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Clinton compared Trump to Hitler

In an interview, the former US Secretary of State compared the former US President to Adolf Hitler.

According to the report of the Fars International News Agency, Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary of State of the United States during the presidency of Barack Obama, compared Donald Trump, the former president of her country, to Adolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany.

Hillary Clinton, who lost the election race to Trump in the 2016 presidential election, spoke about the possibility of Trump returning to power: “His return to power means the end of our country as we know it. .”

He clarified in another part of his statement: “Hilter was elected with a legal process. Suddenly someone with those dictatorial and autocratic tendencies decided, “Okay, we’re going to shut down this (election) process and throw these people in jail.” And they usually didn’t make these things public. Trump tells us publicly what he is going to do.”

Clinton’s statements come a few days after the Washington Post stated in a report a few days ago that Trump He explained to those around him how he plans to use the Ministry of Justice to investigate his political rivals and critics if he returns to power. On the day he returned to the White House, he activated the “riot law”. Activating the law would allow Trump to use the U.S. military to crack down on protests and dissent.

Trump’s team is also preparing a potential administration with far-right lawyers who would be less troublesome. It will create for his plans in this field to suppress the opposition.

The results of a poll published by the New York Times on Sunday show that Donald Trump is ahead of Joe Biden in several key states. Trump faces criminal charges in four different cases and is scheduled to go to trial next year.

For Trump, winning the presidential election is the best way to avoid trial, and poll results show that Many of these voters have said they will vote for Biden if Trump is found guilty.

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publisher Fars news agency
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