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Hamas: Burrell distorted the facts

In response to the statement of the EU foreign policy official against the resistance groups, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement emphasized that “Joseph Borrell” distorted the facts in this statement and supported the occupiers to commit more crimes.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) this afternoon (Monday) reacted to the statements of EU foreign policy official Joseph Burrell about the Palestinian resistance.

The European Union’s foreign policy official recently condemned Hamas in a statement on behalf of the European Union and emphasized “Israel’s right to defend itself” (More details).

Resistance In response to this statement, Islamic Palestine announced: “Joseph Burrell’s accusations against the resistance about using hospitals and civilians as human shields are a reversal of the facts.”

Hamas added: “This Burrell’s accusations are Europe’s support for the occupiers to commit more crimes against defenseless children and civilians.” We reject the testimony, the international recorded reports of the crimes of the ignored occupiers. We ask Burrell to withdraw his disgusting and inhuman statements immediately”.

end of message


publisher Fars news agency
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