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Shamkhani: The support of the decisions of the Riyadh meeting are successful tools such as cutting ties

A member of the Expediency Recognition Council wrote about the statement of the Riyadh Summit: winning tools such as energy, trade, transit, severing relations and seats at the disposal of these countries in international forums should support the implementation of decisions.

– International news – Ali Shamkhani, a member of the Expediency Recognition Council, wrote on his personal page on the X program about the meeting of heads of Islamic and Arab countries in Riyadh yesterday: The statement of 57 Islamic and Arab countries in the Riyadh summit is a necessary condition for active action against the increasing crimes of the fake Israeli regime. but it is definitely not enough.

He added: winning tools such as energy, trade, transit, cutting off relations and seats at the disposal of these countries in international forums should support the implementation of decisions. .

Yesterday, the meeting of heads of Islamic and Arab countries regarding the developments in Gaza was held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The participants in this meeting emphasized the necessity of breaking the siege of Gaza and forcing the entry of humanitarian aid convoys including food, medicine and fuel to the Sahivinist regime in an urgent manner.

The participants in this meeting strongly condemned the brutal aggression of the Zionist regime and stressed that the revenge war of the Zionist regime should never be described as legitimate defense or justified in any way.

The final statement of the Riyadh Arab-Islamic meeting condemned Israel’s crimes in Gaza

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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