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Human rights groups sue the Netherlands for supporting Tel Aviv’s aggression

A number of human rights groups sued the Dutch government for supporting the aggression of the Zionist regime in Gaza by sending military weapons to this regime.

According to the report of the international group of Fars news agency, four human rights groups have sued the Dutch government for its stance on the conflict in Gaza and stated that this country’s position is supporting Israel’s action. to the violation of human rights in Gaza.

According to the report of “Middle East Monitor” in the mentioned joint statement, “International relief organization Oxfam”, “A branch of Amnesty International International in the Netherlands”, the “Pax Christi Netherlands NGO” along with the “Netherlands Law Society” argued that the Netherlands “is partly responsible for the violation of the laws of war and the collective punishment of the civilian population of Gaza”. align: justify;”>These statements against the Dutch government have continued since the government of this country, despite the significant increase in the number of civilian casualties in Gaza, continues the process of exporting military weapons to Tel Aviv without paying any attention to human rights laws to continue the Gaza war. continues.

All the four groups mentioned in the aforementioned statement have asked the Dutch government to comply with their policy frameworks, the obligations related to the country’s constitution and adhere to the agreements act internationally.

The director of Oxfam stated in this statement that aid organizations want to provide civilian aid to the people of Gaza in this situation, however, according to him Israel’s extensive bombardment makes this impossible, and it has clearly stated: It is unbelievable that these bombs are being dropped on the people of Gaza thanks to the military support of the Netherlands.

“Dagmar Oudshoorn”, director of Amnesty International in the Netherlands, also stated that the government “loses all its credibility by supplying weapons to Israel.” He said: the danger of partnership The Netherlands threatens the country in violation of international and humanitarian laws.

The Zionist regime in its relentless and extensive air and ground attacks on Gaza since the start of Hamas’s surprise operation in On October 7, he martyred more than 11 thousand Palestinians, including women and children, and continues his aggression against civilians in Gaza.

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publisher Fars news agency
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