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The UN pays tribute to its fallen staff in Gaza

The flags of the United Nations were flown at half-mast in honor of the staff of this organization who died in the Gaza Strip in the attacks of the Zionist regime.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, on Monday, the United Nations flags were flown at half-mast in United Nations headquarters across Asia and Africa, and the staff of this organization remembered their colleagues. who died during the clashes between the Zionist regime and Hamas in Gaza, held a minute of silence. At 9:30 a.m. local time, offices in Bangkok, Tokyo, and Beijing went into a state of semi-arrest a day after the World Organization reported that the number of martyrs and wounded in Gaza increased significantly in the attacks of the Zionist regime on Gaza hospitals.

A ceremony similar to this ceremony was held in Kathmandu and Kabul, and in Afghanistan, Roza Otunbaeva, the special representative of the United Nations Secretary General for Afghanistan, along with about 250 other people, paid tribute to The dead UN staff held a minute of silence.

This action takes place while UNRWA, the United Nations support agency for the Palestinians, announced on Friday. that since the beginning of the war, more than 100 employees of this agency have been killed in the Gaza Strip. has bombed targets throughout the Gaza Strip and will not agree to establish a ceasefire in Gaza.

According to the officials of the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza, Out of 11,000 people of Gaza, many of whom were children, were martyred during the retaliatory attacks of the Zionist regime.

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publisher Fars news agency
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