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Zionists’ fear of the presence of Hezbollah’s “Rizwan” unit on the border between Lebanon and occupied Palestine

A Zionist media expressed concern about the presence of members of Hezbollah’s “Rizvan” special unit on the border between Lebanon and occupied Palestine and announced that the presence of these forces on the borders will cause Israeli settlers in the northern regions to not be able to return to their homes for a long time.

– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, amid widespread criticism of political leaders by Zionist circles and experts. and the military of this regime due to prolonging the war in Gaza and talking about its continuation, the Hebrew newspaper Ha’aretz referring to the statements of the officials of the army and the cabinet of the occupying regime that the war in Gaza will last for several months and on the other hand, the Americans are worried about not achieving their goals and There is a lack of time, he announced that the losses of the Israeli army in this war are increasing day by day.

This Hebrew media reported that the Israeli army forces are unable to achieve a decisive field achievement in the Gaza war. The army is talking about prolonging this war for several months. This is while America has sent signals that we don’t have a few more weeks. Haaretz further expressed concern about the presence of members of Hezbollah’s “Rizwan” special unit on the border of Lebanon and occupied Palestine and announced that Hamas Defeat is far away and the presence of these Hezbollah forces on the borders will cause the Israeli settlers in the northern regions to not be able to return to their homes for a long time. The resistance fighters announced that when the Hamas forces attack the Israeli forces from behind, great losses will be inflicted on the ranks of the Israeli army.

In the continuation of this report, the idea that the leadership of the Palestinian resistance surrenders or is influenced by pressure to retreat, is a completely wrong idea.

The Hebrew newspaper Haaretz criticized the performance of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and stated that he is not even able to express any sympathy for the Israeli settlers and continues to use clichéd and useless talk. He continues.

Israeli official: our life and death is in the hands of Hezbollah
Lieberman: 200 thousand Israeli refugees will never return to their settlements
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A senior Zionist officer also said in an interview with Haaretz, I have been wearing a military uniform for more than 35 years and I have learned throughout my life that my job is to create a wall that separates the settlers from danger. But we have to admit that we lost on October 7 and this defeat is not something that can be easily compensated.

Rezwan Special Unit affiliated with Hezbollah in Lebanon increases the possibility of this party entering the war with the regime more seriously. Zionism has become a component that has disturbed the sleep of security and military officials and Zionist public opinion. In this regard, the Zionist newspaper Yedioth Aharonot, quoting its military analyst Yossi Yehoshua, who has close connections with the security sources of the Zionist regime, states that as long as this unit is present on the borders of Lebanon, there is no hope that the residents of the north of the occupied territories whose homes They have evacuated themselves to return to their homes and lives.

Nir Dovari, a reporter of TV channel 12 of the occupation regime, who News Covering the clashes on the border of occupied Palestine with Lebanon announced that Hezbollah forces are within a few meters of us. This issue is very worrying for the Israelis and has caused panic among the residents of the towns near the Lebanese border. The Zionist media, expressing concern about the escalation of Hezbollah’s rocket attacks on the northern areas of occupied Palestine, announced that if Hezbollah wants to gain power They have the depth of Israel (occupied Palestine). The fact is that today the initiative in the northern front is in the hands of Hezbollah and the Israeli army is frustrated and has been on the defensive for a long time.

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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