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Criticism of the United Nations on the situation of children’s rights and police brutality in Germany

In a report focusing on the state of democracy in Germany, the United Nations Human Rights Council has criticized the state of children’s rights and high police violence in this country.

– International news

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency, newspaper ” Tagus Spiegel wrote in an article: In the Federal Republic of Germany, people rarely think about the state of human rights in this country. The UN Human Rights Council is now going to discuss this issue on Thursday. examines in the member countries. The situation in Germany will be reviewed on Thursday this week. The German Foreign Ministry has already submitted a report on this matter and a summary of the situation from the perspective of the United Nations is also available now.

There is criticism of the Federal Republic of Germany in the field of children’s rights. The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child advised the federal government to develop a comprehensive strategy for children’s policies. In this recommendation, it is stated that in this context, household expenses should also be examined in terms of their impact on children. The report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that the government plans to include children’s rights in the constitution. Zor expressed concern about the use of police officers in the country and also called for mandatory identification of all police officers. This action is currently only carried out in some German federal states. Nancy Pfizer, the German Federal Minister of the Interior, plans to introduce identification requirements for federal police officers in the future. “Racial racialization”, i.e. police searching people based solely on the color of their skin, has been repeatedly raised by representatives of civil society. The federal government also sees the need for action here. This is also shown by the current report of the Immigration Commissioner.

During this review, other countries have the opportunity to ask Germany questions.

Racism against blacks and Muslims on the rise in Germany

German government and states agree to impose more restrictions against refugees

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publisher Tasnim News Agency
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