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Miqati: The conflicts in the south are the result of Israel’s encroachment on Lebanon’s sovereignty/we stay with Gaza

Emphasizing that the Lebanese are still with Palestine and the people of Gaza, the Prime Minister of the Government of Lebanon announced that the events that are happening in the south are the result of Israel’s encroachment on Lebanon’s sovereignty and the continuous and clear violation of Resolution 1701.

– International News

According to the international group Tasnim News Agency, Najib Mikati, Prime Minister of the interim government of Lebanon, during a speech At the extraordinary meeting of the heads of Arab and Islamic countries that was held yesterday in Riyadh, he announced that we have all gathered for solidarity and joint action to save Palestine and for an immediate and unconditional stop to the aggression against Gaza and the arrival of humanitarian aid to this region. We are trying to find a comprehensive solution for the Palestinian issue.

Najib Miqati, referring to the aggression of the Zionist regime in southern Lebanon and Hezbollah’s response to these aggressions, said that the incidents that occur in southern Lebanon are actually It is nothing but the result of the insolence and escalation of Israel’s encroachments on Lebanon’s national sovereignty and the clear and continuous violation of international resolution 1701.

The Prime Minister of the Lebanese government added, since the events in Gaza, I have personally received public requests to maintain peace and I raised restraint on the southern borders and warned against the spread of the Gaza war to southern Lebanon and from there to the region. Our option in Lebanon has always been peace and our culture is a culture of peace based on truth and justice, international laws and international resolutions.

Najib Mikati addressed to Blinken: Israel must immediately stop the aggression against Gaza and South Lebanon
Miqati: the situation in southern Lebanon is under control/we are trying to prevent the spread of conflicts
Miqati: I am sure of Hezbollah’s realism and rationality/ Israel should stop its aggression against Lebanon

This senior Lebanese official He emphasized that Lebanese people are people who will never tolerate any aggression against the sovereignty and national dignity and territorial integrity of their country and aggression against civilians, especially women and children. We are in Lebanon, but we are still on the side of Palestine, and we are paying the price for our position in support of Palestine.

Miqati clarified, I don’t need to emphasize that all Lebanese, without exception, are on the side of the people of Palestine and Gaza. and we hope that all Arabs will be a safe haven for the Palestinians.

According to Tasnim, the extraordinary meeting of heads of Arab-Islamic countries regarding the developments in Gaza, which was held yesterday in Riyadh, issued a statement of 31 articles. It ended itself. The participants in this meeting emphasized the necessity of breaking the siege of Gaza and the arrival of humanitarian aid convoys including food, medicine and fuel to this area. The participants in this meeting strongly condemned the brutal aggression of the Zionist regime and They emphasized that the revenge war of the Zionist regime should never be described as “legitimate defense” or justified in any way.

end of message/


publisher Tasnim News Agency
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