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Newsweek’s account of the painful tragedy of Palestinian babies in Gaza

The death of several premature Palestinian newborn babies in hospitals without water and electricity in Gaza has caused the Council on American-Islamic Relations to call for the rapid “intervention” of the Biden administration to stop Tel Aviv’s brutal attacks on Gaza hospitals.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, with the death of several premature babies born in Al-Shafa Hospital, as the largest hospital in Gaza, which is now under siege by the Zionist regime, many organizations Human rights in America and Europe have asked US President Joe Biden to “intervene” in this war and ask the Zionist regime to stop its attacks in this region.

According to the report of “Newsweek”, while the officials of the Ministry of Health in Gaza stated yesterday that the Zionist regime has besieged Al-Shefai Hospital in Gaza and killed thousands of the hospital’s medical staff along with the patients and refugees inside it. , the Council on American-Islamic Relations has asked the President of the United States to act as soon as possible to establish a ceasefire.

has claimed that although he has clashed with Hamas forces around the hospital, he has not attacked this hospital and has denied the claim based on the fact that this hospital is without electricity and medical equipment.

However, “Associated Press” in a report quoted by the Ministry of Health of Palestine said yesterday that the fuel of the last generator of al-Shafa Hospital has run out and three premature babies were affected by it. Another patient also died in the machines and four hospitalized people.

Concerns are exacerbated by the fact that according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, 36 other babies are now at risk of death. and 1,500 patients in al-Shafa Hospital, along with 1,500 medical staff and more than 15,000 Palestinian refugees, are now looking for shelter.

Mohammad Abu Salima, director of Al-Shafa Hospital, told Al-Jazeera on Saturday that the medical devices in Al-Shafa are completely out of order and patients under special care are dying one after another. According to the director of the hospital, Israeli soldiers shoot anyone who is inside or outside the hospital. Jahani also wrote on his personal page on X social network on Sunday, “Al-Shefa Hospital is no longer operational.” is to act as soon as possible to stop the siege of al-Shafa Hospital by the Zionist regime. This council stated in a statement: If the White House allows the Israeli government to “kill” newborn babies, “there will be no return.” In this statement addressed to the administration of Joe Biden, it is stated: stop the crime against humanity in the largest hospital in Gaza right now and at this very moment.

The statement also said that the siege of the hospital, the use of snipers to kill displaced families, cutting off the resources needed to keep newborn babies alive, even It is beyond the actions of Netanyahu’s racist and genocidal regime and it is intolerable

The supporters of this statement have clearly stated that if the White House under the leadership of the Biden administration gives this permission to the Zionist regime to kill babies and other Palestinian patients and doctors, this government will no longer have a place among the American people and around the world.

Organization The British non-governmental organization Solidarity with Palestine, while expressing its support for the American-Islamic Relations Council, has joined the council’s call for a ceasefire and has stated that the only option to save 32 premature and critically ill babies in Al-Shefai Hospital in Gaza is to implement the ceasefire plan.

“Melanie Ward”, the executive director of this organization, also wrote during the publication of a post on the X channel: Babies in Al-Shafa’s intensive care unit die due to lack of oxygen because Al-Shafa lacks electricity and fuel. It does not have generators to run. He has warned about this issue that more babies will die in this center unless electricity is restored and the Zionist regime stops besieging this hospital.

He has expressed his concern by criticizing the Zionist regime’s proposal to transfer premature babies in Al-Shafa to another hospital and pointing to the dilapidated roads and many buildings. The damage and the inability of ambulances to be present at Al-Shafa Hospital has stated that there is no indication of safe transfer of premature babies to another hospital.

The executive director of the non-profit organization Solidarity Palestine in England has asked the international community to support the establishment of a quick and immediate ceasefire. He added: The life of every patient, whether it is a healthcare worker, babies or refugees in al-Shafa, is valuable, and international laws must be followed to protect the lives of all patients.

Now the Zionist regime is affected by the plight of civilians in Gaza, where there are about 2.3 million Palestinians, half of whom are children. , have been involved in war, has been subjected to increasing international pressure. This regime has even cut off the supply of food, medicine, water and electricity in Gaza, and with this action it has provoked a wave of criticism.

However, “Benyamin Netanyahu”, the Prime Minister of this regime, still under the inhumane support of the American President for his brutal attacks in Gaza, has ruled out accepting any ceasefire in the current situation.

end of message/


publisher Fars news agency
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