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Successful resistance operation in the West Bank/ 6 Zionist soldiers were killed and wounded

The Qassam battalions in the West Bank took responsibility for the “Beit Lead” operation, which resulted in the death and wounding of 6 Zionist soldiers.

– International news
According to the international group Tasnim news agency, the Ezzeddin Qassam battalions of the military wing of the Hamas movement in a statement from The courageous operation of the resistance fighters in the West Bank has led to the death of two Zionist soldiers and the wounding of four others.
Expansion of resistance in different areas of the West Bank/ The continuation of fierce fighting between young fighters and the Zionist military
Anti-Zionist operation in the West Bank / Two Zionists were injured

The Qassam statement states: “Beit Lead” two-way operation (near the settlement Bilaa in the east of Tulkarm located in the occupied West Bank) led to the death of two Zionist soldiers, not as the occupation claimed that one of their soldiers was killed. An ambush in which we caught his soldiers in an explosive trap and detonated it with explosive packages. Qassam battalions also reported mortar attacks on the vehicles of the Zionist aggressors in the west of Erez crossing. >

end of message/


publisher Tasnim News Agency
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