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Israeli Minister: Emigration of Gaza residents is a humanitarian solution to end the suffering of Jews

The finance minister of Netanyahu’s cabinet emphasized the necessity of moving the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip to other countries in the world to “end the suffering of Jews and Arabs”.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, “Bazalel Smotrich”, the Finance Minister of the Zionist regime, today (Tuesday, November 14), once again emphasized on the voluntary relocation of the Palestinian people from the Gaza Strip to other countries. Kord and said: “Voluntary migration and the transfer of Gaza residents to other countries is a humane solution to end the suffering of Jews and Arabs.” This Israeli minister is known for taking extreme positions. In line with the statements of another number of Netanyahu’s cabinet officials who want the migration of about 2.3 million residents of the Gaza Strip to the Sinai Peninsula and the migration of more than 3 million Palestinians in the West Bank to Jordan, he repeated these words.

For years, the Zionist regime has been talking about the settlement of Palestinians in the Sinai region of Egypt and claims that the Sinai Peninsula is the best place for Palestinians to establish their country there! This is facing a strong reaction from the Palestinian people and its resistance leaders, who declared that the land of Sinai belongs to Egypt, and Palestine itself is a land, and the Palestinian state will be formed throughout its lands from the sea to the river, and the Palestinian people will never replace a place. They don’t make their homeland.

With the beginning of the Gaza war, Tel Aviv once again proposed this old plan and in the shadow of the opposition of Cairo and the Palestinians, Israel aligned with the United States, to 1.1 million Palestinians. Residents of the northern Gaza Strip warned about remaining in this area and recommended that they be transferred to the south of the Gaza Strip, and the US government also explicitly requested the occupying regime to transfer the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip to a so-called safe place in the Sinai Peninsula by creating A humanitarian corridor supported.

The disclosure of information from inside the cabinet of the Zionist regime and the Ministry of Intelligence of this regime last October, shows that Israel is planning to expel tens of thousands of Palestinians from Gaza and force them to settle in Sinai has planned.

Avi Dikhter, the Minister of Agriculture of the Zionist regime and the former director of Shabak, also said in an interview with one of the Israeli TV news channels last Saturday: The nature of the conflict in northern Gaza requires mass migration and deportation. Palestinians living in Gaza City”. In response to the question of one of the participants in this conversation who used the word “Nakba” (the tragedy of the occupation of Palestine in 1948), he said: “Yes, this will lead to another “Nakba” and this will be the “Nakba Gaza 2023″ and everything will be over.” And it has worried some Arab countries, especially Egypt and Jordan, where the Egyptian president categorically rejected the transfer of Palestinians to Sinai, and Egyptian Prime Minister Mustafa Madbouly confirmed that they are “ready to sacrifice millions of lives for every grain of sand in Sinai.” .

Jordan also considered the resettlement of Palestinians to be a red line and the Prime Minister of this country, Bashar al-Khasauna, considered any move to forcibly resettle Palestinian residents in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip as a declaration of war.

end of message/m


publisher Fars news agency
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