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International Quds Day is an opportunity to think for a sustainable solution

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of our country stated in an article entitled "World Quds Day and the necessity of global support for the Palestinian issue" in Qatar's Al-Sharq newspaper that World Quds Day is an opportunity to think about a real, responsible and sustainable solution.
– International news

Hussein AmirAbdollahian, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of our country, in an article entitled “World Quds Day and the need for global support for the Palestinian issue” in Qatar’s Al-Sharq newspaper, stated that World Quds Day is an opportunity to think about a real, responsible solution. It is sustainable.

The full text of the foreign minister’s article is as follows:

This year, we are welcoming the International Quds Day in a situation where humanity is witnessing one of the biggest crimes and genocides in history.

The profound human tragedy that has occurred in Palestine and especially Gaza in the last 6 months is another unfortunate and sad manifestation of the historical violation of the rights of the oppressed and resistant Palestinian nation, the violation of international laws and regulations in the geographical area of ​​the occupied territory. The nation and the explicit acts of force and all kinds of internationally recognized crimes against the original owners of the Palestinian land by the temporary and illegitimate regime of Israel. These days, not only innocent men and women and innocent Palestinian children are being harmed by these criminals. blood and soil are spilled, but hospitals, medical and relief centers, mosques and churches are not safe from the evil of the officials and soldiers of this fake and beastly regime. He considered genocide, apartheid and ethnic cleansing as a clear example of combined crimes against humanity.

Continuation of genocide and all kinds of war crimes in the Gaza Strip, the massacre of more than 33 thousand Palestinians in about 6 months, most of them are made up of women and children, in addition to preventing the fake Israeli regime from sending humanitarian aid and food to the entire Gaza Strip and the regime’s use of starving the residents of Gaza with the aim of continuing the genocide of women and children and forcibly moving them to the Sinai desert of Egypt and other lands Jordan has sounded the alarm of the most unprecedented humanitarian disaster of this century.

Now it is clear that one of the dangerous goals of the Israeli regime in the complete siege of the Gaza Strip and preventing the sending of immediate and sufficient humanitarian aid, Creating the conditions of social and civil collapse and destroying all traces of the life and identity of historical and civilizational Palestine. The attempt to forcibly relocate the residents of the Gaza Strip is a clear evidence of the malicious policy of the criminal Zionist regime in the deliberate destruction of the Palestinian nation and identity. Today, more than ever, it is necessary that the elements of the implementation of genocide and mass killing are being implemented. by the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip, it should be brought to the attention of international assemblies, the United Nations Security Council and the International Criminal Court and deterrent measures and effective punitive measures should be taken in this regard.

In addition, as a measure Urgent and vital, with the help of the United Nations, the International Red Cross, and the international community, the Rafah crossing and other humanitarian crossings should be fully reopened as soon as possible to provide the necessary conditions for the continuation of the lives of women and children and the people of Gaza.

We have held extensive consultations in international forums in continuous dialogue with the Secretary General of the United Nations and the World Red Cross in the field of humanitarian cooperation. In all these talks, as well as the talks with Islamic countries, the priority of providing aid at the same time as the need to stop the war has been seriously emphasized. Of course, we have seen that the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the head of the World Red Cross Organization have taken important steps, but in general, due to the complete cooperation of the White House and some Western governments with the Israeli regime, these humanitarian efforts have not achieved the desired results.

It is very unfortunate that despite the passing of about 6 months since the vicious attacks of the Zionist usurper regime against the Gaza Strip, we are witnessing a chronic inaction on the part of the international community, especially the United Nations and the Security Council of this organization whose main task is to ensure international peace and security. .

It is quite clear that America has been a main party in the continuation of the war and not ending it!

On the other hand, the expectation was that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, using various political economy and its pressure tools to play its deterrent role in stopping the war, but despite holding various meetings, this organization still lacked the expected and effective role in this field.

We hope that during the remaining days of During the holy month of Ramadan, with the efforts of Islamic countries and the practical responsibility of the international community, serious action will be taken to send humanitarian aid and save the oppressed people of Gaza from famine. regional, Islamic and international and global efforts to support the oppressed Palestinian nation more effectively than ever before and to witness the formation of serious, effective and deterrent regional and international measures to end the continuation of the brutality of the apartheid and Zionist terrorist regime against the oppressed Palestinian nation .

There is no doubt that despite the painful human conditions and the war situation prevailing in the Palestinian territories, the Muslim people of Palestine and the residents of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank with a strong will and faith in defending their homeland and natural and recognized rights They have stood up to their international standards and will continue to resist the occupation regime and the crimes of the profession with strength.

Now the whole world is saddened by the situation of Palestine and the oppressed but powerful people, whose miserable situation is a mirror of the sufferings of humanity and free people. It is the world.

We are confident that in this historical moment, all the freedom-loving and peace-seeking people of the world demand the preparation of the necessary grounds by the international community, especially the United Nations and Islamic countries, to take practical steps towards sustainable peace, to provide The violated rights of the Palestinians and an end to the terrible crimes of the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The Islamic Republic of Iran believes in the necessity of fulfilling the full rights of the Palestinian people and ending the biggest and most painful occupation of this century. , has proudly stood by the Palestinian people for several decades.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, emphasizing the importance of the Palestinian issue as the most important issue of the Islamic world, and emphasizing the need for the international community to pay attention to the occupation as its true root and The fundamental crisis in West Asia and the Zionist regime, as the most important cause of insecurity and instability in the region, believes in the necessity of solving the root of this chronic historical crisis and a deep wound on the body and conscience of humanity and the Islamic world.

World Day Quds, which is the initiative of Imam Khomeini (RA), the great founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, for the responsible attention of the whole world to the Palestinian issue, in addition to being an important opportunity to declare unified and global solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine and express hatred and disgust for the condemned Zionist usurper regime. Making supporters of this fake and criminal regime is a very important opportunity to pay responsible attention to the real roots of the old and painful Palestinian crisis. It has been inevitable on the part of the Palestinian people to commit all kinds of crimes and violations of their natural rights, killing and oppressing them, as well as insulting the Holy of Holies and Islamic sanctities. They talk about the truth and the real root of the Palestinian crisis, while the real root of the crisis lies in the 75-year occupation of the Palestinian land by a fake and rootless regime and the violation of the fundamental, natural and legal rights of a noble nation.

As long as the root is If the crisis is not given serious attention and responsible action for its treatment, lasting peace and security will not be formed in the region and the world.

World Quds Day is an opportunity to think for a real responsible and sustainable solution.


The Islamic Republic of Iran, emphasizing the natural and inherent right of the Palestinian nation to legitimately resist oppression and occupation, in a responsible action by planning a democratic initiative for the Palestinian issue and registering it in the United Nations, believes that if a referendum is held With the help of the United Nations among the original inhabitants of Palestine, including Christians, Muslims and Jews, this solution can end the oldest and most painful crisis of the last century in the region and the world.

Statement of the supporters of Jerusalem freedom on the occasion of the International Jerusalem Day


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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