among the residents of Israel and restore the sense of security to the residents of the areas adjacent to the Gaza Strip, and at the same time be ready for the possible escalation of conflicts in the northern front.

Haaretz writes that this tone (common among the military) is much more professional and accurate than what the political decision-makers repeat. Herzel Holloway, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Israeli army, talks about dismantling the capabilities of Hamas and is very careful not to talk about the eradication of this group. defined (for this war), are very idealistic, and the ability to achieve them depends on three factors: having an effective military capability, allocating sufficient time, and the ability to conduct operations in the south of the Gaza Strip, where attacks on Hamas have been very few.

From Israel’s point of view, the issue of time is of vital importance in carrying out this operation. Israel’s field commanders are now talking about several months to eliminate Hamas’ military capabilities in northern Gaza, but Washington says that they have no more than a few weeks. Previously, Israel has completely avoided appearing in the media since the start of the war. According to Haaretz, he traveled to Britain in recent days as part of Israel’s efforts to gain the support of European countries for Israel’s long-term operations in the Gaza Strip.

The members of the London Jewish community who participated told Haaretz that they understood from Kochavi’s statement that Israel needs several months to complete its operations against Hamas. The New York Times also quoted on Friday morning American officials reported that the Israeli regime has limited time to carry out its operations in Gaza.

This American newspaper stated that American officials believe that the increase in the number of civilian casualties in Gaza will increase anger in the countries Arabization of the region and increased frustration in Washington will lead to restrictions on Israel’s goal of destroying Hamas. do civilian casualties. General Charles Brown, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on Wednesday that he is concerned that every civilian killed in Gaza could help recruit Hamas members in the future. interpreted as a sign of differences between Israel and the Biden administration. Despite the increase in civilian casualties in Gaza, America has declared its support for the actions of the Zionist regime’s army.

The Israeli regime launched attacks after the Hamas operation on October 7, which resulted in the deaths of 1,400 people. It has begun its offensive in Gaza and has declared its military goal to destroy Hamas.

Several officials in the Biden administration have said that the longer Israel’s operations continue, the more likely the scope of the war will expand. increase. In addition, several American officials have said that Israel’s strong response to Hamas attacks has led to an increase in worldwide sympathy for the Palestinian cause. According to the New York Times, the more Israeli operations If it continues, the possibility of America and Israel becoming more isolated will increase, due to the increase in requests from countries around the world for a cease-fire. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that there will be no ceasefire until the release of all the prisoners from Hamas.


publisher Fars news agency
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