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Hammer attack on German politician

A high-ranking politician from the German Green Party reported that someone attacked him with a hammer and insulted him in his constituency office.

– International News

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency quoting “Focus” publication, Zian Omar, representative of the Green Party of Berlin, announced that he was attacked and racially insulted by someone with a hammer in his constituency office in Moabit. Of course, he was not physically injured. Omar said in the X news service: I submitted a report about this. This case started. The German politician who was attacked said: A passerby intervened during the attack and stood next to him. This politician wrote: Even if the political situation in the country becomes hot and tense, there is no justification for violence and verbal attacks of this kind.

Betina Jarash and Werner Graf The leaders of the Green Party in the House of Representatives also condemned this attack. They said: “The hammer attack shows that we live in a climate of hatred that we all have to deal with. Fortunately, no one was physically hurt in the attack,” they said.

Omar is the immigration, participation and asylum spokesperson of the Green Party. As stated on the faction’s website, he has fought for democracy, human rights and minority rights in the Middle East for years.

German government tightens aviation security law

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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