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Hebrew media: A leader was buried with the slogan of death to Israel

The presence of millions of people in the funeral of martyr Ebrahim Raisi and his companions had a special reflection in the Hebrew media.
– International News

According to the Hebrew group Tasnim news agency

, Ynet, the online website of Yediot Aharanot newspaper wrote in a report in this regard: Thousands of people shouted death to Israel at the funeral of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

According to this media, Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas, announced during the ceremony to express his condolences on behalf of the Palestinian people and the resistance groups in Gaza. He came here, he declared, a chief had told him before his martyrdom that the entire Islamic world should fulfill its duties towards the Palestinians and take action to liberate their land, also a chief had told me that the issue of Palestine is the main focus of the Islamic Ummah. and resistance is a strategic option for its freedom.

According to Haniyeh, Raisi promised him that Iran will continue to support the Palestinian resistance until The realization of the goals of the nation and the nation will continue.

WiNet also announced that in all the ceremonies held in Tabriz, Qom and Tehran, the Palestinian flag will be next to Images of Ebrahim Raisi and the Iranian flag were waved and people chanted slogans of death to America.

Walla News also announced in a report Kurd, the leader of Iran, this morning at the University of Tehran, prayed over the victims of the helicopter crash carrying the president of Iran. Their coffins were wrapped with the Iranian flag and their turban was placed on the coffin of Ibrahim Raisi, which represents the Prophet’s lineage. By publishing pictures, he announced that the Natori Karta Jewish group also participated in the funeral of a president with their famous clothes. He emphasized that the presence of Ismail Haniyeh and Jewish rabbis in this ceremony is one of the characteristics of Ibrahim Rasi’s funeral. which took place in Tabriz and Qom, he wrote: The funeral procession of President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi and his companions, especially Hossein Amir Abdullahian, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of this country, has begun.

This funeral will be held in five different cities in Iran and thousands of people are expected to participate in it.

The leader of the revolution offering prayers over the body of martyr Raisi and martyrs of service

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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