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Anti-Zionist demonstrations in “Istanbul” and “Barcelona”

Thousands of Palestinian supporters held anti-Zionist demonstrations in Istanbul and Barcelona on Sunday.

According to the report of the international group of Fars news agency, in continuation of the international support for the Palestinian people and the declaration of disgust with the Zionist regime, citizens living in “Istanbul” in Turkey and “Barcelona” in Spain on Sunday in this Two cities protested.

According to “Anatolia” news agency, Palestinian supporters gathered in Barcelona at “De Francesa” railway station and expressed their solidarity with the Palestinian people in They showed amid the continuation of the Zionist attacks on Gaza.


Palestinian resistance said in a joint statement on Sunday: “The spokesman of the Israeli army spreads lies and false claims to exonerate himself from the killing of children.”

in This statement emphasized: “The occupying army has committed a massacre by attacking and bombing 5 hospitals [in the Gaza Strip]”.

Palestinian groups said: “We asked the United Nations to visit hospitals in Gaza to reveal the truth, hold them accountable and prevent the falsification of facts.”

The statement also added: In order to show a humanitarian appearance, the occupation took place after not proving their claims that the hospitals were military.” On the other hand, the Palestinian Red Crescent Organization announced Of the 18 ambulances that used to operate in Gaza City, now only 7 are left. They protested in Istanbul.


on Saturday Also, a very magnificent demonstration of the British people in support of Palestine and protest against the Zionist regime was held. According to news sources, the published images and videos of this mass demonstration of Palestinian supporters in “London”, the capital of England, are shown in pencil. Some news sources reported that the police clashed with the protesters. The London police announced that 82 protesters were arrested.

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publisher Fars news agency
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