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Developments in Ukraine Efforts of the Kyiv authorities to get more military help from Washington

The admission of the reduction of the American possibilities to help Ukraine, the meeting of Zelenskiy’s chief of staff with Blinken, Kyiv’s emphasis on the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country, the European Union’s military aid of 27 billion euros to Kyiv and the estimation of the losses of the Ukrainian army, are among the important events surrounding the war.
– International news

according to the international group Tasnim news, military officials and the Ukrainian politician, in a conversation with the Chief of Staff of the US Army and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of this country, explained the situation of the armed forces of Ukraine to them and emphasized the need of Kiev to increase military aid.

Valery Zalogeny, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, had a telephone conversation with Charles Brown, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States Army. General Zalogeny himself announced this on his Telegram channel early today, Tuesday, and said that the current state of the battle front explained in detail to this American military official and reminded that the armed forces of Ukraine have the most difficult conditions in Avdiovsky, Kopyansky and Mariinsky routes.

It needs air defense and drones. In addition, the two sides exchanged views on issues related to the training of military and civilian forces and restoring the combat effectiveness of army units.

In a message on his Telegram channel, he wrote: “To The US Secretary of State said that we really need air defense and missile defense systems in order to be able to protect critical infrastructure facilities as well as grain corridor routes.” Ermak also He stressed that it is necessary to conclude a bilateral agreement as soon as possible to provide security guarantees, as promised by the leaders of the Group of 7. On Monday, at the meeting of the Council of Ministers of the European Union, he demanded to increase and speed up the military support for this country.

Previously, the adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine, Serhiy Lishenko, claimed It turned out that the West is not providing military weapons to Kiev as much as it has previously promised, while Ukraine needs many times more than what it has received to continue the military conflict with Russia.

Next, you can follow the developments related to the 629th day of the Ukrainian war:


Sullivan: The position of the US House of Representatives makes it difficult to continue supporting Kiev

Jake Sullivan, the US president’s national security adviser, admitted at a press conference last night that funding to provide what the US deems necessary to help Ukraine, because of the House of Representatives’ refusal to appropriate a double budget for this purpose, any The week will be more difficult than before. He promised that despite the reduction of the capabilities, the US government will continue to provide the weapons requested by Ukraine. We evaluate funding and opportunities, but this is becoming increasingly difficult. Conditions are changing and our facilities are getting smaller. “We will provide Ukraine with everything it needs, although with a full budget we can do more.” There was a serious debate in the US Congress on the issue of financing Ukraine. A significant number of Republicans are in favor of stopping spending American taxpayer money on a foreign country when there are so many unresolved problems at home.

Perspective Allocation of additional funds to help Kiev is still in an aura of uncertainty and the discussions about it continue. will win

Newsweek magazine this morning, quoting a representative of the US Congress wrote that there have been many warnings about the prolongation of the conflict, but it is not clear How many of its western partners are ready for such a situation. According to him, it is obvious that the situation in Ukraine is not going as expected, and this has caused concern for both Democrats and Republicans in the US Congress.

“Let’s face it, the military conflict in Ukraine is not going well,” said the unnamed US lawmaker. Because Ukraine has not become a platform that can win this war. Of course, the United States should not only maintain its policy of military support for Kiev, but also increase it to a greater degree and participate more widely in this conflict. However, I don’t see us moving in that direction.”

The congressman admitted that he doesn’t know of an easy and straightforward answer that would calm anyone down in this situation. For this reason, both “Ukrainians, Republicans and Democrats are worried”. American citizens who believe that their country helps Ukraine “too much” increased from 24% to 41%. forces to sit at the negotiating table

Ruslan Onyshenko, the former commander of the “Tornado” battalion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, believes that the West will finally force the Kiev authorities to sit at the table of peace negotiations with Russia.

This military official said in an interview: “I have come to believe that they will put us at the negotiating table. Who? Allies of Kiev. We call them like this. We call

Onishenko reminded: Ukrainian people have been completely enslaved by Western countries for a long time. They have lost the means to support Ukraine’s armed forces, so they will soon force Kiev officials to sit down at the negotiating table with the Russians to quell the conflict.

Criticism of Zelenskiy’s chief of staff on the theory of Ukraine joining NATO without the country’s eastern regions

Andrey Ermak, chief of staff of the president of Ukraine, night During a speech in Washington, the past emphasized that the theory of a fragmented Ukraine joining NATO, which was previously expressed by the former Secretary General of the alliance Anders Fogh Rasmussen, does not correspond to the principles that Kiev adheres to.

Ermak said: “Anders Fogh Rasmussen has not paid attention to our principles, although he knows them. These principles are very clear and decisive – no compromises will be made on the independence, territorial integrity, sovereignty of Ukraine. His latest suggestion is about how to take the first steps. The former Secretary General of NATO compares our situation with West and East Germany. While we have our own unique position.”

Zelensky’s chief of staff also agreed with the view that the former NATO Secretary General’s theory is fundamentally unworkable.

Upcoming trip of the European delegation to Kyiv to review possible security guarantees to Ukraine

Borrell pointed out that military aid and security obligations have already been discussed, adding: In the last European Union summit, he was obliged to increase the security obligations of the European Union in especially Ukraine.

The head of EU diplomacy stressed: We are working on this issue and early next month, I will send a mission to Kiev with proposals. I send that we will discuss with the Ukrainians. If I could, I would gladly go myself.

Furthermore, the EU’s foreign policy chief announced that the coalition had time to implement its plan to send one million bullets. And it will not have missiles to Ukraine until the end of the year. He added that Brussels has completely abandoned this task, but “everything depends on how quickly the contracts are completed and the factories can produce such a volume.”

Koleba’s emphasis on the need to create a special EU fund to help Ukraine

Dmitry Koleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, on Monday in The meeting of the Council of the European Union at the level of foreign ministers announced that the authorities of Kiev are counting on the creation of a special fund of the European Union in the amount of 20 billion euros for additional aid to this country.

Koleba said: “We are grateful for all the support received from the European Union. Now we are also counting on receiving the eighth contribution under the Peace Fund and creating a special fund in the European Peace Fund for the amount of 20 billion euros to help Ukraine.”

During his speech, the foreign minister also called for the increase and acceleration of military support for Ukraine. He said: Among the necessary procurement items are warplanes, artillery equipment, multiple launch missile systems, armored vehicles, tanks, ammunition, electronic warfare equipment, radars, drones, and long-range missiles.

In addition, he emphasized the need to speed up the implementation of the European Union’s joint plan to provide 1 million artillery ammunition to Ukraine.

Borrell: The supply of EU military equipment to Ukraine has reached 27 billion euros

necessary It should be noted that this amount includes arms procurement through the European Peace Fund, as well as supplies to individual member states of this alliance.

Previously, in early November , several EU member states, including Germany, opposed the allocation of 20 billion euros in military aid to Ukraine. In addition, the bailout plan may undergo changes, Reuters quoted a diplomat as saying.

Borrell details new EU sanctions package against Russia disclosed

Joseph Borrell, the head of EU diplomacy, after the meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels, also announced to reporters that the proposed 12th package of sanctions Anti-Russian may be presented as early as this week; The package will include new lists of restrictions as well as export sanctions that will also affect the supply of diamonds from Russia.

Borrell expressed his hope that he could submit his proposal for a new package of restrictions along with the European Commission’s proposal for the necessary regulations to implement these sanctions to the Council of the European Union. . He said: “This will include new lists of personal restrictions, new export restrictions including diamonds, measures to strengthen the oil price ceiling in order to limit Russia’s income and combat sanctions circumvention”. “text-align:justify”>According to him, this proposal is currently in the final approval stage and may be determined as early as Wednesday, November 15.

Hungary: Sanctions cannot bring Russia’s economy to its knees

Peter Szijártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economic Relations of Hungary, on Monday During a press conference with reporters, he announced that the European Commission intends to present the draft of the twelfth EU sanctions package against Russia this week.

Furthermore, Scijarto stressed that EU member states are “not ready to admit the damage that sanctions have done to the European economy and the low rate of achieving the goals”. He said: “The situation is that the European economy has actually shot itself in the foot due to the sanctions.” It also became clear that this is not a solution to stop the conflict on the battlefield, and as the conflict continues, the deaths and destruction will only increase, and it is clear that the hopes for the success of the Ukrainian counteroffensive have now become an illusion. p style=”text-align:justify”>At the same time, Siyarto emphasized, it must be accepted that the Russian economy “cannot be brought to its knees” through the tightening of sanctions.

Szijjártó: Despite the pressure, Hungary does not support the allocation of 500 million euros for arms to Ukraine

Peter Szijjártó, Minister Hungary’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations also announced that the country will not allow the next 500 million euros from the European Peace Fund (EPF) to be allocated to Ukraine until Kyiv guarantees that Hungary’s OTP Bank will again be blacklisted as a “beneficiary”. “international” will not be involved in a military conflict.

He reminded that he was under severe pressure in this matter in today’s meeting with the European Union colleagues in Brussels. “Of course, I didn’t agree to that and we will continue to defend our position,” Sciarro said.

In a meeting for Hungarian journalists, Szijártó also emphasized that Budapest will not allow the European Union to impose sanctions on Russian nuclear energy, as such action is in Hungary’s national interest. harms.

Ukrainian army losses have reached 190 thousand dead and wounded

The Economist magazine wrote on Monday in a report quoting American officials that in the United States, the total casualties of the Ukrainian armed forces during the military conflict with Russia were estimated at 190 thousand dead and wounded. According to these sources, the casualties include 70,000 dead and 120,000 wounded among the Ukrainian military. Ukraine’s “male” forces are increasingly being replaced by female forces, and this process will continue after the end of the conflict with Russia. According to this forecast, more jobs for women in the energy, transportation and defense sectors will be considered in the Ukrainian economy.

Ukraine developments| Kiev’s reaction to the proposal to cede territories to Russia/possibility of choosing Zalogeny instead of Zelensky
Ukraine developments| The prospect of peace talks between Kiev and Moscow and the role of the West in it
Ukraine developments| Zelensky’s intention to change the strategy of the war/Kiev should not depend only on the US

One ​​of the Ukrainian mass media (Ukrayinska Pravda) reported on Monday, quoting its news sources in the country’s military-political leadership circles, that Rostam Umerov, the Minister of Defense It is considering the dismissal of three commanders of the Ukrainian forces.

According to this publication, the possibility of dismissing these people has been examined in the past few months and the decision-making process has been reached. According to this information, the Minister of Defense is preparing proposals to remove the commander of the medical forces of the army, the commander of the operational-strategic group of the “Tauria” forces and the commander of the joint forces of the Ukrainian army.

Theory Zalogeny to create an army of robots

Valery Zalogeny, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of Ukraine, proposed to the president of this country, Volodymyr Zelensky, to create an army of robot soldiers. Is. In an interview last night, Yevheni Shevchenko, a member of the Ukrainian Supreme Parliament revealed: “Commander Zalogeny means robot soldiers: he saw these robots at an exhibition in New York and recently came to the president and said: In my opinion, what is needed to progress in the process The conflict is necessary, that is to use robot soldiers.”

This parliamentary official pointed out that Zelensky was shocked by such statements, adding: “You can Imagine Zelensky after hearing these words.

Forbes: The West is hesitant to supply more modern tanks to Kiev

Forbes reported yesterday, Monday, that the continued supply of German Leopard tanks, British Challenger tanks, and American Abrams tanks to Kiev has been seriously questioned after the failures of the Ukrainian armed forces in counterattacking.

In this article, it is recalled that heavy equipment, which was the main condition for the combined arms maneuver necessary to break the defense lines of the Russian army, was insufficient for the success of the Ukrainian army.

Forbes wrote: “Leopards burning on the battlefield became one of the symbols of the collapse of hopes for Russia’s defeat on the battlefield. Even the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zalogeny, has admitted the impossibility of achieving success. The military has found out about Ukraine and offers simpler tanks to Kiev. In addition, Washington officials have announced that they have already spent about 96% of the budget allocated for Ukraine and need to save in this regard. Meanwhile, the issue of approving US financial aid for Kyiv is still under question due to the positions of Republican representatives in Congress.

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