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Najib Mikati: I trust the rationality of Hezbollah

Emphasizing the need to stop the provocative actions of the Zionist regime’s army in southern Lebanon, the prime minister of the Lebanese government said that he trusts the rationality of Hezbollah.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, Najib Mikati, the Prime Minister of the Lebanese government, praised the performance of Hezbollah in the face of the Zionist army in an interview with Al Jazeera this afternoon (Sunday). /p>

The Prime Minister of the Lebanese government first said: “We are not in favor of war and we will not take any steps to start more wars in the region.” Lebanon emphasizes international and UN resolutions. Caution is still being exercised and we hope that the contacts will lead to a ceasefire with Israel in the south of the country.” Najib Miqati added: “Hezbollah behaves very patriotically and I trust the rationality of this movement. What is important to me is that Lebanon is far from war. We have always sought stability. We demand a ceasefire in Gaza as soon as possible. We continue to exercise restraint and Israel must stop its provocative actions in the south of Lebanon”. has entered into a battle with the Zionist army.

Hizbollah has so far targeted dozens of positions of the Zionist army, soldiers and technical equipment of this regime in the border lines of Lebanon using guided missiles.

At the end, Mikati also emphasized on stopping the killing of civilians in the Gaza Strip, and pointed to the recent Arab and Islamic summit in support of the Gaza Strip and said: “The results of the Arab and Islamic summit were much better than what I expected.” And I hope these decisions will not remain as ink on paper. I want the Arab countries, especially the countries that have relations with Israel, to put pressure on [Tel Aviv] to stop the provocative actions in southern Lebanon.”

end of message


publisher Fars news agency
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