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What happened in the meeting of heads of Islamic countries in Saudi Arabia?

The emergency meeting of heads of Islamic countries began in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, and the president of our country called for a decisive decision on the crimes committed by the Zionist regime in Gaza.

– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, Ayatollah Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, the president of our country, in a meeting today Saturday The heads of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, said that “we gathered today to listen to the cry of the oppressed Palestinian people” and stated: “Today the Prophet (PBUH) mourns the Palestinian people and today is a historic day in defense.” It is heroic from Al-Aqsa Mosque and the battle of right against wrong. >

Bin Salman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, as the chairman of this meeting, condemned the brutal aggression of the Zionist regime in Gaza and demanded an immediate stop to the military attacks.

The crown prince of Saudi Arabia added: the crossings Humanity must be opened to provide immediate relief to the residents of the Gaza Strip. Bin Salman added: We strongly condemn the brutal and cruel war against our brothers in Palestine and their forced migration from Gaza, and we demand the lifting of the blockade of this region.

Mahmoud Abbas: The Palestinian nation is facing an unprecedented genocide

Mahmoud Abbas The head of the Palestinian Authority also said in the emergency meeting of the heads of Islamic countries: the occupiers have started an unprecedented genocide against our nation and have violated all red lines. The head of the Palestinian Authority said that any action in line with Displacing the people of Gaza or the West Bank is condemned and he continued: The occupiers killed and injured more than 40 thousand people from our nation in Gaza, most of them were women and children.

Abbas noted that the Palestinian nation in The West Bank is subject to terrorist attacks by the military and terrorist settlers, and the United States, with its full support of the Israeli regime, is responsible for not reaching a political solution to this crisis. And we do not accept the military, because all these solutions have failed, we demand a solution to the issue of Palestinian refugees with international guarantees and a timetable for its implementation.

He added: The world will pay the price for failure to solve the Palestinian issue.

Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi warned that failure to stop the war in Gaza may lead to its spread in the region and said: We demand an immediate and unconditional stop to the war and prevent Palestinians from moving out of their own land. .

President of Turkey: Israeli crimes in Gaza are indescribable

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish President said at the summit of Arab and Islamic countries: Words cannot describe what is happening in Gaza, including the brutal bombing of hospitals, places of worship and schools. Turkish President added: In the Charlie Hebdo incident, several People were killed, the heads of the countries protested in Paris, but thousands of people were killed in Gaza and none of them showed any movement, this is cowardice and dishonesty. Erdoğan said: Everyone against oppression If he remains silent, he will be equally involved in that oppression. America and the West claim human rights, but unfortunately they have forgotten human rights in the face of Israel’s actions.

The President of Turkey noted: Turkey and many other countries insist that Jerusalem is a red line for us.

Emir of Qatar: what is happening in Gaza is a danger for everyone

Al-Thani, Emir of Qatar At the Arab and Islamic summit held in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, he said: The international community has failed to make decisions to stop the war and killings in Gaza. What is happening in Gaza is a danger for everyone.

Emir of Qatar added: How long should the international community interact with Israel as a government beyond international laws?

He further added : Before the war, we saw that some countries were immune to the killing of civilians and the bombing of hospitals and shelters.

Emir of Qatar noted: Who would have believed that hospitals would be bombed openly in the 21st century? The world system questioned itself by remaining silent against the bombing of hospitals and residential areas before it let us down.

Indonesian President : The Zionist regime implements the policy of collective punishment in Gaza

Indonesian president said at the meeting of the heads of Arab countries that the aggression of the Zionist regime in Gaza must be stopped immediately.

He added: Israel is killing civilians and implementing the policy of collective punishment. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian President Today Saturday, at the meeting of heads of Arab and Islamic countries held in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, he said: Gaza is not the main issue, the main issue is Palestine, and Gaza embodies the nature of Palestine and expresses the suffering of its people. The President of Syria continued: The withdrawal of most of the Arab countries is equal to the violence and massacre of most of the Zionists against us. To protect them from the genocide that is permitted?

The Syrian president said: The least thing we have at our disposal is political tools, not a statement and stopping any political process with the Zionist regime at its head. He added: “Talking about a two-state solution and the beginning of the peace process and other details are not a priority in this emergency moment.” Or there is no law about the “peace process”. Bashar Assad continued: With the new reality that the brave Palestinian resistance has created in the region, we have political tools at our disposal that enable us to solve the equations. Let’s change it.

President in Erdogan’s meeting: If the Saudi meeting leads to help for the Palestinian nation If not, the range of conflicts in the region will increase » Thumbs up for resistance to the Israeli regime/ Gaza’s big hospital is out of order/ Sheikh Al-Azhar: Stopping the war against Gaza is a “shari’a obligation”

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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